>people here actually believe Marina's a satanist
People here actually believe Marina's a satanist
Ko je ta drolja?
Only because Kek wills it.
Neka """"umetnica""". Prebegla na zapad pre 40 godina. Dete komunjarske buroazije.
Guglaj "spirit cooking" da se nasmejes.
This doesnt look satanic at all.
It doesn't matter if she is or isn't. What matters is that voters believe she is and vote based on that
She isn't Satanic.
She's a goddamn fucking nutjob "art performer" that does occultist shit.
Many wouldn't care if she was serious or not. Just doing occult things gives power to evil.
Looks like something out of Excision.
Satanic or not, one can't deny the fact her "work" is absolutely repulsive.
>people here actually believe there's a global child smuggling conspiracy using pizza shops as recruitment centers
>all because "cheese pizza" is code for child porn on a Bhutanese needlepoint discussion board
she does Satanic shit ironically as some kind of art statement, the important part is that no Christian would sit through it
>lol he's just a clown who loves kids, stop being paranoid
It's modern """art""".
Westerners with money love that shit.
Literary Who?
inb4 some retarded Sup Forumslack MUHH PIZZA TACO conspiracy
You guys are worse than /x/ now.
This is the real answer.
>people here actually believe this is art
>being 'disturbed' by imagery that wouldn't even make BestGore's junk mail inbox
just another evidence that we need to ruthlessly genocide montenegros and their leader maymunko
God i wish marina was a dirty satanist
Nie pozwolisz żyć czarownicy.
*Tko je ta *umjetnica?
Spitting image of my gf, but her skin is [spoiler]dark brown[/spoiler].
Satanic ritual disguised as art.
It's that easy.
I know Polish and its pretty cool how I understood most of this without translation.
>kissing cousins
i'd rather fuck a cousin than a man
> spitting image of my gf, but my gf has worse features
What did he mean by this?
omfg like read her twitter lol i mean like she literally, she literally posted that she isn't. So like maybe she isn't lol XDDDDD
>married to a jap
spread all over that this is a jewish tradition because shes jewish.
this will finally trigger normies against the jews.
Ironic devil worship still praises the devil.
She is an unironic Satanist pretending to ironically perform Satanic rituals that she is unironically performing.
All false religion is Satanism.
Satan doesn't like loos either, and prefers open air defecation.
Most of us don't believe it. We do believe others believe it - and that's what matters.
In the words of Scott Adams, Perception is all that matters. If it seems like they're satanists and sows doubt, it does the job.
>sticking your pens in a poop hole
>sticking pens in a consenting adults vagina
Yeah, you totally showed us, disgusting faggot.
>States that promote degenerate sex
>States that promote the family unit
Marriage is between a man and a woman for a reason
Of course it's art goy. Only dumb red necks would find this repulsive.
>This faggot thinks that the semantics matter.
I don't give a shit that REAL satanists are just dindu nuffin tree hugging hippies. If they didn't want to get grouped up with this shit then stop calling youselves goddamn satanists.
You satanist retards are as dumb as women who walk around in a thong, and high heels just to go grocery shopping but then get mad when everyone treats them like a hoe. As if it fucking matters that they're not a hoe.
Doens't matter if it is really satanist or not, if people like to spend their weekend roleplaying canibalism, doig fucked up "art" involving body parts of dead animals, mixture of breast milk, blood and semen and god knows what else, I don't want these people to be in charge of a country
A person's aesthetic preferences mirror his/her virtues. She might not literally be a satanist, but she's a fucked up degenerate either way.
She may not be a Satanist but she's one fucking hot crazy cougar cunt. What a beautiful Serbian Jewess! Would love for her to immolate me as a sacrifice to Moloch as performance art... FUCK
doesn't matter now CTR faggot
Should have included spirit cooking in the meme.