If trump loses, will you all stop believing in kek?
I will
If trump loses, will you all stop believing in kek?
I will
It was a joke all along
It would mean that we haven't memed hard enough
Beliefs don't matter. None of this matters. Only Moloch wants you to think it does
kek is dead, it will be official come tuesday. morloch is the future.
Aeon of Moloch Ascendant
Trust the paki is speak ill of Kek.
Trump will Win
Praise Kek.
Nope. I will believe in kek even harder than before.
would you have thought MSM would be talking about pepe EVER?
that alone is confirmation of kek
he does not obey our will, he is the lord of chaos
Never believed that repeating digits on an anonymus internet board, where manifestations of a higher, godlike being.
Kek works in mysterious ways, faggot. The Great Happening of our Time might not be a Trump presidency.
We don't care, you atheist
It's all part of a larger plan
Do not doubt the mighty KEK
Trump will win
keep moving those goal posts, maybe one day it'll work out. Moloch's victory over shitty kek is assured
Kek is a just a meme joke. Do you really believe that some made up god who takes his name from ancient Egypt that only has exposure from Wikipedia is real?
Kek is a cartoon frog. He is a false god.
However, I have had feverish dreams recently of a horned figure standing on human legs. His whispers to me compel me to obey.
Please take this poll regarding Kek
Imagine there's a gun to your head that only fires if you tell a lie and you're asked if you genuinely believe in kek
It will put a damper on lur relationship, Thats for sure
Trump said he supports waterboarding. he said he "likes it alot". in case you are not aware of it, waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, and brain damage from oxygen deprivation.
It's illegal by international law, and interviewer asked him about why he supports a form of torture that is internationally illegal and trump's response was "i dont care".
Trump also advocated for killing the families of his enemies, including children and babies.
He is a fucking maniac
And if you are still not convinced he is a maniac, here is a video of trump talking DURING 9/11: "Now i have the tallest building in down manhattan :D :D".
He did not even bother mentioning loss of human life
Hillary wins. Kek wills it.
Echo echo echo
kek is the God of chaos, the primordial nothingness. he owes nothing to us. tzeentch is always correct because chaos always bends to the ways of chaos.
you put your chips in on split 8s, ride out the result.
fuck off, I was sincere
kek be praised
Trump supporters believe whatever they want, no matter what the facts are. When Trump loses, and he will, the Trumpeteers will keep on memeing long after the election is over.
Praise Kek
Trump will win
Fuck off, there is no Kek.
Debate me bro.
Shitlib your Corrupt Empress is gonna keel over even if she becomes President
Kek, please, give me a sign. I want Trump to win but we need you. Are you real?
Fucking leaf
lol Hillary counters your drive-by with Sercet Service! It's super-effective!
I hope KEK smites each and every last one of you nonbelievers.
Strongest possible dubs.
I will not. KeK would not stop guiding us.
No, I will still believe in Kek, I just never worshipped him. He may be a god but not my God.
I believe
Kek doesn't care if Trump wins. Trump is merely a vessel.
Nice singles, heathen.
How many times has the FSM came through for you?
I agree. You, american boys need to grow up
As do I
Hillary is the least corrupt politician I have ever seen. Republicans have been spreading lies about her for so long, it may be difficult for you to see the truth.
We failed kek because we haven't reached the huge 100 million get in the for the election
Not my fault, bro. I'm trying my hardest, but I keep getting banned. Blame the Mods.
Checkem, mister KeK!
Oh shit nigga. Khorne and Kek alliance when?
He already has lost. I have fully accepted Moloch into my heart. If you drumpftards still think Trump will win, you are delusional.
Moloch is a false god, kek is an agent of chaos, this is the time of resurgence and change. Kek is a necessary evil, Moloch has no power in comparison to kek.
Where is your false god now? Trump has already lost, kek has abandoned you. Accept the true lord of Chaos, Moloch, before it is too late.
hes with us, praise kek
Praise Him
Look, I am always been an atheist. I laughed at the ridicolous belief of every organized religion since I went to fucking middle school, but I must admit that if Trump should ever win, that 7777777 get will probably give me something to really think about.
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