Poll Closing Schedule

For you political junkies, here is the complete poll closing schedule for tomorrow.

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who /7pm/ here?

What is up with Indiana and Kentucky?

Thank you OP

Rigging it against people who actually hold jobs.

Bump for justice

Show up 7 am at polling station with family.

Will all vote for Hillary, probably just circle the option of all Democrats.

>polls closing at 6pm


This thread needs more cats







what's up with all these cats?






This is my cat



I don't get it, why are the western states open so much later?


So Juan and Pablo can get to the polls even if they take too long a siesta

time zones idiot


Timezones. All times are in east coast hours.

Time zones. This is all in Eastern time. 8 pm in California is 11pm in New York, but both polls close at 8pm local time.







This is why I'm a dog person. Cats are spooky and most defiantly not cute.




Sup Forums likes cats


