Tell me truthfully has Sup Forums ever lost a fight? Like seriously be honest everything this site has thought for we've won.

Trumps elections and rise to where he is currently is was partly due to us as a community pouring our effort and support to him. We may have started a nasty cancer, the alt-rights but hey that can be fixed in due time. Like I said earlier though give me a time when we lost to something? No? Well then what are bitching and worrying about.

Australia cheers and worries for you America, if china becomes the next big runner in the world replacing you after hillary fucks up, where on there list of colonisation and reeping. God bless you burgers please don't let the world slip out of line

Other urls found in this thread:


Technically, Sup Forums hasnt even won vs Reddit.

Apparently you weren't here during the last election.

>Trumps elections and rise to where he is currently is was partly due to us
Those delusions of grandeur. Jesus Christ. Trump researched for years after2012 to land on his current message. People like Cernovich and Scott are getting trends going and you rats hitching a ride on their coattails.

I'm not worried. Worst case scenario, Australia becomes a white ethnostate, the Israel of whites, while we tribes of eurowhites spread throughout the world and work to subvert non-white nations to make them more diverse by paying us poor victimized white people to live there and rape their women.

Sup Forums is lost
gook moot sold us all

Cernovich is a faggot.
He's literally a nobody making money off of Trump.

nvr 4get

You are mistaken. All of the AltRight fame fags on social media got popular by bringing Sup Forums to normies. Twitter armchair pundits and countless pol themed kikebook pages have become hugely popular among normies by recycling publications that originated in this very board. That's why the media and a presidential candidate are talking about us. That's why they are flushing money down the toilet to spam us with CTR attempts to kill morale.

Lol how retarded are you?

>has Sup Forums ever lost a fight

Don't know about Sup Forums in general, but Sup Forums pretty much loses everything. It's the laughing stock of Sup Forums and the internet in general.

>Like seriously be honest everything this site has thought for we've won.
And now you shall use meme powers to send me a big boobed round assed red head, who also has millions to take care of me so i can be neet.

I want to tell this kid that his parents are trying to make him a faggot in front of them, this shit pisses me off to no end

You're fucking delusuional


>Tell me truthfully has Sup Forums ever lost a fight?
Yes, trying to keep reddit out.

>not knowing about the tribes assblasting

Fuck off

Sup Forums is an awful toxic wastedump, but they are really fucking good at videogames.

Why is that kid dressed as Margaret Thatcher?

>if a herd of losers unite they can win
nope, lose+lose = big big big lose



We lose everytime

I thought I was the only person on the right who felt this way; I hate when molyneux brings him on because all he does is plug his self help book and adds nothing of real value to the discussion

/x/ couldn't magic a child's nose away if their lives depended on it

>all of this virture signaling

It's hilarious that the "adults" that took that picture couldn't tell you a single one of Hillary's policies, but they just KNOW that Hillary is the best choice for president!

Member Chanology? Member Anita? Member Gamergate? Member Ron Paul? Member Romney?

That was the first big loss. Just wasn't worth the price we paid.

Sup Forums lost the last election but most people for Ron Paul were just shitposting because we knew he would never even got the nomination.
Trump on the other hand got the nomination, ended up running against Hillary and is now running an extremely tight race so the two elections can't really be compared at least as Sup Forumss support works.

We also live in a very different point of time where it's exceptionally easy to swing the average person to the right just from making them look at the left.

last year: we have 33k emails its going to take us 8 months to go through them.
this year: we reviewed 650k emails in 8 days nothing to see here.

Not quite so delusional as the 'scientists' trying to stop us. Also, enjoy your last 48 hours of employment.

damn skypes
at first they deny ebola-chan to spread her love though Africa and then they delete our ai gf :(

>ctrl+f "bad things"
>zero results found

FBI: Bah, fuck it that'll do

gamergate was a net lose, sadly

GG won on the ethics front but then got totally fucked when 8 tried to turn it into a culture war despite the makeup of GamerGate being entirely too diverse for that to ever happen so they lost spectacularly there, however that stuff is the only bit that people remember.

At the very least though GamerGate raised public awareness of SocJus faggotry and swung many to the right.

theres no way trump will win when soros owns 40% of the voting machines.


This song covers the upcoming 36 hours.

>tfw in next 5 years we gonna say the same thing about this election. Sup Forums will be blocked and nothing like this possible again. these are the last days of internet golden age

hard-right nigger killer here,

goobergrapes did nothing but personify right-wing internet personalities as burger fedoras

the movement was a disaster on every front

At first I was nervous but I fully believe in Trumps victory, because these doubles say so


GG scored a few wins which are closely related with the Trump rise and the alt-right.. but it doesnt change that a couple of crazy whores and a tranny became untouchable celebrities and media darlings. And revealed us we are alone in the struggle


Could you really say that SocJus would be so universally recognized now if it weren't for GG and the light it shone on the issue?
I don't disagree that as the culture war side if things went it was a terrible idea and was universally mismanaged but it also served as a redpill for hundreds if not thousands of content creators that then went on to redpill others similarly.
Obviously the whole YouTube community that sprung up around it is a mess of nepotism and opportunism but it does its job no matter how poorly, it puts a more personable face and a sense of humour to what has been ingrained in the youth of today as a scary evil boogeyman.

What have we ever lost against Reddit?

>Could you really say that SocJus would be so universally recognized now if it weren't for GG

mentioned previously in the thread, the largest failure of goobergrapes lies in stoking the flames everywhere but the right places.

they lit a pyre on which the fame of everyone they attempted to crucify shone like a fucking beacon to the bleeding heart media, resulting in a total backlash toward whatever result they had hoped to achieve

zoey and the other fuckpuppets would be literal who tier if they had just been left in the dark and forgotten as they should have been. giving name to these kinds of people only empowers them

Funny, no matter what cheap tricks reddit ever used against us, we've always beaten them in every competition.

Zoey, brianna wu and the like are literally who tier.
If you weren't involved or didn't really have an understanding of GG (as most gamers didn't) then you won't have any idea who they are.
The long reaching effects are in favour of GG though, it's like how the USSR lost the cold war but because of them leftism and communism have gained some serious ground in western politics that they otherwise wouldn't have.

All of those people were embedded in those circles of influence/power when gamergate started, it just wasn't as public

None of them have any real clout anymore. No one talks about Anita/Zoe/Wu anymore and when they are given platforms they don't gather an audience of admiration. Kotaku/Polygon etc. are totally disgraced now etc.