How long until the American Era ends?

How long until the American Era ends?

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36 hours

Not soon enough



Kek. In all honesty, the american hegemony will last for sometime.
The chinks, who resent the widespread use of USD, unironically, propped it up for their currency devaluation.
With no real allies, and more enemies, and a housing bubble that is about to pop, burger will still remain the master race for sometime.

It won't. We'll probably invade and rape all of you when things get bad enough. No harsh feelings m8.

Already ended

delet this

it'll die with clinton. pretty awesome huh

Already ended. Just finished reading an article about this.

China is buying you out, niggers and mexicans are outbreeding you, your army now sucks, faggots, women, transgender and fat people, obesity is killing you.
Trump will win but what can one man do?

Link fellow Krautfag


The writing is already on the wall. You'll know we're completely finished when our kikes start leaving New York and Hollywood for China.


Pls... No bully

About 35 years ago, wasn't it?

They just got the Philippines as a new best friend forever

Remember it's China, Russia and the Philippines against the world

Historically Laos and Vietnam are probably closer to China and while I'm aware that Vietnam especially is momentarily leaning a bit towards the US the Philippines shows how quickly things can change. The Philippines was extremely pro-American just a year ago

It ended several years ago.
China is already buying up most of the world, you're just not noticing the impact yet.


>China, Russia, Philippines against the world

Don't forget

>North Korea

China's bitch.

>Iran and Syria

Russia's best friends in Middle East.


After the coup attempt, Russia and Turkey are strengthening ties. Erdogan was able to blame the downing of the Russian jet earlier this year on a seperatist general, allowing public displays of solidarity to commence again.

So it's more like Eurasia against the world.

>They just got the Philippines until a new color revolution happens, or Duerte gets droned.


lol at anyone who thinks the deep state will allow for serious challenges to our global power.

>After the coup attempt, Russia and Turkey are strengthening ties. explain this then

I think next 20-30 years will be quite interesting. China and the poos in the loo will keep rising and US doesn't want to lose its power, so I predict US will do something dramatic at some point.



depends entirely on world adoption of the sino-russian SDR and gold/oil market.

nothing else will do it.

America runs all your shitty countries Achmed. Their era will end when Straya decides it will end. Meanwhile all Eurofags can fuck off on their magic carpets to Mecca.




Pretty fucking soon and best of all you'll get to watch it fall the next 4 years

About mid century when america hit less thatn 50% non-hispanic white and it balkanizes