Trump loved 9/11

Trump on 9/11: "Now i have the tallest building in down manhattan :D :D :D YAY!!!!"

He did not even bother to mention a single loss of human life

Other urls found in this thread:

We also loved 9/11 you fucking Jewish rat, hail Hitler, gas the kikes, race war now.

I'd be happy to have the tallest building in Manhattan

Trumps always been a fucking scumbag


Fucking CTR shills

On 9/11 itself you fucks.

>it's fucking nothing

I'm CTR and it isn't even dirt on him.

How much does it hurt when you see this Shit on your feed?

I stand 100 fucking percent with my fellow countryman on this.

Fuck you, kike cunt.

How much does it hurt when you see this Shit on your feed?.

Man I love this fucking guy, he would love Sup Forums and you know it.

Was mentioning the obvious going to help the situation? I don't think so, Schlomo.

Instead he chose to throw a bit of trivia out there: he now had the tallest building in Manhattan. If anything, he was informing the people of new facts and statistics while keeping cool under pressure. What a President he will be!

Who cares about rich people in a LITERAL IVORY TOWER?

>having a kikebook account

You are a fucking faggot.

That's true, Satan. He'd probably buy it and hire a team of experts to keep the CTR away too.




Is that where blacks sit around and try to convince themselves that Clinton and the democrats give a shit about them?

Nice try CTR

This is totally awesome, Trump should use this vid to knock the last undecided #neverher dems into voting Trump. He's a smart motherfucker, and he's gonna make a great president.

What is DOES highlight is just how naive and brainwashed the anti trumpers are. They litterally believe the MSM and establishment rhetoric that a vote for Trump makes you a racist bigot. British pro euro camps tried to pull the same thing on the British voter and LOST HARD.

>Doc Choc in non-SS clothes.

I hate this bitch

1. You are not CTR
2. Showing zero empathy to victims during 9/11 is absolutely maniac

I know, right? It's like 1945 all over again and the story of the holohoax was just being written.

Anyone noticed that nearly everyone calling themselves a "political junkie" is either a basic bitch or a numale, and always heavily left-wing?

Here comment section from the first pic

Lawrence Green is our guy, infiltrating that den of filth to tell this negress what's up.

He doesn't even show his true power level

That's why it's infiltration and not outright invasion.

True. This thread is dead toothpaste bro I'm out