It's an All newspapers in your country shill for Hillary and makes Trump look like Hitler episode

>It's an All newspapers in your country shill for Hillary and makes Trump look like Hitler episode


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Lugenpresse will fall

Media in brazil shills Hillary as a gold old lady and trump as a lunatic clown.

I know that feeling.

Going to be great watching their meltdown after Trump wins.


Lügenpresse is in full swing in Germany as well. Unsurprisingly.

It's a old tactic
Hell, we went to war with you over yellow journalism

This. It's fucking sad.

Almost every media here is like
"Trump: the new Hitler?" and goes on about how the polls clearly show Hillary up by thousand of points.

I just had lunch, it was a nightmare, I had to reveal my power level to everyone.

I told them how "the wall" is an old project that Hillary supported, but failed to achieve, and how Trump simply aims to make it happen for good. I told them about Benghazi. I told them about the Arab Spring and Ukraine being caused by CIA. I told them the truth about ISIS. I told them about Huma Abbedin. I told them how corrupt that bitch is.

>well Trump is a Russian spy anyway

Then I shouted and got kicked out of the pizzeria we were eating in. Now I'm eating a baguette.

I don't regret anything.


Well I wonder why our media does that:

>tfw our media was pro-Hillary for months
>Now its suddenly pro-Trump

"Is Trump a fascist?", right next to angel looking Hillary for an article about her new "super awesome plan". Fuck the Norwegian media.

I know that feeling

Hey we have the same media!

>when you thought you couldn't hate your public media more than you already did but they found a way

Euro news stations do this too, it's insane. Oh well. Make Hillary some noble goddess and Trump an evil rich villain.

"[...] and new director of Leading European Newspaper Alliance (LENA). LENA is launching later this month to strive for the consolidation of an Europe-wide public opinion. [...] Die Welt from Germany, El País from Spain, La Repubblica from Italy, Le Soir from Belgium, and Swiss dailies Tages-Anzeiger and Tribune de Genève have already signed, each an opinion leader in their respective markets."

It is all rigged over here.

Post anti Trump headlines from your cunt

>wait at a bus stop to reach my college
>Every stop has a government funded newspaper that is essentially free
>Every article is written by a feminist
>The same woman writes these articles like "we all know who really won the debate (sHillery)"
>You can already imagine she is covering her ears and shaking her head at everything that has gone on
>Everything she does is either about the election cycle or a feminist help article for troubled women

birds of a feather...

Same here.
I'll be laughing all day when the 9th comes as I watch the damage control.

And worse of all? Those are from (((right-center))) wing newspaper... Hell, ABC is our monarchy newspaper since fucking forever.

Can confirm, trump is portrayed as Hitler incarnate here. Fucking hate this shit.

Reporting in

Same here, our "right wing" papers not only portrays him as Htiler, they shit all over our anti immigrant party all the time, no difference between our leftist and right wing media whatsoever

And yet so many Swedes fall for it over here, it seems like being this naive is imprinted in our genes

People seriously think there the right wing news stations and left wing news stations are completely separate from one another and not just false confirmation bias.

People honestly still think fox news isnt run by the same people controlling CNN. It's so blatant that when they work together people think it's genuine

Same shit here.
The MSM are shit.

First headline on Google News app.


Our media write that both candidates are bad and it doesn't matter who will win for our relations but world markets will go down if Trump will win. They also write that most likely Hillary will be winner.

They are not making him look like Hitler he is making himself look like Hitler he needs no help from anyone.

looks like a scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head that a squirrel died on top of perfect representation of Trump

lol Drumfkins btfo!!!! XD

Says the 12 yr old.