Why don't more women choose engineering?

This article is amazing, especially the implication that all these girls secretly want to be engineers, they're just discouraged from it by the patriarchy, and also the suggestion that for some reason... it matters this much? Why does it matter?


>When Dawn Bonfield, the former chief executive of the Women's Engineering Society, ran a stand recently at a big military airshow, she was in for a shock.

>There were around 900 Brownies [girl scouts for you Americlaps] amongst the crowd and Ms Bonfield recounts, "I'm saying to all these girls, 'Do you know about engineering, would you like to be an engineer, have you thought about engineering?'

>"And in the whole day... probably five or six of them said yes. Every other one said no, just straight out no."

Other urls found in this thread:


Because they're dumb and cannot think in abstracts or numbers.

Here's the most egregious part:

>The UK is following suit. Several universities and colleges are finding new ways of teaching engineering that are aimed at pulling in a more diverse group of students.

>Some courses are experimenting with dropping physics and maths A-level as a prerequisite for engineering. Others are offering courses, such as humanitarian engineering, which are popular with women.

>As if to prove Ms Nilsson's point, Helen Macadam says she was attracted to the rail industry because it is a "useful and important part of our community".

>But she has another solution to the engineering problem. "Maybe, if we didn't call it engineering, if we didn't say, 'Do you want to be an engineer?'" she suggests.

>"If you just completely rebranded it and said, 'How would you feel about a career being a problem solver?' That immediately just sounds like something that you can apply to anything, that you could do in whatever context interests you."

>The A-level students at the John Warner School would probably agree with her. They are aware that women are not stereotypically seen as problem solvers, but that's not their view.

>"Women are good at fixing problems," Alice, Georgia and Cerys tell me. "Men are expected to do it and praised when they do do it, but women kind of do it naturally and it doesn't get really noticed."

>Some courses are experimenting with dropping physics and maths A-level as a prerequisite for engineering. Others are offering courses, such as humanitarian engineering, which are popular with women.
>humanitarian engineering

Just because you call it engineering doesn't make it engineering god fucking damnit it's just gender studies 2.0


>they're just discouraged from it by the patriarchy
Stopped reading there

Slide thread, everybody move on with your lives, nothing to see here

>new ways of teaching engineering
>experimenting with dropping physics and maths A-level as a prerequisite for engineering
wonder what the new way of teaching entropy is?

>they're just discouraged from it by the patriarchy

>How would you feel about a career being a problem solver?
Oh wonderful, I look forward to the future where psych majors declare themselves as engineers.

>but women kind of do it naturally and it doesn't get really noticed.

>"If you just completely rebranded it and said, 'How would you feel about a career being a problem solver?' That immediately just sounds like something that you can apply to anything, that you could do in whatever context interests you."

>what if we made engineering non-technical and non-specialised and completely meaningless and useless

Literally all the world's problems are created by women, they can't solve anything

>"It appears that there is a more generalized interconnectivity in the female brain than in the male brain," she said. "A male brain is more specialized, has more independent modules."

basically men are better specialising and focusing on a specific task. Women who have brains well-suited for specialising in difficult careers are rare.

and this is from the cucked ultra-feminist Canadian propaganda network.

What about the firefighters ? The world deserves more female firefighters.

That means that 0.5% of the girls wanted to be engineers. If .5% of boy want to be engineers that means there will be 1% of the population with such a career. UK population is 64 million, so that would mean 640 thousand engineers.

>Why don't more women choose engineering?
Because of the math involved. Anything above High School Algebra scares them off. They don't even attempt.

Well OP, they're just not smart.

Women are becoming literal cancer of earth

Let west collapse and start again when ?


We need less engineers period. It's over saturated right now. On average, 40% of engineering graduates are finding jobs. If you want to be an engineer, you better know someone who can get you a job. Or be top of your class.

Norwegian documentary series Hjernevask talked about this. It said in a developed society, where we can choose our ideal career, there are clear differences in which jobs different genders choose because of genetics. It is a pretty redpilled series to watch.

>what if we made engineering non-technical and non-specialised and completely meaningless and useless

Well then, we'd call it Mathematics

>Some courses are experimenting with dropping physics and maths A-level as a prerequisite for engineering. Others are offering courses, such as humanitarian engineering, which are popular with women.
>But she has another solution to the engineering problem. "Maybe, if we didn't call it engineering, if we didn't say, 'Do you want to be an engineer?'" she suggests.
>"If you just completely rebranded it and said, 'How would you feel about a career being a problem solver?' That immediately just sounds like something that you can apply to anything, that you could do in whatever context interests you."

This sounds an awful lot like -social- engineering and if my memory serves correct, that is one of the core tenants of sociology as taught in universities.

College happy liberals running around and redefining everything is nothing new. But now they have to completely hijack an existing discipline and give it a makeover to make it appeal to "a more diverse group of students.". This is despite the fact a very similar discipline already exists (sociology), already greatly looks like the end result of their desire makeover and is extremely left wing in nature so much that is a major source of this kind of mentality in the first place

I'm at a lost for words of what to call this? This is worse than crazy, this is worst than idiotic, this is worse than the Ouroboros eating it's own tale.

This shit is like a mutually assured destruction doctrine

>Since we're too stupid, lazy, unmotivated and worthless to earn the degrees that earn good money, lets infect them with our intersectional nonsense, turn them into a joke and ruin them for everybody

Oh wait, now I remember the word for that; Marxism. But I'm sure everybody else already knew that

This picture makes me afraid of candles.


Why do studies when you can cruise on your looks and connections.

By definition, someone picking a STEM field is an asocial wreck.

Nobody with a sane mind and a bit of socializing skills would do a STEM major. This is the reason why these fields are populated in majority with ugly, awkward nerds.


>Why don't more women choose engineering?

Because they don't want to be engineers.

Why the fuck do retards focus on these non-existent problems?

Does it have English subtitles, link?

maths is technical

Girls, like niggers, will never achieve anything until they start blaming themselves for their own shortcomings.

Because men and women are different. Women also don't choose to fight on the front lines of the army and die.

>"Women are good at fixing problems,"
I think she meant causing problems

>>>Some courses are experimenting with dropping physics and maths A-level as a prerequisite for engineering. Others are offering courses, such as humanitarian engineering, which are popular with women.

A woman's brain is 15% smaller than a man's brain.

>Why does it matter
because engineering is a traditionally successful field for people that enter it. They don't care about equality anywhere else.

>humanitarian engineering

>Why don't more women choose a job that involves logic, critical thinking, and accountability.
The fact that you have to try and force this shit on girls and have a majority say "no thanks" should be the cue to leave it alone.
You can try to make false boasts about women being better at X, Y, and Z to boost your collective feminine egos but the fact remains that boys and girls are innately different.
It's like trying to force boys to take up sewing because you feel the fashion world needs more male fashion designers. Most boys are going to say no.

Women aren't men
Women are jealous of men

The reason is that those STEM majors tend to go hand in hand with high paying jobs, thus leading to the supposed wage gap, which is actually just a gap in earnings. More men in STEM --->men earn more money ---> women are disadvantaged. That's the logic anyways and yes, it's retarded. That's why they have a problem with it though. It basically just amounts to "GIBS."

I'm watching it too

>mental health engineering


because it's a real job, that takes common sense to do.

You can't smile, be pretty and skate by.

End of story. Like all other real jobs. That you must use your brain. Women are scarce.

remember, the differences in sexes. Women do not have logic skills

Sweden: the most "gender equal" country yet differences in profession choice remain. We should expect that the gap was at least a bit smaller, no? It isn't.

Nah. Women are not dumb. They just don't care.

>dropping physics and math

If I wasn't an autistic kid that also was doing well in maths with small effort, I would have choose maybe marketing or communication or maybe finance and banking. Any bullshit that earn far more than an engineer and is really easier to achieve with less technical skills and more bullshiting skills.
Then if women chose to become a teacher or a social worker... What can I do for them? Engineering is terrible in term of social interactions. It's suffering for someone who would not work alone 90% of his time.
Just rebrand social worker as social engineer if you want. But I feel sorry for the poor girls that will be force into engineering just because it has to be done by women for some reason.

Wait there not actually called brownies are they, top kek.

you have it wrong friendo because of diversity quotas universities are flooded with women. They just never pick the STEM fields. Men are severely disadvantaged when it comes to applying to STEM fields because women with lower averages get accepted first.

I'm a machine designer.

also female.

Have you read a book by Marx? Didn't think so.

Leave him alone.

And this is why your society is fucked up. Dumb but connected people are in power,

Confusing metaphors or humanitarian agenneering will ignore the problem.

Watch the documentary now. It says the gender ratios in different professions are astoundingly stable. I wonder what will happen if we try to push women into engineering. I doubt they will be able to change the field at all, aside from superficial things like calling it 'problem solving' rather than engineering, which I don't think will make any difference. Maybe soon people will just be forced to realize that men and women are in fact different. Equality yet diversity.

Next they're going to teach sewing and cooking and rebrand it as advanced mathematics because there are numbers involved in measuring and weighing things.

>Some courses are experimenting with dropping physics and maths A-level as a prerequisite for engineering.
God, I hate this country.

The earnings gap is only a problem because women choose to interpret it as such. Basically feminism has caused these problems.

Before feminism:
>everything's hunkydory

After feminism:
>the breakdown of marriage
>more people have to fend for themselves
>a war of the sexes
>women want more representation in roles typically dominated by men

Ignorance is bliss, basically.

Then why white ”men” having less income than Asian women?

>discouraged from it by the patriarchy

the whole question is wrong. students don't choose engineering, engineering chooses students. when i went through school, the system tried to weed them out the first year. computer programming (logical decision-making) is one of the first obstacles. and after that, it's just a steady progression of math and math-based concepts.

sorry, but there is no politics here. you either do the work, or you fail out. and guess what, most men can't hack it either.

besides, women in engineering have done the studies themselves, and the cold hard fact is that within the profession itself, men will still be 1 standard deviation above women engineers. that's just the way it is, because of the way most male and female brains are wired from birth.

You're technically correct, the best kind of correct!
But really its like saying that asocial people excel at engineering and people with mental disorders/irregularities excel at arts and poetry. While it may mean that those kinds of people are predisposed to adopting and succeeding in the dicipline it doesn't mean that the dicipline is populated solely by those kinds of people.

jej, was looking for this picture.

>Why the fuck do retards focus on these non-existent problems?
It's the regressive left and their child like mentality that the world should be fair. Men go and do hard jobs and get paid for it and lliberal women think it's not fair so they project this shit on girls. They then try to force change to fit their comfort and want others to do the work for them.
It's like the Oscars shit. Blacks felt it was unfair that whites were winning a stupid trophy because there are more white actors in the industry and they do more popular films than blacks. They cry bully and tried to force everyone else to change it for them instead of you know make more black movie that aren't shit.
If these dumb cunts want more women in STEM then why not go into it themselves? Notice the loudest ones aren't even trying to pursue a career in STEM. It's some weird form of nag tactic. Make a fuss until someone notices and changes the world for you.

As messed up as rebranding is, there's some fucked up truth to it. In college I struggled getting past the "what major are you?" question with girls because almost every time I said "Bioengineering" they were either too intimidated or felt like they could never relate to me. To that point, one of my girlfriends suggested that I start introducing myself as a guy who is majoring in "Biology with an emphasis in Engineering," which honestly worked out better socially.

Women dont look at things and think, "how can I make an improvement" They think, "how can this improve me".

You want to get more women in to it, top making women then. Men and women have different rolls and outlooks, they dont need to be the same.




The whole thing is retarded. There aren't many women in engineering because it simply does not appeal or interest them at all.

You will get the odd nerdy women who actually is interested in engineering and so on and these articles must be highly insulting to them.

I agree. It's only a problem if women are choosing to compete against men, which is something nobody ever wanted, because women ARE NOT MEN and cannot compete. Women continually act surprised when they go up against men in any field and get BTFO every time when it's only natural. Women were never meant to compete with men and it hurts everyone, men, women, and children, when they try.

asian woman will go into biological science or medicine.

also, asians that come to america are smarter than asians that stay in asia.

so what you're saying is we need more women cement workers for true equality?

I can get behind that statement

Whats this show in your pic called again?

>Have you read a book by Marx? Didn't think so.
I've read Das Capital and Communist manifesto. Mass standardization of mediocrity and equity at the cost of merit has always been a component of hard left wing politics and always will be.

>Leave him alone.
Marx was a filthy Kike
His ideologies are garbage
Anybody who unironically supports them should be gassed for the sake of the rest of us

Kindly fuck off back to your cesspool of starry-eyed, quixotic, absent minded professors

Germany and Germans were a mistake.

Reminder that in many places, the word engineer is a protected title by law. You must meet specific requirements to declare yourself an engineer, the first of which being an accredited engineering degree.

>Yellow privilege

Disgusting gibb me gibbs

Hero Yoshihiko (Season 2)

Good, let's dumb everything down so it's easily digested by everyone.
From an evolutionary perspective

And fuck those asshole colleges who are willing to sacrifice even science if it means they'll get more customers. Because that's how they treat you students, as customers.

>Demand for Engineers is increasing
>Young boys are shoved to the side in the education system because "muh patriarchy"
>Women don't want to go into Engineering

So due to the shortage, they are going to lower the standards for Engineering. People are going to die left and right due to product failure and we're going to be dealing with that at the same time as a huge increase in the number of under educated men with no job prospects who will end up turning to crime in order to survive.

Recipe for disaster.

stay mad abo san.

- Women don't have autistic systematic brains like men, engineering appeals to the male mind

- Engineering is hard

- Engineering is potentially dirty

- Women can do much easier jobs for a little less money

- Failing all else women can trade sex and validation for a man's money

nah, they'll just have worthless degrees as their jobs go offshore.

Don't know you but I've never read something this level retarded, I swear.

I don't even understand how they managed to publish this shit. I mean, in the whole process of getting the interview, wrote the piece, correct the piece and approve the piece there is no one with at least two working braincells left in the media?

Wow. It's like boys and girls like different things. Who could have known that, except everyone since forever?

>>Some courses are experimenting with dropping physics and maths A-level as a prerequisite for engineering. Others are offering courses, such as humanitarian engineering, which are popular with women.

Nowhere half-decent, I can guarantee you that.

> media

Media MO has always been to appeal and increase its target audience.
Who do you think is the #1 customer of media?
So they feed them what they want to hear.
Similarly, ''higher education'' institutions will tailor their system to include said women.
It's all business, user.

>that flag
>not cucked statement

Holy shit Canabro. Better be careful before the Social Justice Police come banging at your door.

Don't you know women can be just as strong as men? (Even though they are held to lower standards in the military)

Don't you know women are as smart as men? (Even though most on average have a lower GPA)

Don't you know women work just as hard as men? (Even though they take more time off for little things)

Women prefer intuition. They basically guess, instead of using logic and reason, because it's quicker.
Mums: can I trust this guy with my kids?
* No Time for a Court Case
* Snap Judgment => Hard Barrier
* Better to be Safe, than Sorry
=> Intuitive Judgment seems Normal

Dads: Should we kill this strange man?
* Court Case is Necessary
* Must Justify Every Kill
* Otherwise I Am Kill Next
=> Intuitive Judgement seems Criminal
Swapping Gender Roles
#1. Political Demand (Equal Rights)
* Significant Training Involved
* Fuck That ** Muh Rights ** Chaos
* Prone to Gossip, Rumor/Lies, Poor Judgment
* Hostile to Strangers; Strange Ideas (wisdom)

#2. Within Marriage
* Time, Training, Supervision
* Not asserted as a Right
* Final responsibility rests with natural gender

Boys don't know about engineering, either. Rarely does an 8 year old boy tell you wants to be an engineer.

An 8 year old boy is 10 years away or more from entering the job market, dumb leaf.

If he likes fiddling with cars he might go I WANT TO BE A RACECAR DRIVER or I WANT TO BE A MECHANIC only to grow up to be a structural engineer because he actually likes fiddling with all sorts of stuff.

The reason we have that Left/Right divide in politics, is because our brains have 2 hemispheres, Intuitive and Logical; which are very different, and not at all equal.

Women tend to prefer Intuitive thinking, which is very much inferior, and totally inappropriate outside of an emergency, where snap decisions are demanded.

Anyone that leans that way (typically a female) needs to be trained to properly consider Logic & Evidence, and it's very hard work, relative to making an instant snap judgement based on feelings.

To simply claim Equality as a Right (women voting & leadership), without first earning it, by acknowledging the scientific fact that they are not equal, but can be, if they learn good judgement... it's a recipe for social/political disaster!

Feelings are too easy to manipulate, so the idea is to disregard them until after a verdict is reached, then at that point, feelings can influence Grace/Mercy. Left wing is when you simply side with whoever sounds the most angry; its just not good enough, it's just lazy and immature.

One other component makes it all happen... Peer Pressure! Insecurity, driving the need to have all your dumb ideas validated by everyone. Pressure on others to just agree, purely out of loyalty, instead of actual consideration of facts, leading to calling bullshit on a dumb idea.

Immaturity is when you just can't cope with the idea of being wrong, ignorant, or guilty; so you over-react to Truth & Love, in a fit of rage. They sabotage your relationships to suppress that evidence; and they also weaken their men, with subtle put-downs, that sound... nice; but make you feel insecure, like them, and easier to manipulate.

We call that Jezebel witchcraft when it's in church; or Feminism (Democracy, Womens Suffrage) when in government; its been weaponised by our enemies, and its behind most of these wars for profit (or foreign interests) that have been going on.

>"Men are expected to do it and praised when they do do it, but women kind of do it naturally and it doesn't get really noticed."

hahahahaha ooh boy

Woman here, sign me up familiar. Just pay my tuition, and I'll learn fuck ingredients engineering.

That auto correct. God damn.

Brain Hemispheres: Magic & Rational
Natural, but Fixable Gender Inequality
Intuitive ** Logical
Organic ** Machine
Creative ** Methodical
Roll Dice ** Calculation

Witch-Brain ** Machine-Brain
Love & Hate ** Right & Wrong
Extravagant ** Price Concious
Spontaneous ** Plans Ahead

Magic/God ** Data/Knowledge
Show Mercy ** Execute Justice
Good/Evil (Spirits) ** Smart/Dumb (Ideas)
Quick/Cheap (Lies) ** Slow/Costly (Truth)

Immediate Danger ** Court Summons
Gut Instinct/Hunch ** Evidence, Facts
Cannot Justify Why ** Proven/Explained
Grace vs Vengance ** Truth; the Verdict
The Lover ** The King ** The Judge
Left Wing ** Undecided ** Right Wing
Antennae ** Tune/Filter ** Logic Circuits
Man & Wife >> Complement Other Half
Swap Skills & Roles >> Train Each Other
Time, Talk, Maturity >> Gender Equality

>meanwhile American universities are rasing their requirements in 2018

This is why the US has been on top for so long

>Rarely does an 8 year old boy tell you wants to be an engineer.

does he take everything apart to see how it works? or does his vocabulary consist of "ball"?

kids are pretty good at telling you things, if you aren't completely retarded.

You fags need to realise that they've been reducing standards across the board for years by insisting that absolutely fucking everyone goes to uni. I can show you some universities in the UK where you can go study physics with a C pass in high school maths. This is just more of the same.

Will it make any difference?

No because the big unis and big companies won't compromise on quality or sacrifice their reputations for this shit. All you end up with are people with 'engineering' degrees working in retail because not proper engineering firm will hire them.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Feminism in 1950:

>Stop telling women what to be, what to do, how to live, and what to think!

Feminism in 2016:

>We need to get women more women thinking about entering STEM programs, so we should work towards encourage young women to enter fields like engineering.


>"Women are good at fixing problems," Alice, Georgia and Cerys tell me.

>Some courses are experimenting with dropping physics and maths A-level as a prerequisite for engineering.

Women are great at solving problems, which means that the first step into getting them interested in STEM fields is to drop classes where they have to solve problems.


A complete lack of standard metrics to measure what is good or bad:

>The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show that women make up around just 8% of engineers in the UK.

What would the right percentage be? 21%? 42.36%? 56.3424245%?

Even then, why are any of these percentages better or worse? If better, why? If worse, why? Evidence? Citations?

Here is the fun part:

>There were around 900 Brownies amongst the crowd and Ms Bonfield recounts, "I'm saying to all these girls, 'Do you know about engineering, would you like to be an engineer, have you thought about engineering?'

>"And in the whole day... probably five or six of them said yes. Every other one said no, just straight out no."

What reality do these girls face? One in which they are presented with a free choice and where they are perfectly free to choose whatever suits their preferences. How fucking HORRIFYING. Obviously, there is still much work to be done, because....

>"So how much work does it take to change that?" asks Ms Bonfield. "I mean it's huge."





bankers control media and politics and want you all to be debt slaves.

Stop oppressing me yellow man

>humanitarian engineering


Men have to already compete with H1Bs woman have no shot in this field because it's a field that is tough to create bullshit positions.

>just pay my tuition

This is why they are lowering the requirements, women don't have the drive to accomplish things themselves, they want of all to be handed to them