Single Australian Women

What can Australia do about the growing number of Australian millennial sheilas who can't find partners? I've noticed it around my area that there's so many incredibly attractive single women who can't find a long term partner because almost all the men are snatched up. Pic related shows a significant man drought in most of the country.

I want my women to be happy and be given the best possible chance of finding a stable partner. Is there any way we can petition to the government to allow more male migration from Europe to bolster the pool and get these women a cute Norwegian or Danish boyfriend?

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Sigh... alright line 'em up I'll fuck 'em.

Get some malays of philips in there, they will take good care of your ladies.

where did all the men go?

Give'em a good root!

Partying in Bali with an endless supply of cocaine.

how many are old ladies that lost their husband?


i need to get to the country to find a sheila - city girls are fuckin roasties

If you're in NSW, Tamworth and Armidale are the hot spots.

I got bad news

fuck off we dont need fucking foreigners to fuck our women. how about stopping the lgbti propaganda instead? thats your problem everyone wants to be non binary and full transgender atm and most millenials are too focused on their damn soy latte and fucking smashed avocado shit. we have enough men!

Whats wrong with getting foreigners to fuck our women? If they don't get fucked then they'll go crazy by their mid 30s.

This shit is all a thinly veiled psyops propaganda to convince strayans to let in all the goatfucker worthless ass boat people to fuck their women and suck all of their tax dollars dry through welfare and infrastructure/medical costs.
Don't fall for it.
Fuck off, Australia is FULL.

>Fuck off, Australia is FULL.

fucking this
there has been like 2 population booms in the last 5-6 years


Australia is full of fuckable women. That's it.

>Is there any way we can petition to the government to allow more male migration from Europe to bolster the pool and get these women a cute Norwegian or Danish boyfriend?

Fuck off you twat.

do australian girl like japanese man?

Is it easy to get a Sheila gf?

Can I come...

ultra-rare here

maybe but everything is lower quality here compared to there
there was a report somewhere about britfag tourists demeaning food, drinks and services

They may need to... You know... Lower their standards? Not every Chad McThunderCock is going to want to date these roasties

Funny that when the roastie to men ratio works in their favor it hardly deserves a mention, but when they'll have to work their asses for a dicking it's like another shoah.

Are Australian women attractive? The ones I've met have either been really talk and solidly built or short and squat.

All the smart chicks move from Tamworth to either Armidale or Newcastle for university. So lock em in early (no pedo)

australian women tend to be lunatics

t. tourist who stayed there with family repeatedly

Isn't like half of Oceania is trying to invade Aussie shores? Can you import your government to the US?

I need a 20-25 year old girl to impregnate at least 3 times. Don't have a clue where to find one. Don't want a uni girl, she'll be a brainwashed SJW slut.

I've been thinking about volunteering for SES, might get lucky and meet some people and lead to something.

WA here, no shortage of blokes here... dick warehouse! Send em here i haven't busted a but in some lass in over a month now

Maybe they should stop being loudmouth cunts and learn to take a joke.

>loudmouth cunts and learn to take a joke.
The Australian way of life is being both of these things. Unfortunately you stupid American cunts let Jews create SJWs.

SES and RFS chicks are always bush pigs.

When I was single I used to hang around the Metal/Hardcore music venues. Lots of red pilled sex crazed bitches. Only problem is they usually aren't big on having kids.

Bad news matey, i come from the country the odds are rare as fuck! had 3 diferent girls under my felt in 6 years living in the country now im close to the 20 mark in 4 years in the city

Volunteer for WIRES. Sooooo many former Tumblr qts do it.

Perfect, kids are a shit idea


Hey that's a good idea. Cheers mate. I'll look into that.

Most of the girls around my city, Newcastle, are all about there "sexual freedom". They think men want them after how they act. I mean, I'll fuck them, sure. But no way will I seriously consider settling down with someone who chose to be so loose and public with how they sleep around.

I mean, they are incredibly easy to sleep with. It's not fun. A few I know get their fake tits too and for me, I think they look hot as fuck, like big slutty bimbos. Wouldnt date them though.

Actual men, not nu-males, not grubby bogans. Men. Want women, not girls and the women are nearly always taken. Because guys actually want them.

1985 born & up are the fucking worst.

Aussi women are the fucking worse. There's a reason no one wants em.

>red pilled sex crazed bitches

Get out.


but are Australian single women that desperate they would date a Sup Forumstard?

Not unless you brring your sister, mom or cousin into the country for the Sheila's boyfriend to fuck.

wtf then why am i 18 blonde hair, blue eye, white 6ft tall, 75kg Sydney upper middleclass and don't have a girlfirend? Where do I go to get women ausanons?

>more women than men

this is potentially a great thing. They need a man more than the other way around, so men hold all the cards and can start demanding more from women and crush the whole feminist bullshit thing.

Snatch up a girl you went to highschool with or wait for Uni. If the latter talk to girls in your class and join social clubs. Keep in mind highschool single girls are the best. Grab them before they go pinko.

um, you ever actually met an aussie girl ? i rest my case

I don't even touch those girls. Live on the coast and i only go for 10/10s. It's easy if you know how to act and show them you're not like most Australians in their 20s.

>so they're no different than the rest aye

But what you said applies to all of the modern western world, and nobody accepts this, even Sup Forums. Apparently women owe men nothing, but men owe women everything. We are not allowed to judge women for their pasts. And people have this idea that if they win this fight, then the birth rates and marriage rates will go up. But you can never force a man to marry a slut or a whore. And if you do, that will not last long anyways.

It is so sad the direction we've taken.

You meet the gross travellers. The home grown ones are absolute treasures. Very homely and nurturing.

>who can't find a long term partner because almost all the men are snatched up

you own graph shows that for every hundred people, there are only about 2 women who can't get a partner

the census puts it at closer to 1%

the reasons that it seems there are so many single women
1. women don't want partners, they would rather slut it up
2. women bail out of relationships because they don't want kids, never had good role models, get bored
3. women leave their partners after having kids because they can't handle the transition to motherhood
4. single men don't get out as much as single women
5. more men are gay than women who are lesbians
gay men tend to be gay only, whereas gay women are more likely to still fuck men
6. women are more likely to go to university, that usually means traveling to a capitol city

Aliens abducted 'em.

> Darwin.
> Mt. Isa.
> Hobart.
> Canberra.
> Melbourne.
> Probably everything else.

All irredeemable shit holes to be honest famiglia.


I live about 3 minutes walking distance from Redhead beach. There are hot girls around. Wouldn't date them though.

I remember 1 girl was so easy it actually shocked me. I went to a midnight launch for Halo 4 with a mate & after we got the game he said we were going to see a girl he was tuning. So we did & she had a mate. He sat down talking to her and literally within 3 minutes of being there I was fucking her friend in the back of her car. Literally all I said was "fuck its freezing" and she said we could share her blanket. Next minute I'm getting blown. My mate got nothing that night and just sat with this other chick talking.

Girls are fucked.

Exactly right. Sucks to see how things have gone.

A girl who went to a Halo 4 launch was definitely only there to fuck someone. You meet them at every club in NSW.

>6 foot
dear god...

Nah she wasn't there. I had a massive shift the next night so wanted to play some early in the morning.

This chick and her mate were at her friends house. We drove there after we picked the games up.

A lot of easy girls at the clubs though. You think "she's pretty hot" until you see them pissing in the street. Fucking disgusting.

I thought it was all the rich Chinese sending their unwanted daughters to Australia's Uni's? Or am I wrong?

I'm already in Uni :/ Uni girls are all fucking leftist or chinese. Had falling outs with my highschool girls.

I'm not fat, you clearly are unfamiliar with weight.

cunt im 6'5 and 90kg and im considered normal

doubt 75kg is good for 6 bcause im fairly skinny

I dont think he was saying you're fat mate. 75kg at 6 foot is thin as fuck. I'm 6"2 and at 85kgs I looked like a lanky mess. 92kgs is the sweetspot.

Gain weight. You should be atleast 82-86 kgs

>Uni girls are all fucking leftist or chinese

after school half the girls I knew went to uni, dyed their hair blue, became degenerate and leftist
girls who didn't go to uni got pregnant and alcoholic

Come to the US!! Australian women are sexy af. And that accent! Heyoooo


no thanks, shes gonna win

Is it possible to get an Australian girl to move to Iceland? Can Australians withstand temperatures below 15°c?

Pretty much.

Best chance for an attractive woman is to find a quiet one. At a library or something & take it from there.

Idk, maybe. Speaking from experience, anything lower then 10 degrees celcius is considered "fucking freezing". I think most Aussies hate prolonged freezing temperatures. We like warmth & the beach. We can handle 40 degree celcius, no worries.

Does "fuck off mate, we're full" apply to educated WASP's such as myself?

>Going to USYD

I did hear someone in one of my classes talk about how certain groups (proibably white men, or men in general) should not be allowed to have opinions on anything, and all the cucks in the class agreed.

But there are a lot more redpilled women out there, they just don't show their power level

Strong this. Your option is an 'educated' uni SJW or a dumb club slut who's had more sex partners than you've taken shits in your lifetime

>until you see them pissing in the street. Fucking disgusting.
Yup. Seen that before. I was disgusted and left them.

Tbqh haven't weighed myself in a while. Actually getting a bit chubby around waist but sorry yeah not skinny or fat just sort of average.

most women are completely oblivious to the economic reality of living in australia. They waste their 20s spending all their disposable income on travelling, eating out, coffees, shopping, iPhones, inner-city living, and generally just living for the now with instant gratification. They have the expectation that they can just settle down when they're 30 and have some bloke pay for the mortgage. Female-run households are almost always destined for financial ruin. When/if i ever wife a missus, it will be agreed that our bank accounts and assets be joint and that I will control our finances while giving her X amount of discretionary pocket money per week.

Convict breeding pool was too small and too Irish.

I've only been to QLD, NSW and VIC but wasn't impressed by the local girls.
Met some cute asians though.

pic related

>single women who can't find a long term partner

>When/if i ever wife a missus, it will be agreed that our bank accounts and assets be joint and that I will control our finances while giving her X amount of discretionary pocket money per week.
Good luck.

You might get that with non-white girl, but then you are a race traitor

>educated WASP

Are you an actual WASP, i.e. Northeastern episcopal/presbyterian aristocracy or some midwest hick lutheran?

You're bordering on skinny fat but chicks generally don't care about your physique so long as you're not rail thin or fat. They care more about status, face and personality

I've been spending literally every second day there sine I lost my job

read through Plato, Socrates, taught myself to use word properly, how to make stone walls, all kinds of shit.

but the library is full of people who are trying to concentrate on things, bothering women there seems like nigger tier behavior

made me see red right through school
>legal studies has element of society; whole term hijacked by gay marriage
>we have to pick sides
>picking anti-gay constitutes a fail, as none of your reasoning is ever sound

>whole section about gender
>mentioning "gender identity disorder" or claiming pre 1980's gender studies are not inherently invalid gets you suspended
t. student who got suspended

>study attwood, austin
>class full of libtards
>every discussion is about womens rights

>had a fucking holocaust "museum" come to our school
>questioned by the principal (who personally organised student trips to isreal) because I was a know anti-semite and didn't attend
>tell him I had the flu

so many stories man, fuck our education system
the only datable women go through business/agriculture/accounting/health science

If our birth rates fall too low we'll probably end up HAVING to let immigrants in to make up for it

it's hard to find a woman who doesn't like dumb shit the net/tv gave. Women here still massively believe marriage is worth it or only want a marriage safety net. The women here have ugly morals and untrustworthy.

Thanks and true. Have seen some stunning girls with the most average guys recently.

>wanting to spot up your unique ethnography with our uncouth whores


it's because you're a cuck

Are you sure that the reason they can't find a single long term partner isn't because they're gigantic whores?

desu did the cucking in hs.Then got burnt hard by a crush. Landscapes been pretty desolate since due to apathy. Looking to get back out there soon.

> tfw from Sydney

> only used to date Asians

> Now engaged to Russian Jew

> Go to Adelaide and Brisbane and there are girls there who should be 2 or 3 points out of my league begging for dick

Why the fuck don't they just move to Sydney?

Also, maybe Aussie women should stop being so racist and give Achmed or Panjeet a shot.

>finish four year stint in the Army
>move back to Perth
>get in touch with high-school friend thinking she might be a good girl to start a relationship with
>keeps talking about the guys she has one night stands with whenever I see her
Why do they do this? What does she stand to gain by telling me about this in the same breath she complains about not being able to find a man to be with?

I'll gladly import one.

>decades of emasculating feminism
>oh boy why aren't men trying anymore

the women will just start fucking dingos

The Bathurst rally.

Top bantz.

so true what's wrong with them?
>"aww he's just my friend, it's not like that"

Gee, this really activates my almonds.

Maybe Australia really does need some economic migr...I mean rapefugees.