What did he mean by this?


He thinks GMOs make you black.

American Cocksal Babe

fucking hippies

>it's another BPS shill thread

Holy shit america sent a dog to represent them.

Aw, they could at least given the lil' niggah a gun..

>the american is kept on a leash by the based Norwegian.

They gave the dog a servant, too!


Hard not to see the wisdom of being a luddite in the modern shitworld

I think the GMO turned him into a dog.

Goes to Scandinavia for winter training, brings desert-camo. Silly burger.

it's not the food.

americans are genetically inferior males.

pic related.

>the only one without a gun is the American

probably too scared he would start shooting everyone

>Norwegian and Dutch dressed in half-winter half-summer camo
>Swede in full summer camo
>'Merican in fucking desert camo
>Finn is the only one who has proper camouflage

>What did he mean by this?
it's a shitpost to upset americans

>Europeans are so technologically iliterate they think GMO food turns you black
wew lads no wonder there is not European university in the top 10 (the uk is not europe)

that guy lives in the uk

Thats probably more the US armys fault for not giving him some. He seems to be issued with desert camo.

My son!

irrelevant non countries & America

Eggie is chad as fuck, he even fucked a girl before.

>wearing winter camo
>LBE is woodland

This should be grounds for flogging.

10/10 post bravo!

This. You can tell because Argies can't afford GMO

It's your equal

No he doesn't, he's from Minnesota

They are training for the war against Scandinavian ISIS, Sven wants to get detected, Geert and Bjorn are open minded and may try it, Genghis is based as fuck and ready to fight.

Based M05

Literally 98% of our crops are GMO and most are designed by indigenous scientists.
>Brit banter in 2016

Thank you!

They're obviously not stupid.

is this nigga wearing timbs?

Labs are cool, unlike Brits.

Too much African DNA in US genome

>rustled jimmies alert

You're so cool Mr America, how can I be like you?

I think so kek

GMO makes you a manlet

It's more about general lifestyle and diet, no evidence of gmo's being harmful

Multicam isn't desert specific dipshit. It's meant to conceal the wearer in a variety of terrains.

He means he subscribes to the retarded belief that an entire field of science is a consipracy

Anti-GMO is 100% astroturfed smokescreen for Monsanto

Multicam/scorpion is actually a woodland camo that also works well in desert/arid terrain. While not ideal in that environment it would work.

T. Army guy

>no evidence of gmo's being harmful
Said no GMO-diet faggot ever.

Where's your leaf?

hah the finn looks like a mongol

>tfw only one with the proper equipment for winter warfare

Yes hiding a nigger in the snow "would work"


>Black gets stationed at frozen third world shithole

Poor guy

>tfw nordic countries will never unite and be white again
>tfw the eternal swede ruins everything