What is this about? Why was Obama's campaign raising money for Hillary's debt retirement? What debts are they talking about? She's not allowed to be involved because she was secretary of state so she couldn't thank the donors. wikileaks.org
Wikileaks -Obama raised $250,000 for Hillary's "debt retirement" in 2011-2012
Other urls found in this thread:
This is common practice. The winner of a primary usually settles the debt of his opponent. It's legal.
>Because she was Secretary of State she was barred from being involved and thanking anyone
Nice try shill, but this is massively illegal.
Bump because this is getting slid hard.
What the fuck? This pisses me the fuck off.
Can somebdy confirm illegal?
This is a slide thread/Made by someone not old enough to remember 2008/All of the above
After she got BTFO by Obama, the Obama campaign offered to settle her campaign debts and make her Secretary of State in exchange for her not continuing her campaign out of spite (like Bernie Sanders said he would do and should have done to spite her)
^ This is what a shillpost looks like.
bump with link to relevant info highlighted:
For sure illegal. HRC was just cautious after being busted in campaign fraud in 2001 with her senator run, she was able to dump the blame on stan lee and the underling she had running everything unfer her orders.
Then 9/11 happens and nobody mentions HRC and the fraud and racketeering anymore.
>That get
ignore ctr. this is illegal.
here is re: dennis cheng. a backstabbing. perhaps we can turn them in each other?
re: tina stoll ". I played really dumb and said I don't know anything"
Why doesn't anybody talk about Peter Paul & Stan Lee Media anymore?
Damn. Feels good to be blessed by kek with Hitler power.
Gents and lasses, keep it up. WE are on the precipice of victory.
This is old news, a matter of public record, and perfectly legal.
>That’s when a team of top Obama donors decided to surprise Clinton, and thank her for her loyal service, by raising enough money to pay off her bills. As secretary of state, she was forbidden from political fundraising.
Clinton was barred from raising funds, Obama's people helped her out without her having to raise funds, the law was obeyed and Clinton got out of debt, win win.
Most people are ignorant on the issue surrounding that scandal. Plus the youger generation looks up to stan lee. Marvel made billions of dollars of 9/11 special prints. That was what marvel got in exchange. Insider info on the biggest terror attack in US history.
billionaire cuckold tom steyer and clinton foundation making backroom deals re: political operation.
How is the Clinton Foundation not considered political fundraising?
They were so concerned with this 250,000 donations, but the CF is no big deal?
This is just crazy
Obama knew it was all going on
I wonder what he got out of it
Bobby Stein demanded a private meeting with HRC because of his donation
He gave his $250,000 to HRC as sec of state because he knew he demand private meetings with her
Sorry here's the link of the email above wikileaks.org
have you guys noticed the ubiquity of the term "pull aside" in these emails involving money men/billionaire donors?