Saw this on my news feed just now. Really makes you ponder

Saw this on my news feed just now. Really makes you ponder...

Other urls found in this thread:

If I could vote for Hitler I would

definitely not the 300th repost

Whoa ..



My dad emailed this to me last night. I didn't respond. But, I am really having to restrain myself from reply with some statistics about how Merkel has destroyed Germany, and likely the rest of Europe, with her policy towards migrants.



ya why dont we clash witht the world slowy kill of way more than what we lost and in the end become just as powerful as the ones that smashed us down in 60 years. ATLEAST THEY TRIED INSTEAD OF TAKING IT ON YOUR KNEES

Do It user
Spread the redpill

They're 8 years too late to stop Obama.

>Not letting the hate flow through you

Yeah, Charlemagne was a great guy.


>not letting hate flow through you
>not harnessing that hate and red pill the fuck out of people




savage, truth hurts

No it doesn't. "Trump is literally Hitler" died back when there were 16 candidates in the field.

Can we nuke Germany already, lads? Promise we'll poo in loo after that.

Hell, just poo in Germany

That's it! I'm voting for hillary

Top quality post