Only countries with 2 or more aircraft carriers can post here
Only countries with 2 or more aircraft carriers can post here
How's it going?
Sorry Italy but giant wooden rafts don't could as carriers
Hi I'm Italian but I live in Russia
Says the Guy with 0 carriers
As usual: over the budget and way after the schedule but still better than Uk.
Why does Italy even need carriers
Don't you have airports near your coast?
Because I don't see you projecting any kind of power w them
giant floating island of poo doesn't count.
it always blows my mind just how little equipment we actually have.
I thought we had dozens of aircraft carriers.
Im disappointed that we only have 11..
Im appalled that everyone else has 1.
I dont know why we dont own all of you yet.
how likely is it that america and/or russia have some type of stealth nuclear submarine that can surface and 'unfold' into an aircraft carrier to launch planes?
11 modern carriers is a fucking lot man
I seriously hope no one in this thread has carriers with ramps
what do the Thai need an aircraft carrier for?
>points at Portugal
Fucking kikes
The thing about Thai aircraft carriers is that they look like aircraft carriers, smell like aircraft carriers and even feel like aircraft carriers but in a war, its actually just a submarine
We have 10 super carriers. The Navy doesnt build smaller vessels because the Marines carry out that duty. Right now the US has 9 non supercarriers.
Only Britain and the US have real carriers
Because "Royal Aircraft Carrier" is much cooler than "Royal Yacht".
actually they just whited your irrelevant country out so they could more easily show Spain
That's what Mussolini thought, it didn't actually work out that well
Elaborate? Interested
Oh shit italy whaddup bro
Your king is dead. And he sucks cock : )
Italy have you got 2 carriers because you need more tonnage to ferry in even more of shitskins?
Italian navy
>all the jelly Germs and Anglos
Can you guys accept me based on the fact that I'm overall a good guy and a prankster when in company of friends?
aircraft carriers I lack of, but I'll be a friend.
>italian navy
Well, it was less about us lacking air carriers and more about our chain of command being fucking retarded and not letting any plane be under direct control of the Navy, thus making any kind of operation involving planes a bureaucratic nightmare
Pretty sure that project was abandoned because it wasn't viable.
>current POTUS is a nigger
>his successor sucks underage cocks
>chooses to throw stones in a glass house.
Hey, have you forgotten about us?
Watch it Aussie
>ahah ur irrelevant
Our Nation is one giant aircraft carrier
Remember me?
Come Airstrip One, no one will dare criticize Labour-toryism, the ideology of the future!
>off by one
I'm American noodle warrior
Yeah, how come now you have less carriers than almost 80 years ago?
How come you have more carriers than almost 80 years ago?
Blame America for crippling us after the war.
I dunno, probably because we realized that they were important if we want to be a regional power
who want boats if you can win the war under the sea?
Because it worked so well the last two times, right?
That didn't exactly work last time you tried, Hans.
I mean it worked for a bit, but then technology caught up with you. Aircraft are a u-boat's enemy.
aircraft and submarine are boats enemys so submarines are better.
In answer to your question, we ran out of money.
>mfw even us have a carrier
How does it feel to lose to fucking Brazil?
>X and Y are boats enemy
>Therefore X is better
Flawless logic Hans.
Only country's with god-tier tanks can post in this thread. Hard to beat german steel eh?
It was a carrier built by the French in the 1960s.
Not really anything to brag about.
Better than nothing
Go make your own thread, carrierless cuck
You guys don't even have viable aircraft.
nothing can beat german technology.
czech it bitches
So sexy england bro
Yeah, in 5 year's you won't even have pilots that fit into your aircraft.
We should retake our libic lands, what else you need a army/navy for if you dont wage war on sub-humans countries?
you think so?
You fags have carriers?
>Only Britain and the US have real carriers
Only France and the US have real carriers
nice boat
That floats and handles waves way better than I thought
Tony's boat "Stugots" translates into Italian as "my dick"
>Implying a fishing boat wouldnt sink both italian carriers
You fucked up britbro... Should have kept the catapult as planned.
And I'll help you guys take care of your money and international diplomatic relations.
b..b..but the ramp..
I miss our carriers
> R A R E
The feeling is mutual
it was too expensive and that way we have 2
I mean, you know carriers don't operate alone, right? At least, US ones don't. A US carrier group is pretty much equivalent to the entire navy and air force of most countries, and can be moved anywhere in the world. US force projection is crazy; if we were to actually devote all of our resources to a war against an equal opponent instead of having three or four simultaneous wars against random rebel groups while also doing disaster relief around the world, it would be pretty crazy.
>America saved us from certain destruction
>Blame them for continuing to support us against threats for the next half century so we don't even need to pay for our own defense
you fucker
Sure, we'll let you fly a plane.
Top bantz
You have an excuse, other big economies in the EU should have at least 1-2
are you the curacao guy of /sg/?
Going on the principle of population:carriers, Britain, France, and Germany should each have 2 supercarriers. Italy and Spain should each have maybe a couple of regular carriers to help in the Med.
We do not need them we own the seas
>own the seas
How old is that map?
If I understand currently Spain decommissioned their aircraft carrier a few years ago because of military budget cuts and are instead using an amphibious assault ship as their aircraft carrier.
>Owning their own country
Don't mess with the netherlands.
>Any first worlder
>owning their country
we're all in the same boat here
Jfc Im trying to imagine 10 carrier strike groups sailing in force (would probs never happen cause thats how you get blown to shit all bunched up) but he idea of it is pretty cray.
get your shit together with your econemy and gonverment. And be a little bit more friendly to someone who boost your econemy by spending money on holidays
>Why does everyone hate us we just wanna live our life
Fuck you Germans are not to be trusted
>Implying free market capitalism means that the soverign government or people of a nation can "belong" to anyone and if shit hit the fan those loans would be nullified in the event of war
Venz guy is right, the current army is a total disaster.
Mate, your country contributes nothing to society except for weed.
>Implying I'm a fan of free market capitalism
not military so don't ask me, but I would assume even a single carrier strike group doesn't travel bunched up. I mean it's not like the boats need to literally circle up around each other for anything but photo ops; if anything that makes navigating and operations more of a pain. I'd imagine they operate at least kilometers away from each other, if not father.
If America's military is one giant dick wave, this photo is just the tip.
Germany, Holland, please, you're both completely irrelevant and have been for centuries.