Which is more important:

Which is more important:

Choosing a religion that you identify with the most and makes the most sense to you,


Choosing the religion of your ancestors

Please no fedoras, go shit up your own threads.

Choosing Christianity

personally I'm half german half english and my pagan ancestors did nothing of any note

my christian ancestors are the ones who built europa.


Choose the religion that's true. It's not quite Christianity, though that is the closest mainstream thing.


Even these online books don't get absolutely everything right (in my opinion), but they will provide you some excellent information and help you bypass 99% of the common deceptions regarding the Abrahamic faith.

Christianity is cucked. You should make at least 1 daily sacrifice to Apollo Helios for gains and aesthetics.

Yes but which kind?

Here's my situation. I'm an American, obviously, of majority English descent. Orthodox Christianity honestly does appeal to me the most and not just because of Sup Forums memes. But my status as a Westerner says that I should be a Catholic, while my ethnicity states I should be an Anglican, whereas my nationality states I should be a Protestant.

I just feel like it would be really weird for a very, very Anglo person like myself with a very Anglo surname and an entire family history of Protestantism ever since we've been in the US to convert to Orthodoxy.

it all came from catholicism anyway
even the orthodox and the coptics
I respect protestants as an ethnicity but they're still relatively new.

Choose whatever appeals you the best, it's quite dumb to force yourself to believe something you don't actually believe in
After this heretic Pope steps down, next pope seems to be the one that might start crusades

Also mind you, me being a nordic I was raised as Evangelic Lutheran, and I go to Church listening them every Sunday. I'm a catholic but there really isn't much options

>Which is more important
Obeying your masters.

>Choosing the religion of your ancestors

>Kike on a stick
>Pope has literally no power and loves immigrants

Meanwhile your ancestors worshipped the personification of victory in war which is the only reason you're alive today. C'mon man is it that hard to realize paganism is supreme.

>choosing a religion

If you have any culture then the religion of your ancestors should also be the religion that makes most sense to you.

modern paganism isn't even a religion it's just a fetish and its full of lefty faggots anyway.

>christianity cucked
>promotes ass fucking greek pantheon faggot gods

Ausbro is right, also checked

Raised Catholic. Broke with the church at an early age because there were certain aspects I couldn't believe in.

Walked my own path for 30 years. Discovered that according to my belief structure I'm a Quaker.

Who'da thunk it.

Picking a religion makes no sense. Either you believe in your ancestor's religion or you are retarded

Eastern Orthodox and go bomb muzzies in Syria


I should drop out and reform Episcopalianism

Then we shall conquer

This raises the dilemma of how far back to go. Nowadays, most English are either Protestant or Anglican. But if they go back far enough they were Catholic, and if they go back further than that they were pagan, and if they go back further than that they were Roman pagans, etc etc.

Where does it end?

how the fuck is hogwarts related to this

>believing in a book of fairy tales

>not worshiping fire
fucking cucks

>built europa

You mean stole architectural and artistic techniques from Latin pagans and then took credit for them.

helped destroy Constantinople and purge lithuanians in the northern crusades.

>modern paganism
There's your problem. Paganism has been hijacked by wiccan cunts their shit.
Don't pretend all pagans are wiccans and lefty cunts, just like you don't pretend all Christians are Calvinists or whatever.

as long as you only believe in dogma there's no hope for you either way.
probably the 1st option, but you'll realize in due time that all religions cope with the same thing, it's just that the cultural differences make it seem so different.

>all the smart pagans convert to christianity, taking their skills and knowledge with them
>le ebil christians stole it from us!1

>>all the smart pagans convert to christianity,
Doesn't mean they believed in christianity.
You can't be christian, intelligent and honest at the same time. One of them has to go.

So be it. As long as you believe in Christ in your Lord and saviour, doesn't matter the denomination. Also read the Bible, then eventually you'll follow no institution and only the word of God.

dude ive been there, its beautifull!

>Leaders make it the state religion to pacify the plebs in a time of political decline and turmoil
>Christcucks don't see the parallels here and what will happen to Europe come mass muslim immigration

Try both, your ancestral faith may speak to you more if you give it a shot.

this. from experience

It is the same.

The religion of my ancestors is the same as mine.
Some people just fell for jewish tricks.

The goal should be to unerstand the thoughts of your ancestors as they are yourself. It cannot contradict.

Your soul wont find peace unless your spiritual knowlege contradicts with that of your past lifes.

I say knowlege on purpose as this is the only thing you can be 100% sure of.

hey Varg.

Yes this is correct.
Due to the established civilization in the Roman Empire people allready took what they heared from the king for truth.

After that christianity was used as a tool. Basicly as democracy, freedom of speach and human rights are used today to enforce (((their))).
Same as today you couldnt say something about the current dogma while still being able to work scientificly.

>hey Varg.
The vargpill is a funny pill. I just wish he dropped being such a Luddite.

It goes untill the point where the people acctually had the correct religion.
The only way you can find the correct one is meditation.
The Gods will tell you.

Gods apear in different forms.
The worship of fire as a symbol of light,wisdom,life etc makes a lot of sense.


Makes most sense. "muh ancestors" is retarded.
Ironically, "muh ancestors" were Christian.

Polytheistic religions aren't intellectually fulfilling either. It's why you never see polytheistic apologetics that isn't "muh kike on a stick" and "muh ancestors".

>Varg is Luddite
But his point that technology that takes the need of physical strength, quick brain etc away is bad. Is acctually quite valid.

In my ideal society the technological progress goes hand in hand with human development.

What you have said:
"your text"

What you meant:
"I am ignorant"

The kike on a stick meme is rarely used, or it is used as a joke. All the pagans on Sup Forums allways describe their belief, when asked. Including myself.

>What you meant:
>"I am ignorant"
I'm not. That's also not an argument.

>The kike on a stick meme is rarely used, or it is used as a joke. All the pagans on Sup Forums allways describe their belief, when asked. Including myself.
But this is all bullshit.

I have yet to encounter any intelligent apologetics from pagans.

Orthodoxy or traditional catholicism

My families been Catholic for over a thousand years. I have ancestors who lost clay over their religion. I'm not going to throw that away to LARP as a viking pagan with a bunch of cheeto-munchers..

Choosing the correct religion

How far back are we going on the ancestor train? I'm pretty sure that if you go far enough back everyone is worshiping bones in caves.

>But his point that technology that takes the need of physical strength, quick brain etc away is bad. Is acctually quite valid.
Oh, I don't disagree necessarily with him - I agree that over-reliance on technology makes us soft and dumb. I just think that an immediate return to a simpler life (or even tribalism) will mean a harder time for Europe to defend itself against foreign invasions. We no longer have numbers on our side, so we have to rely on technology. I haven't found a way to reconcile this yet, and I'm not sure he knows the answer either.

Neither. Choosing the truth is the only honourable thing to do. Now the question is what is truth?

>Christians built the west meme
Science built the west, Europe did not conquer the world with flying catedrals that fired holy spirit beams, they conquered the world with technological superiority until the USA overpassed them.

Whites built the West. Christianity is only different from the other Abrahamic religions in that it was adopted by Europeans. If it never left the middle east it would just have been yet another mudshit religion.

Christianity didn't make Europe great. Europe made Christianity great.

Your first thought should be following the religion of your ancestors. It is way easier because you grew up in that religion, and a lot of comparative religion students say that this really matter.

Buuuut, if that religion is not traditional roman pre-vatican2 Catholicism, you should choose the only e true religion, and follow our Lord Jesus Christ.

>Choosing a religion that you identify with the most and makes the most sense to you,
So for Sup Forums that would be islam?

The one that gives you the most power

Cathedrals are so beautiful when well kept. The kind of design is something so iconic.

I'm Catholic. My family is Catholic. I believe in the veracity of the Church's doctrines and in the Blessed Trinity with all my heart. I'm not interested in reconstructing a religion which requires executing people in order to read their corpses/entrails just because my ancestors 2,000 years ago practiced it.

>being so intellectually bankrupt that you have to rely on fairytales to tell you how to live


Join the Annunaki.

A new, citizens movement that is focused on local efforts.


1) Who is your State Representative?
2) Who is your Senator?
3) Who is your State Governor?
Do I like these people and should conditions change?

Environment (Captain Planet Method):
4) Water:Local River/Stream Ecosystem
5) Earth: Recycling and Trash
6) Wind: Local Air Quality
7) Fire: Local Fuel/Energy Sources
Are these conditions what I want them to be?

8) Self: Exercise, Diet, Spirituality, etc. Follow a schedule, plan ahead.
9) Family/Neighbors: Knowing the people around you
10) Friends: Seeking others who value what you value

Start down the path of improving these things. Seek other Annunaki and encourage change from the bottom up.

Bonus: Horus, ancient aliens, bird memes.