This cartoon has really good music


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The original had a mind-blowingly awesome OST:
This does not come close.



so was this cartoon

This show has good music

it has 1 good song, 1.

Holy shit this song is amazing. Even for a cartoon

1 song. They literally just got some actual musician to change the word "feelin" to "villains"

Wow, Daphne and the animation ruins the delivery of a lot of the jokes

>Titans got Go
>Going HARD
>Shining like Diamonds
>Vegetables song
>Night Begins to Shine Remix
>Titans got Go (full)
>DJ Cyborg (BBRAE)
And that's just off the top of my head.

But all of those are terrible

Just like your taste?

I bet you haven't even listened to half the songs on that list.

But, I have, and the episodes they came from (with the exception of night begins to shine because I quit on part 3 of that special)

>Couldn't even watch the final part of the series but somehow managed to get through the first 3
I can smell the bull in that post.

Would it make sense to have watched the final 3 parts but not the first one? What kind of logic is that?

I had to get through the first parts to get to the final one, and the 16th time that made the "B.E.R. = Bear" joke I turned off my tablet instead of finishing it and moving on to the final part..

>Missed out because he couldn't take a 3 second gag
Why the hell are you even here?

Constantly. Literally every single one of the titans did it. Some of them more than once, and it wasn't funny nor clever any time they did it.

Even FOP has good timing with it's repeated gags.

Beastboy was the only one doing the B.E.R gag, what the hell are you talking about?

Not going to bother rewatching to prove it but I specifically remember Robin doing it at least once

>at least once
Sorry, but after Beastboy got Billy the only gag was B.E.R talking about all the things they saw and the "saying two names game". After that they played a song and turned into pic related. You either have an atrocious memory or are trolling. Either way try posting when you have all of your info clear.

But I'm not the one wrong here, you're just retarded.

>Sup Forums fucking said this show was shit and I believed them
>got bored one day when I was home sick and caught an ep
>it's actually pretty fucking comfy and makes a bunch of fun comic references
Fuck you guys, why did you lie to me

>me retarded
I'm not dumb enough to forget a running gag and unlike you, I'm not dense enough to foolishly assume my assorted bile is a fact.

I shit you not, the majority of people complaining are just pissed that animu Titans isn't on the air any more. And that Go! is "pissing" on it's memory

It's undeniably shit tho compared to the original, which had much better humor AND had drama.

How about you leave this thread?

I respect your opinion, but if you did not like Chemistry or diamonds, you need to leave.

>makes comic references
>this means it's good
TTGfags are fucking children
Except thats's wrong, and no one cares that it isn't TT, TTG is shit all its own.

Way to miss the rest of my post. It's a fun show to just watch