Stop the #SpiritCooking bullshit

It's been hijacked by CTR. They are using it against Trump to make his supporters seem like conspiracy nutjobs. Seriously how have you autistic fucks not picked up on this yet?

Focus on the CORRUPTION. Get out and vote. Drain the swamp and set a standard for the western world to follow.

Other urls found in this thread:


"surely if we push a bad story about our candidate it will be a good thing" yeah ok


Thats also exactly what you are lmao.

I'm interupting this shill thread to brig you important information. I have provided a lonk that exposes a technique use by 'fact checking site' like snopes to twist facts that support a biased

It makes Trump supporters look like nutjobs. Anyone who only absorbs their news from the MSM will see #SpiritCooking as some bullshut created by the "evil" alt-right.

You don't just ignore it. Instead make a mockery out of it.
I am an atheist *tips fedora* myself and I pushed the story from the angle that these people are complete idiots. They're the crazy conspiracy kooks, not the people who have a problem with Hillary worshiping Molach.

You can push the story, just don't make it look like you're some insane ranting kook high on mushrooms.
Make it humorous and mock them.

I will post more techniques. Learn their techniques and use it yourself.

Actually, the Spirit Cooking shit can help win the votes of religious Latinos/blacks. We need all the help we can get right now, don't try to fuck us over.


REMINDER... known shills:



Look up Evan Sayet's unified field theory of liberalism to learn more techniques

So? Who cares, msm does that to everything anyway. Why should we care what they do when we're on the verge of revealing human trafficking ring?

>bernie losing the nomination isn't a conspiracy!
>the DNC rigging the debates isn't a conspiracy!
>All of hillary's political enemies dying mysteriously isn't a conspiracy!

the entire race has shown people that life is way more far-fetched than fiction, dismissing shit as crazy theories just doesn't work anymore.

No one cares about corruption aussiefag

That's normal in the US unless you're some naive moron

What isn't normal is satanism

The Finnish shill is the absolute worst. He also uses proxies.

Trump will win

>So? Who cares, msm does that to everything anyway. Why should we care what they do when we're on the verge of revealing human trafficking ring?

Yeah run with it when you have some solid evidence rather than some baby boomer email slang. It very well could be true but focusing on it won't benefit Trump nearly as much as the corruption.




An exanple needs to be set by America that corruption will not be tolerated in the western world. Same shit is going on in South Korea and similar ideology is sprouting across the globe. Revolution is afoot and America NEEDS to be on the right side of it.

What the fuck are you talking about? How are we pushing anything? In case you didn't notice, killary got off last night. Emails mean jack shit right now. Why not dig deeper and find incriminating evidence that would sway even the most liberal of faggots?

they are drowning the leaks about MSM collusion, bob creamer and chelsea clinton in a sea of "THEY ARE EATING AND FUCKING CHILDREN" threads.

blaming russia didn't work and now they are framing wikileaks as alex jones tier nutjob.

Gee I would never guess who's behind this post.

Slide these threads.

Clinton foundation is still being investigated

His supporters are conspiracy nut jobs though. They were just spamming some stupid shot about haunted pizza and Taco Bell last night. They have lost their damm mind. Their hate boner for Clinton made them retarded.

>south Korea literally dealing with something similar

>SK president park approval rating 5%

>huge riots in streets

Wait so tell me how you aren't a psyop?

They've already won.

The FBI, in the public's mind, just cleared her of any wrongdoing and all Trump supporters have to talk about is some fucking insane conspiracy theory that John Podesta kidnapped Madeleine Mccann. Fuck if it's true or not, you do NOT want that to be one of the last things an undecided voter sees before they go to the polls. If there is real pedo shit than we focus on it AFTER the election, doing it before seems like a desperate scramble.

I knew right from the get go it wasn't natural how we seemed to jumped from mild to fucking insane so shortly. This whole pizza bullshit is a CTR operation, I'd bet my fucking life on it.

But its all connected. You can't deny the fact that these creepy fucks are probably demons

Oooh, yeah I don't think so

I've been saying this to you retards for a week. CTR are the ones pushing this. I got several accounts banned on T_D for saying it. You just had to look at 'new' to know...

A page full of text posts like "it's working guiseee, keep pushing #spiritcooking to all your friends and families!". Meanwhile CTR were nowhere to be found in the usual threads.

this x 100000p

lol, look at the police sketch, then look at the Molesta brothers. Even the mole matches. Sorry sick fuck pedo apologist, but there is ZERO change it is nothingburgers.

Exactly. Trump supporters online came up against a lot of criticism, but the one thing that could always be said is that they were mostly level headed in comparison to the left, and tended to encourage fact-based discourse, because anything else could be discredited.

And then in the last week, while simultaneously saying "lol where are CTR, they must've been let go!" the whole community switches from legit angles to this, while banning people who speak out against it.

Obvious scheme is obvious

>I've been saying this to you retards for a week. CTR are the ones pushing this. I got several accounts banned on T_D for saying it. You just had to look at 'new' to know...

>A page full of text posts like "it's working guiseee, keep pushing #spiritcooking to all your friends and families!". Meanwhile CTR were nowhere to be found in the usual threads.

Wasn't all that long ago t_d did a big mod switchup. Theres definetly a shill in their mod ranks posting Trump propaganda that only energizes his extreme far right supports, which geneal voters find repulsing. CTR's last hope is to stop relatively uninformed swing voters for last minute voting for Trump, because they are the ones literally deciding this election.

There's a LOT of money behind CTR. No doubt they've finally hired someone smart over there.

No! Trump should focus on spirit cooking, "pizza", and the Madeline McCann abduction, instead of jobs, trade, and immigration.

Are you retarded or just pretending? Either way it's sad af dude

Yeah I've no doubt about this. I talked to many other posters who also got banned for saying to be careful about #spiritcooking making us look like idiots, and the general consensus was that if there aren't new mods, somebody's been bought, because the community's changed so quickly and strangely

>make his supporters seem like conspiracy nutjobs
Ohhhhhh noooooo
that sucks

It's something they haven't done in the in the past year. Surely it will work this time

The smart Redditors are aware at least. Nearly every rising thread is discussing the Mods going rogue.