
*talking while you're gargling a mouth of of cum?
Wew, fucked that one up

No one? I guess you prefer Marine then?


Stop posting that fake blue eyed coalburner

French is truly the most beautiful language

That's not her


>you're talking with you're gargling a mouth full of cum

only you would know

>Also what does Sup Forums think of Marion Le Pen? Is she better than her aunt Marine? Tell me about the good, bad, and the ugly of her policies and stances.

She's more libertarian and nationalist. More like the american right unlike her aunt who is very statist.

>only you would know
Yeah, your maman faggot
>She's more libertarian and nationalist. More like the american right unlike her aunt who is very statist.
But she's still against immigration and stuff, right?

>But she's still against immigration and stuff, right?
Like all the french people (except some cucks in Paris).

Then why do they consistently vote against FN, the only party that seems to have an actual stance on that?

My friend, the circus around the FN, created by the medias and the politics, is the same that the one around Trump in USA.
But it started >40 YEARS AGO. Imagine how hard it is to break their artificial barrier. 2022 maybe.

Qu'est-ce que les sont chances que la front nationale gagne?
J'apprends le français depuis trois mois se que je puisse plus comprendre la situation dans France.

Please don't hate me for murdering your language frogbro

La seule chance pour que Marine Le Pen gagne, ce serait qu'elle soit face à François Hollande au second tour.

Ce qui a peu de chance d'arriver ; elle sera probablement face à Alain Juppé (qui va récupérer les votes de la gauche, du centre et un peu de la droite).

I want to cuddle Marion and make babies with her.

But I thought the superior Honhon French intellectuals could see through the media bullshit? Also you realize that the American media has also had decades of rhetoric against the things Trump has brought back into the political sphere. Look into people like Pat Buchanan

Every intellectual who standed against this rotten system had been nazified.
Eric Zemmour is the most famous. Fun fact, he's jew.

>Ce qui a peu de chance d'arriver ; elle sera probablement face à Alain Juppé (qui va récupérer les votes de la gauche, du centre et un peu de la droite).
J'ai pensé que les personnes normales en France n'aiment pas les moderes. La FN n'a pas gagné la dernier election seulement parce que la coalition, non?

>talking while you're gargling a mouth of of cum?
Here we use to say that speaking English is like having a hot potato in the mouth: you can't articulate...

That's actually perfect, except it doesn't mean anything.
"Quelles sont les chances que le FN gagne? J'apprends le français depuis trois mois pour (afin) que je puisse mieux comprendre la situation en France."

Chances are very low. I expect a good 33% in the first round (which would be a record in the 5th republic), but definitely no more in the second round. 40% at best.

>22 years at the time of pic related
>looks like shes 36
white women age like complete dogshit

Cette coalition représente la réserve de votes pour Alain Juppé. Et je pense qu'elle est suffisante pour qu'il gagne sans problèmes en 2017 face à Marine.

Mon pronostic : Juppé 55%, Marine 45%.

Marine peut gagner en 2022 suivant ce qu''il se passe dans le monde. Btw L'élection de Trump pourrait aider pour 2017.

>That's actually perfect, except it doesn't mean anything
Thank you for the feedback? Do you mean that I wouldn't be understood?
>Chances are very low. I expect a good 33% in the first round (which would be a record in the 5th republic), but definitely no more in the second round. 40% at best.
The second round would only be a failure because of a coalition correct?

The coalition could only work if it's Juppé. Hollande would probably lose against Marine. (with a final score like 51/49)

Anyway, if Marine wins, she will not be able to do anything ... So this is pointless

>Marine peut gagner en 2022 suivant ce qu''il se passe dans le monde.
Est-ce que les gens l'aiment plus que Marion?
>Btw L'élection de Trump pourrait aider pour 2017.
Que pensent les gens sur Trump? Non les medias, les gens

>Est-ce que les gens l'aiment plus que Marion?
Peut-être (surtout les jeunes) mais Marion est trop jeune pour être une candidate sérieuse à la présidentielle.
>Que pensent les gens sur Trump? Non les medias, les gens
Les français qui votent FN ou plus globalement à droite en ont marre du bashing des médias contre Trump ou Poutine, donc par défaut ils sont plutôt favorables à ceux-ci. Trump est traité comme un bouffon par les médias donc ça reste assez difficile d'oser avouer publiquement qu'on aimerait qu'il gagne.

All our medias are supporting Clinton so, most people are kind of brainwashed and just talk about " muh trump is racist "

Also, I believe that lot of peopler consider Marion too young, and not credible due to her age.

>Anyway, if Marine wins, she will not be able to do anything ... So this is pointless
I think it would be a big symbolic moment though. Especially if other countires' nationalist parties follow suit, like AFD or Hoffer

ma mère qui est devenue assez raciste n'aime pas Trump et je pense que c'est pareil pour beaucoup de gens même FN. le côté milliardaire passe mal ici. Pour Marion, je pense qu'elle est plus appréciée que Marine parce qu'elle est moins laïcarde et plus chrétienne, et on entre dans une phase de guerre des civilisations qui dépasse les simples principes de la république


For only a few months you're doing pretty well. Also FN has no chance.

>Do you mean that I wouldn't be understood?
It would be understood, but you'll be regarded as a big autist.

>The second round would only be a failure because of a coalition correct?
As Belgium bro said, the FN is demonized since 40 years, many people see them as bad as the Einzatsgruppen.

>donc ça reste assez difficile d'oser avouer publiquement qu'on aimerait qu'il gagne.
I'm so sick of this being the case in the states as well. I'm in academia (doctorate in astronomy) and I CANNOT tell people that I voted Trump or else I would probably be blacklisted in my field. It's so sad

French here, can you please enlighten me on one thing?

I was in the Legion for some time. I have met my share of French people and I don't know if I was just unlucky (considering the state of my life, that is very much possible) or if your people seem to be brainwashed so horribly, you can touch it. What the hell? I remember debating the immigration back in Aubagne with another recruits and there was this huge debate - me, two Russians, one French and guy from Uganda, black as boot. We all clearly wanted to stop the immigration, only one who disagreed was French. How the fuck can black guy be more nationalist, than a white French?

On the other hand, FN is pretty great and so is french Generation Identitaire.

What do Frenchmen think of their media?
I know that we dutchfags still trust mainstream media for some ungodly reason, but have no idea about the French

yeah fuck you too

>It would be understood, but you'll be regarded as a big autist.
can you explain? I don't want to be thought of as an autist when speaking French

I would think that a lot of people are becoming more racist in France. Is this correct?
I know I sure did when I moved down to Atlanta, GA currently

We think it is incompetent more than it is biased I guess

Well the syntax was just incorrect
user already corrected you

Merci beaucoup.
Mon capacité d'ecouté est pure merde, bien.

Pretty much nobody but trailer trash and old people watch TV anymore, so leftists eat up anything that comes from their websites (huffpo, buzzfeed, Le Monde) as 100% genuine news without any bias, and the right-wingers do the exact same but with different sources (equally as biased) like FdeSouche, E&R, etc.

Basically nobody watches TV because it's too biased, so they turn to even more biased and less professionalistic means of information. Kek

That will sound like an oversimplification, but I'll just say that french people are brainwashed to the bone.

>your people seem to be brainwashed so horribly
This is a very long process, but you can summarise it in one sentence: Patrie des Droits de l'Homme (= Land of the Human rights).
Human rights are the ceiling of everything, the magic card pulled each time there's a discussion.

>What do Frenchmen think of their media?
Usually people are very aware of the political colour of the medias, and we don't trust them at 100%.

she's smoking hot, dude, and her french is pretty bearable I've heard way more jarring french accents


Oh, you're so naive...

We're a minority here.

A lot of people simply don't like (or "hate") their ideas.

>Mon capacité d'ecouté
This is the biggest lulz with English speakers: you don't know what's masculine or feminine, and even though you have 50% chances to say it right, you're always wrong haha.

This. I didn't comment about it because I thought it would be rude but fuck it that's always funny

You sound like an arrogant, snooty, smug fag.

Dammit this always happens. My biggest errors on Duolingo is that I guess a gender wrong. I can get decently complex grammar down in a sentence like 15-20 words long, but I can never guess a gender.
I've always wondered about this though, do the French really care about that? Would they simply just laugh at it and carry on with the conversation? Or is a big deal to do

Well, my only advice would be LEARN, LEARN, LEARN MAGGOT! :^)

I understand all this frustration, English is waaaaaaaay easier.

>Or is a big deal to do
No it's charming actually. Only Jodie Foster doesn't make mistakes on the genders.

Based Jodie Foster.

Thanks anons for all the feedback! I always try to speak some French here on Sup Forums whenever I get the chance and you guys are always super helpful.
Getting put on the spot with political discussions is way better practice than Duolingo!