“The alt-right is using Sup Forums as a source for information,” DeCristofaro said. “Whether you like it or not, Sup Forums is very popular and has a lot of influence.”
Look what you've done.
“The alt-right is using Sup Forums as a source for information,” DeCristofaro said. “Whether you like it or not, Sup Forums is very popular and has a lot of influence.”
Look what you've done.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok so now in addition to our own campaigns, we pick up on leftist ones and mock/mimic them so leftist phrases are flagged as Sup Forums original also. If everything is flagged as Sup Forums it becomes worthless as a detection tool.
Came here to post this.
>mfw they still haven't figured out it's me
I roll the nickles.
Fucking Denmark
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
i make the money man
aka non stem graduates
Not a shekel out of me!
We are diverse and multicultural
there is no such thing as the "alt-right"
“When filtering out hate speech automatically, it’s much more effective to look at groups and where the content’s coming from, instead of keywords,” said De Cristofaro on Operation Google. “The keyword approach can be evaded by switching the terms or using code-words.”
Just admit that you want censorship, and get over it, so we can freely ignore it.
True Sup Forumsacks aren't racist, it's just alt-right extremists. Being a racist is bannable on Sup Forums.
3.You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
Pepe (pppoopoo) has nothing to do with alt-right extremism.
>ahaha trumfkins you are so paranoid no one cares about Sup Forums
My noggin is spinning right now
What have we done (((Sup Forums)))?
Keep in mind that the progressive fucks writing about internet and tech in these online spaces were some of the shitty writers GamerGate pushed out of video game journalism. Leigh Alexander being the ringleader over on vice
Racism, when based on reason and evidence, is not racism.
Its not censorship if you don't call it censorship.
thank you
please don't misrepresent the actions of a few to be the nature of the many :)
typical mexican BK huh
Too fucking late, scientists.
How do they intend to "block" Sup Forums, anyway? What a fucking stupid waste of funding allocation. I thought these guys were supposed to be smart?
That's a typical Google bk, jayquon
Oh no!!!
A website/group is out to stop the Internet hate machine known as Sup Forums! This is an unprecedented event that has never been attempted before. Surely this will be the end of our fuckery.
Seriously though, how do we fuck with this latest group of faggots that's attempting to stifle us this time? It's been awhile.
Funded by the (((European Union)))
Oh, that thing that only exists in HRC's drug-soaked brain.
In my life i have never seen a fully equipped bulletproof big-chain store.
Maybe some steel bars closing access but never a fucking full plexiglass equipped store.
Enjoy your niggers burger
>Your face when you realize Gamergate was a major catalyst which effects influenced current election
>This fact will be lost to history
Yes it is lol "scientific racism" is still racism
They figured out some basics and made a program to watch Sup Forums and probably some other sites that raid or are anonymous on different social media sites. I suppose that would include the comments section of any news site too.
The EU is funding it so they're going to offer their anti-trolling software to companies and whoever else wants it.
Whether or not it makes much of a difference in the reaction time is doubtful to me. They have people watching all the raid sites already.
Troll Trace?
All subtlety has gone out of the window and they've just gone up and decided some groups just don't deserve to speak, and some ideas don't deserve to be heard...
Oddly enough, that sort of thing is as foreign to me, a northerner, as it is to you. Pic related, the areas of the country you're more likely to run into heavily armored mcdonalds, and coincidentally, majority black populations.
God damn we need to find the hacker known as Sup Forums right now.
We are the tool, enjoy your Tearsday.
Vile lies. There are no racists here.
We are very fond of black people and their sacred traditions. Like penis chopping for example.
I heard he blows up vans. Not even dogs and curtains can stop him.
>"As troll scholar Whitney Phillips noted in a recent essay for Motherboard, media attention (admittedly, just like this article) is the lifeblood of the movement."
>troll scholar
Sup Forums dindu nuffin
You know the funny thing is that Sup Forums actually has what has to have some of the most racially diverse users on the internet, much less a "hate" site.
So are we doing this or...?
I want to give that cunt a black eye
I didn't want to see that.
>the year 2016
>where stupid shitty irreverent anonymous boards are being scientifically studied and not a manned misson to mars
I bet the Skypes are behind this!
holy shit, it's worse than i thought
Little do they know, Sup Forums actually killed real people, called in airstrikes and has ties to the russian mod. I'd be really careful with such people!
dude, it actually suits him.
it emulates a prison atmosphere to make the customers feel at home.
We are the epitome of multiculturalism. People of all ages, creeds and colors come here, united in the disdain we have for people trying to take away our freedom.
Advertise more for us, leftists. You can't win against freedom. Even the slightest taste of it will turn people toward us.
first post
problem solved
best post
>yfw meme magic became so strong
Fucking kek.
>there is no such thing as the "alt-right"
tra. im a massive lefty that has a mean sense of humor. i switched to trump from stein after his bantz in front of all those catholic homosexuals
Anyone who walks in their own town for long enough doesn't need Sup Forums to become redpilled. I am still wondering how a tiny little English market town town came to look like a cross between Pakistan and Somalia, with all the subsequent violence, sexual abuse and drug use.
This guy is gay as fuck
frankly, if your ideas can be torn apart by a few sarcastic 22 y/o canadian neets on a cantonese shota exchanging forum, using poorly drawn cartoon frogs and a retarded finnish bear then you really should turn the reflection inwards for a second
We have crossed the event horizon
Protip: Make all of your Twitter accounts with nigger names. My newest one is Daquarius Johnson.
They won't ban niggers as fast as white alt-right accounts.
Gross, do people like this really exist?
You guys know that feeling when someone you dont know personally says something so cringe worthy without realizing it that you get ridiculously embarrassed for them?
This whole fucking article.
That's alot of power coming from a keyboard
That was my first thought. "You can't make this shit up" no longer applies. Things are now closer to "Make shit up and reality will follow." Amazing.
that's ok, just be careful you don't overdose on your marijuana needles you stupid hippy
Funny. I lean right and switched to Stein after the 1st presidential debate when I had voted for Trump in the primaries. You must not be a real "lefty" voting for someone like him.
There is no god but KeK. Pepe is the messenger of Kek. Gas the Kikes race war now.
thanks for the "correction". if u think trump is a conservative youre a fool
Well put. Theyre scared.
Careful, Sup Forums.
Hard Mose is engaged.
its interesting that no matter what the Alt Right has to hide its tactics beliefs.
Hijack the CTR memes and make them racist.
he is The conservative. he killed all the old style ones off.
Exactly. You can be aware of average IQ differences and still not discriminate as a reselt.
Cuckservatism is dead. Nationalism has conquered it. Be silent, newfaggot.
So anyone can be a scientist now?
>In my life i have never seen a fully equipped bulletproof big-chain store.
You think the vast majority of Americans have?
>Maybe some steel bars closing access but never a fucking full plexiglass equipped store.
The most I've ever seen was a section of shampoo in one store with a cover you had to slide so you couldn't grab more than one or two at a time. I was surprised that they actually had it or thought they needed it.
Alt Right took that over too
Lol my B.S. meter is flashing op.
>Nationalism has conquered it.
close the boarders. close the welfare bases around the world. stop the jew wars. tax the fuck out of imports. fuck race, fuck class. if ur american youre my brother. if ur from anywhere else your my competitor and should be destroyed or at least left to destroy yourselves
This is actually retarded, their "system" probably trawls Sup Forums looking for a mention of social media sites then it searches for recent posts with random keywords from threads
kek that ass hurtness about palmer
I know a few people that participate in togue in cheek self depreciating sorta racism here, its all in good fun
They only lurked for a short period of time and think they have it all figured out.
(((They))) assume we're reactionary but When you think back to all the raids, pranks, attacks, etc. that Sup Forums has done over the years it's all pretty fucking chaotic and unpredictable. The best ones like pic related started for no reason at all.
>internet scientists
Did they invent a tool to explain those digits?
I was here longer than you. Long before rebbid banned memes and your ilk made the great migration to this once proud place.
Came here to post this.
Kek'd and check'd
There's an easy way around this: start posting cold links or mini URLs instead of hot links.
You stupid faggot, that raid was in retaliation to a supposed Tumblr raid, which was started by sleepers on Tumblr playing 4d chess.