How does Sup Forums feel that their sheltered and shallow view of the world will cause them to never even coming close to a gf as good looking as pic related?
How does Sup Forums feel that their sheltered and shallow view of the world will cause them to never even coming close...
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If she doesn't have a penis then I don't want her
I'll just enjoy leftovers when the muslim rape mobs ravage Germanistan.
I shiggy diggy.
Capitalism offers me the opportunity to become rich enough to attract 10/10 gold diggers.
who is this 'Sup Forums' character, and why does he suck so bad ?
kek this kind of women goes only for 10/10 and it rly doesnt matter if he is marxist or nazi.
>CTR virgins shitposting about never having gfs
Only weak cucks adopt their woman's worldviews.
Alpha bucks can make even the most leftarded SJW bitch a redpilled homemaker.
She's alright. Not great but not bad either. And lets be honest, you only get hot young women if you are Chad. There is a majority consensus on that these days. It's simply a fact of life. It has nothing to do with going outside, or exposure/visibility/accessibility to the public.