I'm voting for Clinton because she is clearly the better candidate...

I'm voting for Clinton because she is clearly the better candidate. Trump's policies are about as realistic and Sanders' were.

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"I, Hillary Clinton, do solemnly swear.."

No1 in the republican better could've gotten more people on their side than trump

Almost any other candidate on the democratic side could've gotten more people on their side than hillary

Are democrats retarded?

Of course she is a better candidate, she's the biggest political prostitute the world has ever seen! ...and what exactly are Clinton's policies? "I'm not Trump"

>Meme wage gap solution
>Meme no college debt
>Meme minimum wage increase

I thought Trump was the demagogue here.


What I don't understand is how can one vote for Clinton with the argument 'she has better policies'.

She did a 180 in the last 8 years on literally every social issue, 8 years ago Obama hated her guts an told everyone how fucking awful she is and that no sane person should be voting for her but now he's acting like she's the moral choice. She was absolutely against gay marriage and abortion. TPP was 'gold standard' and she heartily endorsed it but now it's fucking awful outta nowhere.

On top of the 180 she did she also publicly acknowledged that her public opinion is not always her actual opinion so you LITERALLY can't trust what she says.

Anybody who still claims to vote for her for her policies is an actual mouthbreather. And anybody who claims to vote for her because she's the 'moral choice' is just as retarded if not more because of the mountains of evidence that she has no problem doing questionable stuff.

Literally the only 2 arguments one can use without being a liar/retard are:
1. She's a woman, we need a woman. (muh pussy)
2. I hate Trump so much I'm voting for her out of spite.

Well according to Clinton, her public and private stances are different so you don't know at all what she actually stands for.

>social issue
who cares about the fucking gays

she is easily better on fiscal and foreign policy

You're right, her scorched earth policy in Libya and Syria came out great.

>voting for this


>Foreign policy
Like Iraq and a no fly zone in Syria right? top fucking lel we should stop getting into other countries business till we figure out our shit - Trump is a huge isolationist and that's what we need.

how is one different from the other beyond haircut and which specific lies comes out of their mouths?

just curious

nobody's voting record changes, just their rhetoric

>what did he mean by this

>Almost any other candidate on the democratic side could've gotten more people on their side than hillary

Yes, if only they had some sort of way to have all the democratic candidates side by side and have the people decide who they liked best. An election of sorts.

>Trump is a huge isolationist and that's what we need.

Fucking lel, enjoy that Chinese cock in 20 years then m8. The US's grasp on the world is slipping, if you want to be the worlds pre-eminent superpower through this next century, then you'd better hope the next president's keep the US active in global affairs

He'll renegotiate trade deals - not erase them dunce.

>Trump is a huge isolationist and that's what we need.
Actually, it's exactly what Putin needs so he can annex the Sudetenland.

tell me about it OP

Gosh so tired of all this trump nonsense

Im going back to b to look at some interracial cuck tranny porn

Drumpkins btfo

Ill take a chance on that rather than US going to war with Russia because Hillary wants to take down assad so badly

Sanders policies are very unrealistic. If we exclude every country in Europe, Canada, Australia and more that have been doing it for decades.

1 post by this ID.

>He'll renegotiate trade deals - not erase them dunc

Which is just a totally vapid statement of politispeak that doesn't reflect economic reality at all. I thought Trump was meant to be different from other politicians?

Manufacturing is never going to recover to it's post-war glory days, any politician telling you that they will bring those jobs back is selling you a beachfront property in the Gobi Desert. There's no "renogotiation" possible for the deals that are really killing the US. Chinese manufacturing sucked up the jobs, and the US doesn't have a free-trade agreement with them. Negotiating tarrifs on Chinese imports will inevitably get passed on to the consumer and fuck over the middle class. Since Trump's policy is essentially just "stick a tariff on our partners", you'd see the price of mass-produced goods skyrocket within a few years.

But wait, I hear you say, isn't Mexico constantly building plants to replace our workers? Sure they are, but nowhere near the rate that you think they are, not to mention that it also works in the reverse. American farmers have experienced a boom from being able to sell meat and dairy to Canada and Mexico. In fact, US farmers are praying to god that TPP passes, because South East Asia is clamoring for US agriculture. US manufacturing is slowing down, while the agriculture business and refined goods services are booming, those businesses have been helped by free-trade in the past.

Now of course that's not a ringing endorsement for free-trade in general, it's a double-edged sword and I'm not sold by Hillary's economic plan, but if you think Trump's plan is any substantial positives to it, you are being conned.

Although still hated, hillary wasn't hated this much during the primaries .

Would there be a 2ndary primary vote today , unless rigged i doubt hillary would win

>Population of 24 million

>Population of 318 million

Yeah, I'm sure these totally similar countries would benefit by the same welfare policies

trump already won you know that right?

>US farmers praying tpp passes
>Most farmers in the US have trump signs plastered all over

well meme'd shill