Millennial hate thread

How do you feel knowing that the upcoming generation aren't as cucked as Millennials?

The sooner Millennials and their new genders, safe-spaces and selfie sticks cease being the predominant 20-somethings, the better.

Other urls found in this thread:–Howe_generational_theory

I'm gay :(

I'm a millennial but that article describes me perfectly. Seems I was actually born in the wrong generation.

>How do you feel knowing that the upcoming generation aren't as cucked as Millennials?

Like it'll be too late by then. Globalism means they'll be outvoted by the grasping immigrant hordes.

I think it's because the only people having fucking kids are people with right tendencies. Everyone else is a cuck.

>tfw two gen z brothers
I hope they make sweden great.

I was born in 1998. What is my generation?

Fake and gay.

>anyone under 25 having a valid opinion

The oldest they are is 16. Oldest.

What difference does it make? Their votes won't matter as a minority.

>Hate tattoos
I saw this thread b4. 16% didnt like tattoos. How old is gen z anyways, probably not old enough to really enjoy degeneracy yet.

why was generation Y replaced with millennials?


Millennial mate

So Z is basically Sup Forums and millennials on Sup Forums are honorary Zs?

I'd say Gen Z, but it kind of depends on how you were raised

That actually makes sense. 10/10, would buy a leaf.

Same, I was born right before the cutoff so I just consider myself a Z.

makes since because Sup Forums is filled with 15 year olds

>Highschool students

Wait till they get to post secondary re-education facilities. Then they will be just like the millenials all brainwashed freaks. Where's that pic floating around where normal people go into universtiy and then come out with funky colored hair and liberal views

I have 2 kids (boys) and I am constantly instilling the values of hard work and perseverance into them. They really are the future we need. Our generation is going to create a huge mess for them.

Gen Y IS Millennial, you utter dolt.

I hate being a Millennial. My generation is fucking garbage

Millennials are by and large the product of the single-parent household.

Also, Boomers generally had the idea that they weren't going to raise their children under the strict regimes that their parents raised them under, and it fucked a lot of millennials up.

And then the kids I know raised under strict as hell rules lash out as soon as they are able, these are often girls that can be found covered in piercings and tattoos in a desperate attempt to be unique. But when everyone is doing it, does it truly make you special? No, it makes you a fucking faggot.

16 yo max?
they are just repeating their lesson

Fair. I was born right after the cutoff for Generation X (1983), but I am straight, married, own my own house, have a good job, and despise anti-speech leftists. I don't consider myself a millennial even though I technically am one.

Gen Z are the most cucked generation. Millenials are the ones that will inherit all of the bullshit from Boomers and the lapdog Gen Xers.

Gen Z is Boomer 2 Electric Boogaloo.

I'm born 10 years before then, we established the front line for Gen Z to exist.


fuck off from my site you underage trash

That's why this board has become so fucking shit and no one knows what they're talking about. You must be AT LEAST in your early 20s to understand politics

I was born in 93. I assumed I was genX because of the movie with the same name that all of us genXers can relate to.

They'll be turning into adults, reaching voting age by the time Trump is ready for another term. Checkmate liberals, you fucking die tomorrow. FOREVER.

before college

I will lead them

after college

Year 1995 here, I really hope generation Z is not full of idiots but in my experience they seem even worse.

Maybe there's hope yet. I'm a millennial (1992) and my generation is absolutely shit. Genuinely sick and tired of SJWs on every God damn corner

Of course the upcoming generation will be conservative; all of the liberals of our generation opt out of breeding.

Millennials who hated what their generation came to represent are responsible for Gen Z's attitudes.

that remains to be seen
I think Gen Z will be the most polarized generation and might lead us into some type of civil war.

Z Pride World Wide?

>tfw born a filthy millenial in 1995, but the generation now will not be as broken as my own

the future is bright.

I'm a millennial. I fucking HATE millennials. Does everyone know that commercial where the stupid kid with glasses is eating dinner with his dad and they're talking about investments? And the kid has this smug fuckin attitude asking his dad questions and his dad says "that's not the way the world works" and he says "well the world is changing".

That, to me, is the definition of a shitty fucking millennial. Thinks he's smarter than everyone, thinks he's "changing the world" when in reality millennial men are the biggest pussys to ever walk the earth.

Fuck millennials.

This. Even as a 24 year old I know I have a lot to learn about life, I generally disregard social opinions of my peers

gen z sound fucking gay

it´s upon all of you above 25 to lead the 2000s into not becoming goyims of full caliber.

if you make fun of them and wish death upon them , there will be no1 left to care for you in your old helpless age.

you never think about that do you ? you only think about yourselves.

When you're raised on white guilt and progressiveness the teenage rebellion becomes conservative nationalism.


So you're saying the pendulum swung back? Gee, that was fucking obvious that was going to happen.

true but the world is changing and boomers need to stop living in fantasy land where u just need a good resume and u get 50k starting

I fucking hate the term millennial, it triggers me so much. I much prefer Gen Y, which is what we were called up until recent years when the younger cunts fucked everything up.

Have we started a fire?

if you like to be part of the problem then yes

Gen Z are dumb children, they don't fucking know anything yet. They aren't political and they sure as hell aren't conservative.

why would anyone not like ecstasy
its the best thing ever

The World War II generation is beginning to reincarnate and they're pissed at how badly their kids fucked up everything.


They fucked up hard.


Its probably reactionary to the far left thats been dominating the media lately. If SJWS weren't so vocal it wouldn't be popular and trendy to hate feminism. Same thing goes for most progressive things.

How is Rijeka these days mr. Srbojevic

Oh shit, I fucking HATE that smug piece of shit. Like that faggot has ever had to make one difficult financial decision in his fucking life, and he has the balls to tell his father that everything he knows about handling money and investing is wrong. Just the condescending righteousness coming out of a faggot from a god damn tv commercial makes me want to punch his fucking face in.

Agreed, fuck boomers more than anything.

ITT millenials bitching about millenials. If you were born in 1979 or earlier you really need to leave this site and reevaluate your life.


Am I too late to claim "generation Z" if i was born in 1997

all those latinos and blacks

no such thing as a liberal non white

thing is that 'the world is changing' was our parents attitude and we grew up in the harsh consequences of their hubris and laziness

we grew up on 9/11 and forever wars and recessions, weve realized how the world works the hard way and we witnessed our parents squander the good things they inherited from our grandparents

Gen Z are the children of Gen Xers m8

There's a difference between being gay and being a faggot. Just don't be a faggot.

Because kids aren't dumb as see shit usually for what it is, usually.

nice trips bro

Born in 1990 and always hated niggers and kikes.

The decadence, ignorance, and delusion of the previous two generations is finally taking its toll and it just so happens that Millennials were born just in time to watch it all come crumbling down.

Nay mate, us 93ers are gen y

They're kids resisting the "status quo".
The left did not understand yet that it is the establishment and the status quo. Kids will try to define themselves in opposition to that, the same way baby boomers defined themselves in opposition to the 40s and 50s.

The pendulum will swing back one way or another

Just remember, kids today have 3 things working against them:

1.) Their parents are still part of the shitty degeneracy
2.) Kids shows, books, and schools all promote diversity and acceptance of everyone and everything, no questions asked
3.) They haven't gone through the programming that we like to call college

>kids don't do drugs and think gay people are gay

Who'da thunk it?

havent been in rijeka since summer
theyr just another lvl of degenerate
has nothing to do with drugs tho
also the only serbs i met there were from istria

They'll probably challenge the school systems en masse because they were seeing nothing but the bullying/authoritative side of liberal social justice.

They've seen people say JUDGING A WOMAN ON HER DRESS IS RAPE
but weren't alive long enough to have seen people openly judge women harshly based on clothing in the first place.

It's all ironic realy

You think that's bad, wait til Generation Alpha.

What's wrong about hating tattoos? Only niggers, non nigger jail inmates and trash have them

Its too late, sweden has already passed the threshold of fixing.

This is good for the rest of us. Sure we have to put up with these idiots and sluts, but if you play your cards right, you can get leagues ahead of everyone financially and academically.

Kids resist message to which they are overexposed. Don't you remember being a kid in school?

Is that what we're calling the generation following Generation Z?

I'd probably call it "The iGeneration" or something like that

Also born in '97. Confused as to which generation to associate with.

Seems like you missed a generation.

Doesn't it go Gen X, Millenials, Gen Z?

Personally, I think the whole thing is stupid. I'm a young Gen Xer, and of course I identify more with an old Millenial (because we were only born 2 years apart) more than I do an old Gen X (because we were born like 10 years apart)

I think it's all those "Feminist cringe compilation"s on youtube. They see that, and equate it with modern liberalism. On the other side, the internet-savvy kids of Gen X probably equate conservatism with people like Milo and Sam Hyde, who are "edgy" and "cool"

Can you read, Pedro?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the new generation.

Generation Z means from mid-1990s to early 2000s so shut up you moron
You can be 25 and a generation Z technically

A "millennial" is someone who came of age in the 2000s

its because they grew up with half their class full of mexicans

t. boomer faggot

fucking kys already, mart sharter.

>tfw gen Z

Feels nice desu lads


The people here who hate milo are idiots. He is a weapon, use him

According to the Wikipedia article, most sources list the mid-late 90s as the start date for Generation Z

So we could probably pass for Generation Z if we look young

Only the free-thinking kids resist indoctrination by methods of overexposure, coddling, and browbeating if all else fails. The majority will fall in line as was the plan from the start.


gen x is the current crop of 20 and 30-somethings

She always has this look of not wanting to be here. Or that she is on the threshold of being absolutely repulsed and disgusted with whatever she is looking at or doing.

Why are millenials the kids of the 90s and not the kids born in the new millenium like the name would imply?

It's annoying. To think we've come from this

to this

Not that the Gielgud commercial was great, given that that was a speech given by Brutus right before riding out to a battle that he was absolutely crushed in.–Howe_generational_theory
Reminder that this happens over and over.
Max 11.
This one?
Nice numerals, though.

>generation Z
>no drugs
>saving money
>conservative on gay marriage and transgender

Oy vey! It's like anudda Shoah!