It's November 9th. Trump has officially won. Who's BTFO reaction are you most excited to see? Pic related but there are so many to choose from
It's November 9th. Trump has officially won. Who's BTFO reaction are you most excited to see...
CNN, The View, HuffingtonPost, NYtimes.
Most excited to see? Reddit.
r/The_Donald will fucking explode and the rest will melt down like crazy.
Literally everyone that isn't Sup Forums
It really was us vs the world, and if the world loses I'm going to delight in all of it
this; literally everybody else
remember, 1% thought trump would get the nomination
that nigger on the daily show. I want his reaction..
Jon Stewart is against Trump, but at least he’s funny.
Y'all can Trump really win? I've been feeling sick this entire weekend about the prospect of him losing. I'm not asking will but can he?
Hillary, Lena Dunham, and R/politics btw, but ctr might have fled.
Famous for nothin, Yet nothin was our world!
Here's a taster from Brexit
I WANT to believe
All my annoying libtard "friends" on fb.
Current Year Man's tears will be delicious.
Watching reddit meltdown is also a plus. Be prepared to see lots of "I'm an undocumented worker who's terrified of being up from my family."
Unfortunately, I think Hillary is more likely to win. Trump has built up a terrific movement that I've been proud to be a part of, but the Clinton political machine is so corrupt. Kennedy was able to steal the 1960 election from Nixon. Nixon wasn't some cuck like McCain or Romney. He was a fighter, like Trump, and compared to the Clintons, the Kennedys are saints. Not gonna lie, I'm worried.
Brexit was stopped and UK is still an caliphate.
basically all the cancer from John (Colbert, Bee, ect) will have a great meltdown
John Oliver
followed closely by
Obama himself
I'll actually feel a litttle bad for killary. I mean, it's like her entire life's purpose. She's murdered, protected her rapist, and helped out pedo's, all thinking it would one day payoff for this day.
Media all over the world
Bill Maher
le current year comedian xdd
Jon Leibowitz
hell, there's a ton of them
it's gonna be fun
When Trump wins I'm spamming day of the rope on my kikebook page
im gonna switch from watching fox and rt to cnn exclusively for a few days. would be lovely to see tapper and or blitzer fired in the middle of their set wednesday
Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.
Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.
She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.
Nate Silver
this guy
wtf i love this copypasta now
All those cry babies liberals and Trudeau, oh man i can't wait for him to cry a river of salt when trump will win
Literally everyone.
Ukrainians. This is our thing.
I would actually watch CNN for once to see the anger of every liberal that works there.
stale pasta is stale
I do give credit to Trudeau for keeping his mouth shut during all this. He knows that who ever wins he's going to have to play ball with.
black twitter
Look everyone. A gigantic faggot.
This. TYT will be way funnier than CNN. The CNN cast are professional, Cenk is not.
and you should make your way back to English class, Tivo
Oh, so much this.
The pure butthurt they'll feel over seeing a, as they think, Russian proxy get elected into office will be priceless.
The media, and especially state funded JewTubers like LeFloid
Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller. All the parasite politicians losing their gibsmedat.
The young Turks meltdown. #loserTrump
For not turning away from reality like a pussy, he is a faggot?
Well, what makes that you then, kike sharter? top kek
>this meme
just focus on your potatoes eesti
My ex-bf who was a Hillcuck whose life was falling apart last I heard from him.
LeFloid needs to be napalmed.
CNN is far right of center I dont know what you are blustering about
I can't wait to see my hardcore liberal ex girlfriend (who now identifies as a fictional male comic book character) make good on her promise and kill herself
Well it's a good thing they didn't announce that you fucking retard. Jesus Christ you're an idiot. He said she was guilty as fuck, but they won't push to prosecute. Why? Because Lynch was appointed by WJC and they're all corrupt as fuck. Go correct another record you fucking piece of trash.
>Literally everyone that isn't Sup Forums
Not chile
Chileans support trump
He'll just stutter in his stupid fucking accent and make light of the people who voted for Trump.
>The CNN cast are professional
Say that again with a straight face. You know you can't.
personal favorite. gosh i cant fucking wait
Obama tbqh
Tiny tim wise
>CNN is far right of center I dont know what you are blustering about
(it's not)
I'm not just in this for the salt. I want to make America great again, and I want to do that with every other American.
My only hope is that the rest are not so blind or brainwashed, cucked or corrupt that they can't do that with us. Tears are a poor consolation prize. MAGA.
Nixon didn't have talk radio and the Internet to get the word out about the election being stolen, also the country had a lot more trust in the media and government at the time. If the Democrats steal this election, you will see wide spread violence in reaction.
Ben Shapiro
Yes absolutely. He's within the margin of error on most swing state polls (which always lean democrat) and early voting, which historically heavily favors the Democrats while election day voting favors the Republicans, has been much tighter than in past years. He could do it.
Anyone who says "It's over, Trump has no chance" is trying to get people not to vote.
MSNBC will be better. I expect Maddow to cry on air.
Every msm talking head and celebrity that shamed trump voters and called then morons.
Then every one of them that has the balls to double down and conjuring calling the nation a bunch of morons.
Is she a Batmano sexual?
The swedish media.
Occupy Democrats, NowThis, AJ+, HuffPoo
My FB feed
I'm gonna give out so many Haha reactions that I'll lose half my friends overnight
Nate fucking Sodium.
I'm so ready to watch him have a meltdown and upload a twitter video of him blowing his own brains out.
Id like to see how Jon Leibowitz reacts to it, no doubt he'll start wagging his finger at the screen and start yelling incoherent nonsense.
Huffpos front page will be pure, unfiltered, high density liberal tears. Remember New Hampshire goes full on racist sexist?
My favorite SJW lolcows. It's going to be Brexit all over again.
Looking forward to seeing Cenk flip the desk when they call it for Trump 2bh.
I would love to see Samantha Bee announce she is cancelling her show either on air or on Twitter.
To be quite honest this, I've had so many cucks post Hillary propaganda, I usually don't comment but every now and then I do. Tomorrow I'm planning on posting a pic with me in my MAGA hat after I voted.
they're already crying
All of them. I'm going to record all of them to my DVR and keep them forever
Rick Wilson
The Libshit Bernout Mexican I know
There really needs to be a full compilation of EVERY SINGLE ONE of these cucks' BTFO reactions.
Holy shit I forgot about 'Bama. I want to see this fucker stuttering and stammering through the post-election speech.
Bill Maher was a mean nasty fuck towards Trump supporters, drink one sip of his tears before everyone else's then pour the rest over his head like champagne.
Joe has pretty much jumped ship already tho
I want to see French press butthurt over the "darkest days of humanity" and other pompous butthurt shit.
what a rare flag!
Regardless of who wins, the Sup Forums shitstorm tomorrow night will be enough entertainment for the whole year.
I hope Trump wins so I can see all the assmad celebrities reluctantly take back their "I'm moving to Canada!" threats.
Le tough guy actor man
Our little colony will finally have solidified its beachhead.
From there, the drydocks will roll in and we can start uncucking the entire site.
The remnants of Gawker.. Deadspin, Concourse.. all of it
Just to see them get massively triggered one last time and then have nothing to do for 4 years
Gonna be spamming anime waifus at Rick Wilson all day long with hundreds of sock accounts.
I am going on twitter to send every single famous person who said they would leave the USA if Trumpenfuhrer won, a message reminding them to start packing their bags.
Once I'm done with them I'm starting on the normies. They are not wanted or needed, and must leave immediately. For them to do anything else is hypocritical and dishonest.
Waiting for all the libs to move to there socialist paradise will be great
Gonna be the best day of this year desu
>“It’s tempting to fall into divisive, fearful rhetoric,” Trudeau told a room of businesspeople at a venue in Hangzhou.
>In what seemed an overt reference to U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, he said “building walls” is not an avenue for growth.
You live in literal paradise, what the fuck are you wasting time on Sup Forums for
Go jetski, swim, fuck tourists, climb a mountain I dk but I am SO GODDAMN JEALOUS
Thank you based Southern Hemisphere friend
I'm expecting Huffpost to actually 404.
people on my campus
>tfw you're watching a really good porn, then you cum, then you think wtf is this shit I'm watching *click*