Was Julius Evola referring to us with this book?

Was Julius Evola referring to us with this book?

We're too caught up in politics, too invested in certain outcomes to be riding the tiger.

Some of you guys might be, but I'm sure as hell not.

I think we are the ones who are fighting on through the ending of a civilization. Wouldn't you agree we are therefore, riding the Tiger?

pretty much

before this election Sup Forums was basically an internet cult that prayed for the happening tiger to show up so that "something" could be done after everything went to shit.

Is trump our tiger?

I suppose, but in order to ride the tiger you must not get in the way of its teeth. I fear I and many Sup Forumslacks are doing such.

The tiger is all society, one who rides it is merely hanging on to its grungy hairs. They can not control it, they must simply tire it.

>Is trump our tiger?

No. Hillary is. And so is the national debt.

So what would one have to do to ride the Tiger of this degenerate libcucked society Sup Forums?

Indeed. I was riding the tiger, but Trump pulled me out of my own personal Kali Yuga.

We're gonna win this one, bros. I can feel it.

Become a "prepper". Stockpile food for your family and arm yourself. Don't have to be hardcore about it but ready enough.
When society goes down all hell will break loose.

There´s no way out other than kill the leaders, kill them all. Shoot the cops, get rid of the army and burn the banks. Burn the stores, crush the cars, burn the schools, burn the bars. Fuck their food and fuck their laws, kill the lawyers. Don´t use their gas and their gasolines. Crush the head of the CEO and all the other little Hitler they need to Go. Kill everyone that´s on TV, the only way we´ll ever be free. Fuck the movies don´t watch that shit, nuke hollywood until it´s a burning pit. Don´t build their roads don´t eat their medicine.

You can talk about being anti-society and anti-NWO whatever but every fucking thing you do in the context of this society is just feeding the beast. There is no escape expect total rejection of it, all other steps will just further the complexity of this oversized matrix and establishment. This is not possible for most of you people, you are willing to die defending any nation, state you are part of further misering your existence

whoa Jonne, calm down

You people obviously didn't read the book. Part of 'riding the tiger' is being apolitical. Evola wouldn't make any differentiation between hillary or trump because he believed all of society was corrupt and nihilistic and far beyond saving.

oh he would differentiate but he would identify Trump with exactly the kind of merchant of the 3rd estate he writes about in Revolt. To him Trump would be exactly the kind of leader you would expect this era to produce. Hillary would just be another version. Both are ruled by money, one got it by being a literal capitalist and the other got it by being a dishonest corrupt freak. Both would be heavily decadent of course to Evola because he thought legit rule came from above by a metaphysical principle

We are in the Kali Yuga, the death throes of this world.
A primordial rebirth is coming and few will survive.
Ride the tiger lest he eats you alive.

ride the tiger brah

It's a book of someones beleifs

Make your own beliefs

we are the tigers

Nobody in this thread has read this book. The "Tiger" isn't some kind of extended metaphor that carries through the book. The conclusion isn't some grandiose call to action. His final statement is basically that the best you can hope for is to identify with the alienation of society that isn't for you anymore the same way you would derive strength from climbing a mountain. The mountain is large and insurmountable, cannot be known. Modern society is the same way. It is fundamentally "other" and can make you feel small. Throw yourself in and make the "other" a way to build yourself up and become who you are in a sense.

>"Finally we must consider a third possibility. To some the path of acceleration may be the most suitable approach to a solution, considering that given certain conditions, many reactions are the equivalent of those cramps that only prolong agony and by delaying the advent of the new principle. Thus it would be expedient to take on, together with a special inner attitude, the most destructive processes of the modern era in order to use them for liberation, this would be like turning a poison against onself or like "riding a tiger"."


Evola already said society was unsalvageable, so Sup Forumss obsession with the spectacle that is modern politics is pretty much the opposite of Evola

you think Evola didn't advocate action eh?

In his earlier work he did, but he later realized that it is was pretty much hopeless.

Hence why he wrote this book, which is telling you to overcome modernity as an individual, but not in some kind of society wide revolution.

He is skeptical that two properly like minded individuals would ever even meet over a lifetime, never mind managing to get a society full

i took it as, you ride the tiger by preserving an inner condition that can be instantly re-awakened when the time is right (post collapse) and unite with other people who did the same to seize power.

Yeah, he's very pessimistic.

No. Evola is about reactionary as you can get. He's an esoteric, and really you're never going to get enough people to believe in his stuff.

I mean look at this way, fascism is dead and that wasn't anywhere near enough reactionary for Evola (well, he saw it as a movement for plebs). He's aristocratic, that isn't for the masses.

Evola's politics has no way of coming in to being in the modern world and he realizes that, hence why he is telling you to cultivate yourself so you can survive it, not so you can ultimately change it.

Thank you RTNT.

No we're not. Stop reading Lawrence Murray and TRS.

Go read some Quigley and get some fucking bearing on the situating and realize this has been pre-ordained.

Evola would hate Trump