Germany FFS
Germany FFS
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Dear Germany,
Thanks, but we're not going to take advice from a country who elected a fascist who proceeded to fuck up an entire continent.
And also Adolf Hitler.
this was written by an autist living in san diego
>Voted for Merkel
>United Europe under German rule
Why the fuck would I care what Germans say? They literally voted for a female Hitler
>Trump is running his whole campaign just based on fear mongering!
>Which is why need Hillary because otherwise Trump will deport all minorities, ruin the economy, kill gays, and start WWIII!
>So don't give in to fear mongering!
i like you
>an anonymous twitter poster claiming to be from germany, but living in california
totaly not suspicious
dear Umerikans, go to hell.
>SPIEGEL ONLINE: Warum haben Sie diesen Beitrag geschrieben?
>Johan Franklin: Aus Frustration. Und Fassungslosigkeit. Darüber, dass es tatsächlich wieder jemandem gelingt, Millionen von Menschen mit klar nachweisbaren Lügen, gezielten Desinformationen und bei näherem Blick unglaublich plumpen rhetorischen Mitteln einzufangen und für seine Sache einzuspannen.
Heh, thought he was talking about Clinton there.
Every single living Germany is responsible for this
Love how they blew their load with calling him Hitler from day 1, and everything after has just been trying different ways of doing so
All over my normiebook from dumb socialstudies majors.
I hate the unwarranted self importance some Germans have.
>guys look at me I am virtue signalling!!! I feel like I am actually doing something while literally doing nothing!
>German posters have become the new leafs.
And so it goes.
most likely
Who cares if the guy who wrote it lives in SD? Odds are he's like me - an ashkenazi jew with rich German heritage concerned about the future of our country.
B''H everything will go as planned.
Impressed by the shave job
What a cuck
Spiegel: why did you write that post?
Literal German cuck living in the US: "I couldn't even right then I was literally shaking and crying uncontrollably!!! Well. I still am to be honest, but now I feel like I accomplished something!"
woah hey, slow down.
There's nothing worse than actively and publicly sharing something so wrong and dehumanising like comparing a legit presidential nominee to Adolf Hitler. This shit should make the leftys that share it ashamed but they can't witness the irony within their hypocracy.
Literally on tier (and maybe even more exaggerated) than Goebbels fucking campaigns in Nazi Germany relating to the bolshevist jews.
>the people of germany
lol fuck no
Germany has ruined Europe for the 3rd time in a century...Bravo, Germany...Praise kek, Trump 2016!
> hehe i represent the entire country 100% agree with me
your more fucked up than the usa. so go fuck yourself german cucks
Nah, welcome to the bottom of thr barrel friend.
why are burgers mad about WW1 & WW2?
it literally is the only reason they're a international superpower today.
americans have a 20 minute memory span
so they forgot
Let’s just pretend that a faggot from the United States of America represents the German people.
Enjoy your collective guilt.
Is there any hope for Germany, or will the Holocaust meme forever prevent them from uncucking themselves?
Fuck off, Justin.
Gas the kikes race war now
-The People of Sweden
Ignore this asshole. Yes many people in Germany would prefer Clinton but that is because the media is completely one sided and I am not sure if you really can expect the average German to look deeper into the presidential election of the USA.
That said, many people I know who look deeper are actually now convinced (sometimes due to my influence, I guess) that Clinton would actually be the worse choice.
Yes Germany, let's instead vote for the person that wants to invade Russia. That worked out great for you guys last time.
fuck off shills. you have no power here.
hillary is merkel then........
I like you, lad
>the people of Germany
every time.
also no matter how often I filter this image is still keeps coming up. Stop it you faggots.
>lives in San Diego since 2014
>says the refugee crisis here is blown out of propotions
>bases his info only on (((social media))) and german (((news)))
why are you taking this guy seriously again?
>the people of Germany
Apparently, I am not part of the people...
I mean wow
Denazification sure was a thing, just look at all those German cucks
he spelled "Histrionic" wrong.
If this add doest reekof despiration idk what does
Some of us are different, I swear! We're still friends, right? Right, mein Freund!?!?
f-fpbp, i g-guess
Couldn't afford a Mercedes you Swiss cunt?