What are your greatest fears from a Clinton presidency?

What are your greatest fears from a Clinton presidency?

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seeing her face on the news every day

having to listen to her speak

women cant be president

>more females having power

The earth will end sooner lads.

Nuclear war.

War with Russia and Iran.

Hearing her awful voice all the time.

America going full SJW


This, open borders, and redused 2A rights



The continuation of a PC culture.

The country pushing gay black tranny SJW fee fee culture until I kill myself.

Literal communism, and having the masses be blindly for it.

SJW laws that negatively affect men.

No guns to defend myself, not from military coup bullshit like people assume, but from nig nogs and people telling me to step outside when I just want to be left alone.

no one here has any actual fears from a clinton presidency, having actual fears requires not being some NEET fucktard who thinks "durr i shitpost and fuel MSM propaganda by being the most useful kind of idiot"

The prospect of a true atomic midnight.

Who needs death by demographic displacement when we can instakill society with Nuclear War.

Nuclear war with Russia is the big one.

SJWs being legitimized is a scary thought though desu senpai

Nukular war

Large scale wars. As long as that doesn't happen hopefully China and India can take over where the west stopped.

We become like Canada.
Nuclear war.

Her opening the floodgates for shitskins and Mexicans so much that it would make Merkel and Soros cream themselves at the thought of the US NEVER having a Republican/conservative president, Congress, or Supreme Court ever again.

>Literal communism
How stupid and illiterate has to be a gringo for thinking Clinton or Obame are communist?

That they will want my semen and blood before they eat my body and rape my children.

I'm not actually as afraid of the extreme stuff that others hype up (i.e. WWIII) so much as I think she will continue to allow America to descend on the cultural, social, and economic downward spiral that it currently is on and if anything she will grease the slide.

A no fly zone in syria isnt something to fear?

When our own generals are saying it wold require war with Russia?

Also, Texas will become 10% white if she becomes president. Open borders will be the death of this great state

I don't mind paying more taxes to insure I can retire comfortably and have the healthcare i need when I'm older. Even if that means my neighbor has the same luxury

Nuclear war with Russia, packing the court with gay furry otherkin SJW judges, massive muslim immigration to completely fuck the electorate for pretty much ever, in roughly that order.

she's going to start a war and be crazy enough to disarm the populace at the same time

War with Russia.


Larger government telling me how to piss and shit

Pedophilia legalized

No jobs, even for DoD employees

Constant riots and rebellions in the streets

Callate mariconaso.

We become like South Africa or Zimbabwe at home, but still go to war with Russia and play the part of World Police abroad.

>The prospect of a true atomic midnight.
This is nothing user, I grew up in the 80's, fucking random air-raid sirens, constant shit when the MSM and war mongering papers was all we had, it was terrible. This is just stupid election bs, it will go away by christmas


I can tune it out if I never go online or watch TV. But knowing that the moment she gets into office, she'll be able to cover up everything she's done, and close every loophole across the entire government and media so no one can prove corruption. The fact that the chance to purge the entrenched corrupted elite within the government would be gone, thats what hurts the most. Letting them win when we know they're fucking guilty

More destabilization of Middle East. More migrant crisis. More shit to Europe.


This, if she wins America is dead as we know it

>les take all duh monie frum dem whities and gibs it to us nigga
>dis ain't communism doe

that she'll drag the rest of the world kicking and screaming into a nuclear conflict that only she wants is number one
on a more homegrown level, I'm afraid she doesn't have the capacity to see other people as other people, and thus doesn't understand her role in helping those people, and thus vulnerable people and communities will be brushed under the rug and ignored and will slip through the gaps in her administration that focuses exclusively on the comfortably visible middle classes

also she smiles all the fucking time, it's such a mask and anybody who isn't autistic can see it for the charade it is
being president is a serious fucking responsibility and nobody should be grinning like an airhead at that prospect

Bringing in enough welfare slaves to ensure democratic rule for the rest of the country's existence. Which wouldn't be all that long.

Then basically Venezuela 2.0

Trying to take Guns away from Americans. Some how some way shes going to find a way to do it.

An unending war in Syria and then Yemen.
An entire chain of umpteen proxy-wars with Russia.
A massive surge of 3rd world immigration to America as they realise that the door maybe closing soon and then need to get in before the next election.
Continued BLM chimpouts as blacks notice nothing has really changed in 2 Democrat presidents (one of which was probably even born in Africa).

How do we convince military personnel to disobey her orders?

Currupt government so entrenched that it can't be fixed. The end of America and the emergence of its zombie corpse -- still calling itself America.


I forgot to say that your guns will definitely be taken away.

Poland will be first to nuke. Bye guise, it was fun while it lasted.

An actual war with Russia over Syria.

The last gasp of American freedom would occur tomorrow night should she win. Should she be the president elect, the globalist system remains in tact, complete with all shady backroom dealings, shell companies, and billions of dollars in misdirected funds for buying influence.

The Supreme Court will be filled with a liberal Zionist puppet.
The open borders will ensure a wave of new Democrat voters to keep a hold on the presidency and legislative branch for generations.

There is a reason why you guys have one of the largest standing armies in the world.

That we'll all get to see the REAL Hillary when she doesn't have to answer to anyone.

That and listening to her speak I think all things considered if Hillary wins I'm checking out of American politics altogether.

All that I've worked hard for gone because Ching Chong and Pajeet will do shitty engineering for $5 / hour

Insulto con mala ortografĂ­a es elogio

What Obama did with the black community, that's what Hillary is going to do with women.

No, that's not communism but welfare state at most. Educate yourself in politics and history please.

We wont even be nuked, we'll die slowly and painfully from the effects of radiation poisoning from nukes being blown up literally everywhere around us, as well as the effects of nuclear winter. If only we were so lucky to get nuked first

My fear is that I wont be invited to one of those pizza parties


>Some how some way
It's not going to be that hard. She'll appoint a Supreme Court Justice that'll wipe their ass with the 2nd amendment and thatll be it.

That there is one. Thankfully there won't be

Escalation in South China Sea. B-52 bombers in Darwin.

This is how lots of us felt before engineering was a mainstream thing.

I wanted to be a humble shop owner with little bells on the front glass door, and greet customers by name every morning. Can't do that because it's two MILLION dollars just to own a little corner grocer or liquor store. Meanwhile, Chen and Tanjeet literally get that shit handed to them by either a relative or our own government with loan abuse.

I don't want to be a burger flipper, but I also don't want to be an engineer or doctor. I just want a bit of "lagom" in my life as the Danish put it, but that's denied.

That there will be no scandals and she is going to be a good president and kill this whole re-emerging nationalistic movement.

It's the effectively the same shit. The method by which it's brought about is a little different, but the end result is the same. Fuck off with your semantics

Nuclear war basically

Nuclear war with russia

oh how rare, some dumb fucking nigger who never bothered to study the Cold War with a equally dumb-nigger questions

Amnesty for illegals
Widening the size of government
Continuing moronic trade deals that remove manufacturing jobs
War with Russia

I don't think the things I've mentioned are fears, they are the reality that will take place if she wins.

So should she win, how long does it take the (((MSM))) to critique her? I mean she is (((their))) candidate. Or is the gag order too much to take and they'll still blame W for everything, completely forgetting about 8 years under Obama?

What are your greatest fears from a Clinton presidency?

>Nuclear war.
Russia uses the SATAN clusterwarhead nuke to defend their sovreignty from unfounded western aggression.
>Further string of senseless wars
Abusing taxpayer money and NATO rescources for purpose of self-enrichment for her and her cronies
>Removal of guns and the 2nd amendment
its supposed to protect the country from self serving megalomaniacs who does not represent the best interests of the people after all.
>Internet cencorship and SJW-pandering
further stigmatization borderlining persecution for fringe political and social opinions.
I.e. suggesting that private owned central banks is bad gets you put in same bin as stormfront.
>more globalism, less Nationalism
Less borders, more immigration, lower value of domestic jobs all over the west. Im sure spoiled college-educated rich kids with cuckold fetishes will be overjoyed. Sucks for the rest.
>further entrenchment of Government corruption
The establishment's cronies well and truly own both parties in equal measure, instead of just individual candidates, and use censorship laws to kill critics in the cradle.

We are already half way there though, and Europe will likely follow suit.

Continued immense national debt
Increasing healthcare costs
Increased schooling costs
Exporting factoring and labor
Illegals with little value other than hard labor become legal
Horrible relations with China, Russia, and India
More wars

Every now and then dems get a bee in their bonnet about mass media items causing violence - movies, music, videogames. I suspect Hillary will allow this mindset a bit more political leeway in her administration than Obama did.

As a dem I liked Al Gore but found it baffling when he elected to spend political capital going after rock music. It just seemed so... quaint in the 1980s, much more behavior you'd expect to see from the christian right than the progressive left.

Leave either of the two sides of the spectrum alone long enough and they shift into regressive totalitarianism, I suppose.


I forgot to add: lack of tradesmen

Nothing. She's not a good person but she's not going to be doing anything very stupid. Donald Trump is also not a good person but he has no experience working as a politician. Donald Trump makes me worry for the relationships America has with other countries. I think sometimes many people forget how sensitive world relationships can be, and how much people's opinions of countries are important. These opinions are made by seeing politicians. Look at the Filipino President. He is crazy and I know many people who have lost respect for the people of the Philippines because they voted for him.

>It's the effectively the same shit. The method by which it's brought about is a little different, but the end result is the same. Fuck off with your semantics

It's like witnessing the Lannisters win in real time knowing there won't be some deus ex machina bullshit to come in where the "good guys" win in the end ;_;

This, as much as i think Trump is baffoon, he is our last chance to fight corruption outside of war. After she wins, both parties will insistute a ultra super delagate rule making it impossible for populists/grassroots candiates to win primaries and she'll import millions through direct(ex.Syrian migrants) or indirect measures(not inforcing border rules) as turn our country in an uniparty of bigger, corparate gov't.

>and how much people's opinions of countries are important
Lol don't be a nip cuck. You guys may care what other countries think, but we take pride in not giving a fuck.

Honestly, that it won't be disastrous enough and people will revert back to being apathetic. Even if Trump loses, a terrible Clinton presidency would result in redpilling a lot of people.

Differences in the textbook definition don't matter. Both destroy countries in the end

What about Canada in that regard? The era of 'presidential' charade is over, people don't buy into this cuckery

WW3 and Civil all at once. Open borders will bring about the destruction of Southwest US, and Hillary's refugee plan will bring about worse problems in strategic US locations than what's going on in Europe.

this Even non-nuclear war would suck but I have no doubt it would escalate.
2. SCOTUS will get fucked
3. By extension of #2, gun rights go bye bye along with free speech
I could continue the list but it's only making me more depressed.

>muh guns
>uppity feminist chimp outs

>thinking Hillary could last half a year without fucking up big time.


She wants it and she's not afraid to hide it.

-World War III
-Repealing of the 2nd Amendment
-Hate speech laws
-Mandatory curfew for males
-Liberal indoctrination of children
-Unchecked open immigration
-Increase in debt

to name a few

Literally this.

I fear that SJW behaviour becomes the norm and women will go completely batshit crazy.

I also don't want this american trend coming over to the EU and especially my country.

The shit I see on YouTube is fucking terrifying.

All this protests with People begging for "safe spaces" and screaming "rape culture".

?? Nobody cares about Canada. They are America's hat. They are not as important in the world as America. American politics affect the world.

Nuclear war
Inmigration of non-whites to this continent due to said nuclear war
Nuclear winter

Maybe not, but your children will be.

Please don't use "we". The majority of your country is thankfully not as unintelligent as you.

war with Russia using others as proxies: Ukrainians, Syrians Georgians and us, Baltics

World War 3/nuclear war, the extinction of the white race and the end of Western Civilisation - in that order.

Tensions are as high now as during the Cuban Missle crisis.

Her stupidy. "Perimetr" stands ready.

No more memes.