Trump Lead Widens To 2, His Biggest Yet

Despite 'November Surprise': IBD/TIPP Poll

With one day to go, Donald Trump extended his lead over Hillary Clinton, 43% to 41%, according to the latest IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll. That comes after a third bombshell from FBI Director James Comey, who announced Sunday he would not indict Clinton for her email scandal.

Trump's two-point lead now matches his largest so far during the 20 days of polling.

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gets 6% of the vote, Green Party candidate Jill Stein just 2%.

Nate Silver ranked 23 presidential polling organizations in 2012. He described IBD/TIPP as "the most accurate" tracking poll for the year.

This is a *very* reliable poll. Watch the video which explains here:

Reminder that the IBD poll was the most accurate of last election

>that background
[eternal handrubbing intensifies]

I thought it was the LA Times? I could be wrong.

LA times which was also one of the most accurate in 2012 has Trump +6, IBD has him +2

Holy shit you are correct.

It would be interesting if they are both wrong. I truly have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow, I can't visualize either a Trump or a Hillary presidency


Trump will win as a Latino i want him to win

Meanwhile Clinton has several rallies and surrogates all defending blue states today

>MFW 2% lead is irrelevant when he doesn't have the electoral votes

Man, really? Which states and which celebs? I figured they were trying to flip states.

If the electoral college votes no then we get to rape and pillage

For anyone who missed it, this "Trump Official AMA" last night was v. interesting and, I think, legit.

>Sup Forums only likes polls when then show Trump winning

kys Trump shill

We will make it, my brother

LA Times is using an experimental model this year that is a fucking joke when you actually see what it is.

Drumff is finished. It's ogre, lads. Fuck this gay earth.

>Trump Lead Widens To 2,

I can only see Jeb in our future

Won't happen, Trump can't win the popular vote by 2% whilst losing the EV.

If he wins popular but loses EV it will be by fractions of a percent.

Awww, I'm sorrryyyy little CTR shill

Hillary is going to lose

Trump is going to win

And you're going to swing from a tree

Look in her soulless eyes

>LA Times is using an experimental model this year that is a fucking joke
Source on that? What experimental model?

pls be here on wednesday morning, no matter which way the election goes.

I could post 5 polls that have Trump winning, whoppdy doo

>cherry picking (((polls)))
>d-d-doesn't matter that the most accurate polls have trump leading! Look at this NBC poll!

I adjusted your result for the shame factor.
NBC/SM: Clinton +1
Ipsos: Clinton - 1
NBC/WSJ: Clinton -1
ABC/WaPo: -1
Herald: Clinton -1
Blomberg: Clinton -2

>Trump can't win the popular vote by 2% whilst losing the EV.

Agree. Not sure if it's, strictly speaking, a statistical impossibility to win popular vote by 2% and lose EV, but in Bush v. Gore 2000, for example, Gore received only 1/2% point more of the popular vote than Bush (Gore 48.4%, Bush 47.9%).

>6% of the americans will vote for brain damage johnson

>also checked

That was a shitty link, sorry.

For anyone who missed it, the "Trump Official AMA" last night was very interesting and I think legit.

Check it:

>Not awaiting the glorious Cruz surge

Trump will win.
