How did Jews, a Semitic ethnic group, acquire blonde hair and blue eyes?

How did Jews, a Semitic ethnic group, acquire blonde hair and blue eyes?

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Fuck that pic looks like my dad as a kid. Some what like me. This is why I dont 23 and me

parasitic invasion

found the jew


parasitic inbreeding

like mark zuckercuckergook

Fair haired people have been all over the middle east since the earliest of times.

Jews are aryans

Middle east is black hair and eyes because of the filthy ar*bs you amerilard. They bred like rabbits and mixed with every people in ME and ruined it forever


They were the original blonde haired blue eye people. Why do you think they have the highest iqs and don't breed with goys?

It takes blonde women, either by force, con, or willing genetic traitor.

this is just a guess but maybe they got it from that time they lived in europe and intermarried with europeans for a couple of thousand years.

They picked up European genes moving west out of Kazaria

How did arabs?

White admixture


Obviously this

this, and easy childslaves (trained offspring producer) aquired from after-war envrioment

2000 years in Europe absorbing slav and white genes


Well technically Jack Mormon, probably still oven worthy.

Why absorb? When you can just steal post soviet servile women.

Pics of your bike?

my ancestors are german and jewish
I presume that I get the dashing good looks and master race-tier genetics from the german side of the family, and the chronic neurosis and the occasional desire to take over the world using a complex system of international banks from the jewish side

what I'm trying to say is that I assume that they pick up non-jewish characteristics from whatever host country they're staying in at the time

Being just over 50% white.

Oh and mixing with slavs.

>Blue eyes
>Blonde hair

Not really news. But you will notice they chose not to absorb Irish genes because it drops the IQ 10-15 points.

I like Brody.. fucking jew

Post pic faggot.

They bought them by being moneylenders to the powerful and who married off their daughters to European nobility.

No cheekbones doe. Looks more like Lincoln desu

Lithuanian Jews are whitest?

>Low IQ, alcoholic, religious fanatic mocks other low IQ, alcoholic, religious fanatic

kek, the Irish having the highest ratio of members in MENSA

What? That's Lithuanians, not Lithuanian jews.

My mom dated a jew for a while, and she told me that his mom was always really salty about blonde haired blue eyed jews. According to her, all the blonde haired, blue eyed jews were the results of Russian rape-babies and weren't truly Jewish, or at least Semitic.

Fortunate my dad was so Jewy he could not stand to pay 10% tithing, got out early. No mission served.

Go home zog shit

Jews were 10-20% of the population in HUGE swathes of Slavic lands
Make of that what you will

this....the hair is almost fuckin black.

I don't get the ''joke''.

No the are semitic people like arabs,iranians

Then why is your National IQ average the lowest in Western Europe?

they blandaupped

this is why there is a rivalry between such jews and the original jews

Several groups of Indo-Europeans controlled the region for 1000s of years

Hillarys kill list why internet went down yestarday why evrytime u post this in a thread it gets sage really fukin hard post on ctr threads

I dont like t
Shill thread so goodbye


Culture is not academically orientated

>Irish having the highest ratio of members in MENSA

No you dont. We do. You're like 6th.

IQ has very little nothing to do with education - genius. Try taking one.

Because Semites are Caucasian.

Most of kikes are actually European traitors.

I wonder how

Thank you for the link Finnbro.

> one of the highest ratios
Yes, but the Irish have a huge emigration problem which has dropped them down the ranks.

How many Fins have left lately? Since 2008 100's of thousands of Irish have emigrated.

>IQ has very little nothing to do with education - genius. Try taking one.
kek, you think you can understand information, if you've never learned the prerequisites for that knowledge?

t. MSc Student

Patern Recognition and Logical deduction are not learned.

t. pHD holder.

PHD and you can't even spell correctly? Please Ivan, stop disrespecting my intelligence.

They had a bit of fairness to start with, like all ancient middle easterners, but they seem to have added to this in the diaspora. But not with Slavs, whose input into modern Jewry only began with emancipation in the late 1800s, and that only on a very small scale. It comes more from a relatively small amount of western Europeans absorbed in the very earliest phase of the Jews' residence in the Western Roman Empire and Frankish, Gothic and Lombard Kingdoms. Given their economic activities at the time, I would suspect most of those incorporated into the genepool were young sex slaves. A charming nation, on the whole...

You're Irish, what intelligence?

English is my 6th language and I'm using a Cyrillic keyboard... picking o spelling shows just how clueless you are.

Better go "study for your IQ test Shamus. haha

Isn't this funny, I'm not ethnically Irish, I fucking hate Irish people.

You're not Russia either, right?