German Minister: "No need for self-defense or weapons"

The minister of internal affairs of the german region Baden-Württemberg adviced the population not to engage in self-defense-practices and not to request weapon licences, since there is no need for these actions.


The message is basically: "You will get rekt hard and fast goy, don´t bother resisting."

It´s unreal. Can one imagine a more serious red flag?

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This is exactly why our founding fathers gave us our 2nd Amendment.

>implying i want to defend myself
>implying i still have the will to live
Jokes on both of you.

What kind of gun is that?

It´s a instrument.


Your German government has gone rogue and is now assassinating/genociding native Germans.

I'm not even surprised anymore. It has become so dull.

If you can get shot gun shells or back powder, I suggest a slam fire rifle.

Can be easily made from supplies found at the hardware store.

fuck you
I'm taking a small knife wherever I go, I'm not going to get gang banged by a group of lunatic immigrants
I'll gladly sit in court if I happen to kill one of those

>I'll gladly sit in jail if I happen to kill one of those
Fixed that for you. It sad, but true.

but the answer is so simple

A jail full of immigrants.

Have fun!

Never ever give up that right Ameribros. Fight against them until your last breath.

If I could go back in time and beat the shit out of the two previous generations for allowing ours to be taken, I would.

Go out and buy yourself an aluminium baseball bat, a mit, and a ball. Scratch them up and leave them in an easily accessible area. Then buy yourself an easy to open pocket knife or swiss army knife, something you can pass off as an everyday tool.

If you defend yourself how are they supposed to beat you senseless and rape your wife?

we can't get easyly on ammo. even old fashion black powder shit can't be acquired.

>Not even trying to hurry some migrants off to hell before you check out

It's this kind of thinking, Germany, that got you here in the first place.

This makes me so angry. Any nation that would not allow self defense is fucked. Throughout human history no nation would disarm it's citizens unless they recently conquered an area or they were slaves.

I mean our laws are bad enough with the criminal being able to charge you with assault if you fight back. To openly say "you don't need to defend yourself" is like saying "we don't care if you get beaten to death by a pack of savages".

Rebellion when? I am sick of this shit.

the recipe is salt peter, charcoal, and sulfur. the ratio is 5:5:3. that's five parts of salt peter, five parts of Charcoal and three parts salt.

word of advice, this is not the smokeless version so it will be very dirty.

Am i in bizarro land? Is Germany just a wormhole to an alternate reality where common sense no longer applies?

Then why aren't you guys using it? ¡55% white, mi amigo!

efficiency. it's in our blood. if we can't off a significant amount, we feel like doing it wrong. even though one less is already a good thing.


Well then, I would carry at least a 5 inch blade to penetrate organs.

remember to twist after stabbing

What's your bet salt peter is a highly controlled substance in Germany?

>More serious black flag
When in german national tv they show of radical muslim women in niqabs spouting their bullshit in talkshows, and imprison and oppress the people who dont want to finance this national tv, then you know somethings fucked up.
These politicians and people of the media all need to be brutally murdered

that's my little friend

Saltpeter has a number of uses outside of gunpowder, so probably not.

blade is 8 inches by the way. it's already forbidden to carry it though ( not that I care ).

The uninfringeable kind

Nice that'll definitely do some serious damage. Be careful and don't get caught.

all of them.

Ah yes, more waffling from the administration that gave us Merkel's "wir shaffen das" and Schauble's "without mass immigration Germans will become inbred".

The lot of them deserves to hang, and their supporters ought to be shot in the streets. We were too lenient after the war. We should have rounded up every communist we knew, and put them into shallow graves. We can not make this mistake again.

Reminder: The German Social Democrat Party was founded by a communist who sat out WWII in Moscow, working for the NKVD.

thanks. I'll try.

Grinding each into a fine powder and fully mixing is the key.

docile people deserve everything they are going to get

You don't need a license to pull satirical pranks my dude.

>doesn't take care of his toys
>toys don't work when he tries to play with them.

You can buy salpeter on amazon, but you will be put on a watchlist

Daily reminder that the EU gun ban is going to be voted on november 18

>Romania /7th grade
>kid selling gunpower in my class
>bought 1kg for 10lei - 2 euros
just ask around


>Tfw people always say Aus has such strict gun laws
>It's a right in my state to be able to participate in recreational shooting and hunting
>You get paid for killing pests (foxes, wild dogs) on crown land

Feels good desu. No automatic weapons but hey the bad guys don't have them either so I'm not too worried.

if there is one thing you learn becoming a man it is this: dont blow your wad early fucko. you wouldnt understand

By weight or volume?

I don't trust my government or people who might fuck with america to not be the bad guys.

I would rather have an automatic weapon available and not have to use it (I would obviously play with it) than to have the government decide I'm not a good goy and not let me have one.

And as usual, some random right wing extremist on Sup Forums has to tell me about this because the MSM keep their lips tightly sealed about anything the EU does.

And of course they are doing so as a "response" to the terrorist attacks in France. Because we all know those terrorists got their already illegal fully automatic Russian assault rifles from the legal European market!

But dealing with the root cause of terrorism? No, we can't do that! Immigration and socialism have been great for the EU!

I want out of this disastrous union. I hope you Frenchies elect FN, and I hope we elect Wilders, and the Americans Trump. Maybe we can build something like the EU afterwards, the way it was intended. A union of cooperation between nations, instead of this stifling socialist hegemony.

>Slavery is safer than freedom
>And we, the German Government, want you safe!

Have knife or screw-driver in your pocket. Get license and buy hunting rifle for house. If not, you are cuckold and your minister is right..

The "bad guys" typically use pistols, which despite the strict control for the well-to-do person, can be found on the black market.

Yeah and for that purpose I agree that it would be ideal, but it's not as big a deal here. You can actually get them with a collector's license but you're not allowed to fire them (lol) so I guess if it's for a strictly 'government gone tyrannical' reason you could theoretically be ready with one.

Your country is gone. I'm sorry Deutsch bros, but your only hope now is to take the not worthless parts of your population, move, and begin preparation to retake your home.

Yea lol, at least some spray paint in receiver to keep the rust at bay.

Don't they say this all the time now?

Not if Shillary wins.

Man the whole election shit here just showed me that all Americans are completely retarded.

>Have knife or screw-driver in your pocket

>implying little sally with her little white arms is going to defend against tyrone and lopez who both are twice her size and want to rape and murder her.

>Am i in bizarro land? Is Germany just a wormhole to an alternate reality where common sense no longer applies?
Dude, the GDR overtook the FRG with the reunification.

>Merkel's "wir shaffen das" and Schauble's "without mass immigration Germans will become inbred".
But that is exactly what Sup Forums is saying, usually.

Baden-Württenberg, Grün
When do they want to start the slaughter of the sheeps?

Pathetic. My kindred reduced to cowardice. You all wear the iron collar again. You should've put them to the axe long ago. If Germania is to survive, you had best listen to your blood, and remember where you come from.

Thinaz wurðí keusan.

You can buy a crossbow without problems.



>ittle sally
Based little sally can not into guns too. Having knife means that you are ready to resist. If you not, all big guns are useless.

Look at videos on youtube
The muslims and black buy the weapons on the black market in high numbers
Why do you think we heard so much about shootings this year
And you come with a crossbow

They bring the weapons mainly from serbia, but also other places like turkey and czechenia i guess

everything past 4 inch is illegal

Insanity. The drive to preserve oneself is the single most important primary motivator for all of life. It encompasses protecting oneself from threat of harm, and advancing one's social standing and quality of life, all in order to ensure the beat standing for the genes you pass on.
How insular must your life be to lose that instinct? Or how evil and corrupt must you be to deprive the citizens you supposedly serve, of the same? Disgusting, abhorrent behaviour. He should be removed from office and imprisoned or simply shot. Then he'll know how important the ability to protect oneself is.

it's lost anyway the west died 45 and we will never go back to anything expect "democracy" and our countries aren't pure anymore so we can only archive to get back to european culture with a right wing democracy while the real culture is still dying..

>In jail
That would be intolerant

+1 from a Brit in the same position. Many Americans still won't realise what they've for until it's gone.

This kind of shit is truly disheartening.
I wish you and your country the best, Hans.

>ready to resist

you always have to be ready to resist or travel with a person who is capable of resisting, since I don't think women and old folks should be accompanied by men 100% of the time guns are should be required and parents should know the urgency of safety and teach their children.

>not having firearm


Figures. They know once you start getting past that point, it becomes harder to stop the bleeding.

Plus I find 5-6 inches will penetrate most body types while still being relatively small in pocket, but I prefer the fixed handle types.

I see it like that. I might get in trouble when found out but in case I get attacked it's better to be alive and get a record for illegal weapon than be dead or assraped.


It only takes 51% of them to be docile for 100% to suffer.

I'm ready

many people are just too lazy to do the shit you need to get a weapon legal here. After this you can buy almost everything you want

jews are bad mkay

The fuck you kind.

So you're just going to wait for them to outnumber you and take all your positions of power? Great strategy.


Please start civil war if Trump loses, senpai.

(((Them))) outnumber US, kek. nice try britbro.

>50% and dropping at warp speed

I don't think you understand who would be the ones to remove you physically.

So kill your leaders then.

What difference does it make? Police don't frisk you on the street randomly.

When you get attacked the only thing that matters is gutting your assailant(s) and you'll already be in trouble for that so it doesn't matter. At least you're alive.

Get to work lads!

>Firing a homemade gun with made of untempered steel
>having hands and a face
choose one

shame on the 49% for not taking action.

Do it anyway.

im all ears man. are you talking about culture war? white genocide? tyranny? i understand many things but your vagueness isnt helping me understand WHICH threat you are warning me of. to me they are all equally plausible and i fear their victory in the face of 100,000,000 god-fearing white warriors an equally small amount.

Why do Ameriflaps feel so entitled to owning arms for such a shitty made up excuse as self-defence? Moreover, why do you guys think arms are in good hands with civies?

Because an armed man is a free man

Somebodies been watching too much braveheart again. Muh heritage or whatever right?

Thank you, this is probably the only answer against my views I can accept.
God Bless America :^)

White people need to learn to stop caring about the Jew's laws.

If you are white, and you don't carry a gun, it's natural selection.

Adapt and survive or lie down and die.

your jails don't look to harsh, more like college dorms, and the people inside seem fairly tamed. it's not like American prison