Have do you read the best comic of the month, Sup Forums?

Have do you read the best comic of the month, Sup Forums?

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>Have do you read
No, what's it about?

storytime it

Is this a dark and edgy reboot of that one WB series? Because I would real the fuck out of that.

Chaykin really knows how to compose a cover but his art-style is just horrendus...

>Is this a dark and edgy reboot of that one WB series? Because I would real the fuck out of that.


Kys faggot

>Is this a dark and edgy reboot of that one WB series?
I don't really see how could that work, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers this thing.

>I don't really see how could that work, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers this thing.
What series, user?

Histeria was a WB animation cartoon at the end of the 90s. Same crew (more or less) that made Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain.

A children's comedy cartoon loosely based on real-world history. A sort of Saturday morning edutainment, light on the edu.

Yes, I read The Black Monday Murders. I don't know why you're posting a picture of that dog shit, though.

An "educational" cartoon showing real life history events in a highly caricatured and comedic way. Pretty good and fun overall

Inb4 drones... wait, the cover is full of them.

The Platoon hasn't come out yet

Black Monday Murders is a gem

I remember threads storytiming this but they sorta dissapeared after the ugly black chicks did "herstory" and blew new york.

It's Sup Forumsmblr

it's also just not a very good comic, and not in the fun way like America

Compared to things like America or Gwenpool its pure gold. People hate Chaykin for his political positions, but is one of the few authors of the eighties still capable of producing work with a personal point of view without spoonfeeding the reader.

The cartoon Histeria.

Now I'm imagining this comic but reinterpreted by Histeria characters.

he's a terrible artist

Gwenpool is only bad if you're a memer who hasn't read it and is judging a book by its cover

Gwenpool is pure waifu-trash.

>Gwenpool is pure


Its trash



Why not?

Yeah, that issue of Moon Knight was pretty great. Pic unrelated, I'm assuming?

Cool story bro

does this count?

No way I'm gonna read this racist, transphobic, fascist filth!

Everyone hated this comic. The SJWs called it anti-SJW. The anti-SJWs called it SJW.

This makes me think it's probably awesome.

It's not. Chaykin's good days are a while behind him.

How can you even compare America to Gwenpool? That's comparing dross to gold.

>art by Chaykin
>probably awesome
never mind the writing


Oh shit I seem to have accidentally started storytiming IRONWOLF - FIRES OF THE REVOLUTION written by HOWARD CHAYKIN and JOHN FRANCIS MOORE with art by MIKE MIGNOLA and P. CRAIG RUSSELL instead.

Fuck me. What a fucking idiot I am.

I guess we're reading this though.

I'm skipping the full credits and intro pages. If you want them I'll post them at the end.
























This is garbage, and you're a shill.



Yep. Same filename as yesterday:































