What happened?

What happened?

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You chose the heresy of the reform. That's what happened.

If it means anything to you lad, the picture on the right was from a British school children's trip


The removal of freedom of speech has happened.
The removal of the virtue of life has happened.
The removal of moral obligation has happened.
The removal of logic over emotion has happened.
The removal of only one God has happened.
The removal of self-sacrifice has happened.
The removal of religious liberty will happen.

We are now paying for that mistake.

I think it's a mosque in Zwolle in the Netherlands.

We may have a big muslim population, but because everybody here already is an asshole who has the mindset of "if you don't affect my life, i don't give a fuck about what you do in your free time" we don't have as much muslim gangs that think they rule the streets

t. suburban kid

Don't be so confident there are no true problems

you were always irrelevant little shits.

>if you don't affect my life, i don't give a fuck about what you do in your free time
This is a really retarded thing

Why are dutch people so smug?

Rembrandt died

D66/gl/PvdA en consorten + een mislukte (of totaal geen) integratie. Laat dit 30 jaar doormodderen en zie het resultaat

Official Thread Theme:

We must reclaim our heritage.

The same thing that happens every place the population gets disarmed.

Miss me yet, cunts? That's what happens when you wanted to be at your own.

Anglos put their dick in your ass and let you blasted for the second assrape by muslims. Enjoy.

>Why are dutch people so smug?

I don't know. Because we are so tall?


Hahaha krijg de tyfus

You are one to talk, Bohemia.

You probably don't live in or visit one of the big four cities

Dutch people are not Nordic.

You are all germanics

Better than being stuck with the cuck pope

So? No one here feels Germanic, we feel Dutch. We feel no connection to Swedecucks and Hanswursten.

most ironic post of >the current year

You didn't send the gastarbeiders back.

>europe burning and overrun by non europeans

Go back to your IRA cuckshed

That is how Europeans became strong.

The religion of Europeanism is the cancer killing the continent.

Nigger I care a lot about other white ethnic groups, and I want them to survive, I just don't share the same heritage as them so I feel nothing when you post thread theme music that is only relevant to nordics. It is stupid to post Sven music in a Dutch thread.

If it makes you feel better I always played as the Dutch in AoE3.

jew banker