'feminists are ugly'

>'feminists are ugly'

Not a hard concept bean. E.g. a smart mexican.

And famous celebrity useful idiots are attractive figureheads who'd have guessed
btw I've got a fucking leaf for you Pedro


she is ugly for me
so what?

>mexian intellectual
>unterstands statistics

pick one

>Worst Emma

Have some Bestest Emma

>'Most' feminists are ugly
Fat women adopting a label to play victims. It's nothing new.

Feminism renders even the most beautiful women terribly unattractive, only good for a hard rage bang and contracting an STD.

Only a complete fucking retard dates or marries a feminist. Actually, you're probably gay if you like feminist women.

That plain ass bitch is not exactly the standard for beauty you spic sack of shit.

She looks like Richard Dawkins. Ugly as fuck unless you like old men.

>Anglo women

>A cherry picking tutorial for faggots, part one.


listen here bucko im 1/5th german irish now SCRAM



I mean, Emma Watson looks like a pretty boy, but a rather plain girl. She's not physically ugly, but knowing that within that mind is once of the most naive and recessive of thought processes existing in the world today is a major turn-off. It's like Jenny McCarthy - anti-vaxxers are inherently ugly, but just knowing the amount of stupidity that's jiggling around in that body is repulsive.

On the bright side, in the vision of the great Martin Luther King Jr., we're closer to judging people for the quality of their character as a society more than we've ever been, so there's that.

Why do women obsess over there appearance and not thing that matter like there jobs?

She's not really a feminist, she went to university and was indoctrinated it will all vanish in a few years. I don't see her giving huge amounts of money to feminist causes or anything besides 'awareness' which is the least possible effort anybody could do to satisfy their white success guilt.



Your attitude will change after your flu vaccine gives you adult onset autism. You'll be ugly too, soon.

Because despite all of our advances, we are still products of evolution and evolutionarily speaking, women are mostly useless outside of the home/cave. Due to this fact, men are evolved to see genetic health through appearance more than women are, and in this women have evolved to know this and do everything they can to obsess over appearance.

All of these facts amount to women being an extremely vain creation. This is absolutely acceptable in a traditional or tribal society, but when society gives up it's traditions and women are given equality with men, it creates a sort of run away narcissism.

Civilization requires male aggression be tamed and women's vanity be controlled.

She's Irish

Agreed. If she were a trap she'd be adored for her "beauty", as it stands, she's a fairly average looking girl.


On that pic she looks pretty similar to that tranny workmate a friend brought a few days ago when we went to the movies


>cherry picking

wew hombre

sure as fuck dont sound irish

>anti-vaxxers are inherently ugly
but that's wrong

Emma Watson is ugly

This is the second time today. Last time you had a Russian proxy. What's the point? Everyone understands that a few exceptions don't disprove the general rule.

I never thought there could be a twiggier, more boy-bodied, and more horse-faced famous Emma. But you've proven me wrong with your pic, user

>cherry picking

Also, EW is no higher than a 7

'feminists are ugly on the inside'


Fuck off spic, you have to go back

Thats a pretty ugly face. MEXICANS obviously have low standards, so this isn't surprising

the majority of feminists are physically ugly, and almost all of them are psychologically ugly. i don't think i've ever met a feminist who isn't a smug or clueless piece of shit. they're either extremely abrasive, disagreeing with all of your viewpoints and believing that they know more, or they're dismissive or patronizing and will listen to your point of view all the while completely ignoring what you're actually saying while they nod along with it.

feminists are objectively some of the least intelligent people in society but often hide behind a shield of pseudo-intellectualism which makes them seem even less intelligent to anyone that perceives what they're actually doing.

i don't believe there are 0% attractive anglowoman.
but why are all the famous ones so fucking ugly?
pic related, from /hr/