Tfw you reflect on what your general mental health status would be today had you not discovered Sup Forums

>tfw you reflect on what your general mental health status would be today had you not discovered Sup Forums

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I'd be a lot less constantly angry. But also less conscious.

Perhaps a little better, yet at the same time much worse. Ignorance is bliss, but the coldness of hard truth is comforting too.

Overall Sup Forums has enabled me to make much more better decisions about my life by giving me a more solid sense of the big picture.

probably a lot worse

Or redpilled, pic related,

I'd be a bluepilled cuck
Now I'm just suffering the trip
Was it worth it?

the left side and the middle part of my brain would be in a way better condition desu

good luck sweeeeeeed bro


less depressed for now, but i've been day drinking in anticipation of tomorrow. No fuging way im killing my self cuz clinton wins, something funny's in the air though

Without Sup Forums I wouldn't have learned how to argue logically.

Without Sup Forums I would never stand up for myself.

Without Sup Forums I wouldn't know how to get girls.

Without Sup Forums I'd be a noguns cuck.

Without Sup Forums I'd have never enjoyed the shitstorms & happenings.

Without Sup Forums I'd still think my vote counts and people in power have our best interests at heart.

Without Sup Forums I'd never think about politics or history beyond retarded soundbites on the news.

Without Sup Forums I wouldn't appreciate Christianity (still an atheist though).

It'd be worse, for sure, but I was always used to going without people to talk to. I may have gotten spoiled from all the company here.

I would have been a bluepilled cuck, believe it or not Sup Forums saved my life

Are we on the same fucking website?

>Can't think for independently

>Before Sup Forums
Already redpilled, depressed by the current state of the world
>After Sup Forums
Same but a least I have one good laugh everyday.

Even if Sup Forums hasn't made me a paranoid, conspiracy believing, people hating asshole like most of you, just the hours I can never get back and still spend shitposting does depress me

The same, but I would feel even more isolated. You guys are my family.

>Without Sup Forums I'd still think my vote counts and people in power have our best interests at heart.

Were you retarded before you came to Sup Forums? Even normies who barely care about politics know that

It's a bit comforting to know that others share the opinions you've arrived at yourself.

>tfw you have legit moments where you wonder if you're crazy or not

As they say, ignorance is bliss, eh?

I guess I would have been a blue-pilled normie.
Now I'm a red-pilled normie.

I used to believe Hitler was a bad guy, anti-semitism is real, man made global warming is real, racemixing is good...

I only have you guys to thank!

I'd probably be dead.

If Sup Forums hadn't repeatedly called me on my own shit, I would never have seen myself as the source of my own problems, and would have continued on the path of self-induced victimhood. I would never have understood my own mediocrity and would never have become the master of my own destiny.

Sup Forums didn't exist back then.

If anything, Sup Forums is too lenient and hasn't inherited the severity the site used to hold.

>votes don't count
>desperately doing everything they can to convince people to not vote Trump

Pick one.

I know that feel


Just another cucked zombie.

I'd be much worse. /x/ was my homeboard for five years before zimzam brought me here. I've been getting much more stable, both mentally and in my life, since I moved.

I'm as mentally ill today as I was as a child.

I was always a paranoid obsessive-compulsive little fuck. Trying hard to make sure this shit doesn't get any worse and turn into full blown schiz.

appropriate place to vent, fucking finally.
not because of Sup Forums or pol, though im sure they didnt help at all, i have realized that i have paranoid personality disorder and increasingly likely i am schizophrenic. i have been going to therapy, a psychiatrist, building a stronger relationship with my waifu and doing self improvement shit. holy fuck this is hard tho. combined with pol its really just making me more of an overt asshole rather than just ignoring everyone/everything..on days i can leave the house :^)

I would be insane. No exaggeration.

Had I not been able to work through the various contradictions in my thinking, I would be stark raving mad, and probably an SJW too.

Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is power.

Sounds pretty average for Sup Forums. Are you by chance a childless single man who masturbates to anime?

I wonder what would've happened if I didn't stay on the internet

I'm 18 and no I don't masturbate to anime. Do you?

I would probably be slightly more to the left than I am right now. I'm a simple centrist. I probably would have gone full gary Johnson rather than "I nominally am a libertarian but recognize the need to defeat the with of the spirit cooking"

Not yet.