Hillary will be the next POTUS

Trump will lose in a landslide.
Kek does not exist.
Republicans (racists) will shed many tears in the near-future.

Do not be sad, my numbers will say that I am right.

you are not wrong


wrong faggot

Dutchbro no. You should feel shame in saying such a thing, for the election of Hillary is sure to destroy our place in the world.
Although I highly doubt Trump will win (shit is rigged yo), that doesnt mean we should be happy with the Hilldawg.

I always thought that actor was Rand


OP's numbers were... Shit.


You tried

Kek speaks as I breathe.

since your numbers failed...mine show glorious Trump presidency

1. The jews were killed during the holocaust and still face discrimination today.
2. Trump will lose.
3. Hillary will be the first female president.
4. Whites should not be proud of their heritage because we killed many people during the times of slavery and stuff. We deserve to be cucked.
5. multiculturalism is a good thing.
6. Trump is a bigot.

Without meme magic Trump wouldn't even be nominated. Trump was pulled from shadows into spotlight by meme. If he becomes president you know not even mainstream media can beat memes.

>Die-hard democrat
Like pottery

Do not be sad, my numbers will say that I am right.

The BEST you could have been hoping for when you first made this thread was Satanic trips.

You think they give you power over us? Do you not understand we've moved beyond mere doubles or trips?

Quads or higher are all that matter now


My numbers confirm that Trump will lose and go into exile.


i lold irl


KEK has spoken.


Don't worry lil trumpet, merciful president Clinton will forgive you when she enters the white house.

Your numbers are shit Ahmed. Trump will win in a landslide