
Well, he is intelligent and an ex NASA employee of the robotics department...

Why did he get political all of a sudden?

Other urls found in this thread:


Who is this?

xkcd has always been semi-political

all of a sudden?


XKCD. His waifu got cancer and he rage quit his job or something like that so he's been a confirmed cuck for awhile now.

>ex NASA employee
>aka no longer employed
There you go, it once again comes back to gibsmedats

well that's somehow possible but it would be the most obvious post till now

Welp. I guess I'll never enjoy another one of his comics again.

It's always been reddit trash.

Probably offered him some money for the endorsement teebeeh


He's never not been a shitlib. He's more or less a stereotypical smuggie, 'muh global warming', 'muh IFLScience', 'muh stupid conspiracy theorists'.

His comics have never been good. I don't see why this surprises anyone.

there's nothing more plebbit than xkcd

get that shit out of here

stopped visiting that shit site like 5 years ago minimum

at least perry bible makes something good every 6-12 months

Dave Simdrome. The more successful and popular an artist gets, the more preachy and political they get. Usually it results in a critical mass event, which often enough turns out to be career suicide. There's no set limit to this, it differs from person to person, some artists never reach it, some have their heads so far up their ass they might as well have been born with it.

Liberals can't help but inject politics into everything.

he shares opinion with a great many other highly intelligent philanthropists

you have to be pretty stupid to not see what a disaster a Trump presidency would be

Have you seen the global warming ones?

fits the description

he's always been a cuck

xkcd is way less clever than he think he is, and way less subtle for that matters.
He is an arrogant prick and a spineless baboon.

That explains Scott Adams

iirc he's also got some sort of terminal disease.

His wife's cancer metastasised to his funny bone.

That one's actually kinda funny. I don't even care if he supports Hillary, that made me chuckle.


Interesting how both artists and scientists tend to be liberal. Really makes you think.

>taste could never differ from mine! It's unimaginable!


hope he dies painfully

This is him. This is considered intelligent in america.

I've read his book, ofc he's no genius but I don't think he's a hypocrite either

ivory towers promote certain ways of thinking.

Because you can't not be political this election. No one will shut the fuck up about it.

And the only people who want a Trump presidency are people who enjoy the suicidal thrill of burning down the system rather than trying to fix it. Everyone else is willing to accept the awful compromise of corruption for stability.

Climate change isn't politics though.

what a fucking beta autist

Beta male nice guy with no testosterone. Intelligence is quite a different thing than wisdom.


This is funny rite guize?

Fuck Randall, he's not nearly as intelligent as he or his ilk think he is.

> This is him. This is considered intelligent in america.

Maybe Cherry picked, maybe not. But an ex NASA employee can't be considered unintelligent by the definition of one photography


Engineering is the lowest tier of the "intelligent" professions. Actually smart people become scientists, mathematicians, doctors etc. People become engineers because they're geeeks who are capable of some (very) basic applied maths, and would almost certainly wash out of medical school.

That gave me a good laugh that did

This guy is correct

t. engineer

There's no subject, how am I supposed to know who he is with?

you failed to provide an actual point, so please elaborate on the matter:
"Why can't you be 'not' political" in a webcomic?

He has an high IQ for sure, but he is not going to do anything worth mentioning in his life beyond his crappy comic strip.
You have to marry intelligence with wisdom and a good amount of balls to do something great in life.
He really strikes me as a pathetic shitlib numale, I really dislike the type.

I mean I get the dislike of trump I really do

But how the fuck do these people support hillary

>it's okay to participate in the corruption as long as you're self-aware about it

shit like this is why we will always be picking between the lesser of two evils instead of getting to elect candidates who actually represent the will of the electorate

our shitty system is broken by design, and if starting from scratch is the only hope we ever have of instituting meaningful political reform then so be it

Corruption is the stability.
You have to blow the house once it reaches dangerous decay condition.

Tell me his work isn't short of amazing.

i don't get it. i see that it gives v(r)=4/3 pi r^3, but what's with the 3 being cursed thing? or is it just him being quirky

The most boring comic this side of Assigned Male?

Fuck that shit.

as much as xkcd occasionally amuses me, the dude is a total beta. of course he's voting hillary.

he's probably completely politically influenced influenced by his woofer of a wife

He's a master cuck, it's obvious if you read like five strips.

From these 2 comics I've decided this man deserves my money

This is entirely unsurprising.

Chocker. Also nice trips.

Gee idunno maybe theres an election tomorrow

>college educated successful people are voting for Hillary
>idiot rednecks are voting for Trump

Wow what a shocking revelation!

>all of a sudden

>perpetuating a broken system
>trump, not perpetuating said system

I don't know why this is hard for so many to grasp

If the system is broken why continue letting the people that broke it run the system

brain cancer, from the looks of it

There is a certain point where a building needs to be broken down and build anew because it has just become too unstable and broken

>not reading the superior webcomic

>yfw someone uses this to vote for Trump

That's autitistic humour for you.

i used to think this until i discovered sours

> Chocker. Also nice trips.
Finally somebody checks'em

Because the other guy said something mean according to the TV

>Implying I should have to learn the language of the people I conquered

Because everyone fucking intelligent sees through the bullshit.
Nostalgia Critic
Most smart celebrities
Every news network except Fox

come the fuck on

"beer : acquired taste debate" is fucking dozens years old subject

>Nostalgia Critic

Because, sadly, siding with Trump is basically a commercial suicide.
Scott Adams (The guy who draws Dilbert) was with Clinton and in some point he sided with Trump.
He got shadowbanned and demonized for that.

However, against everybody he became /ourguy/.

>Nostalgia Critic


Have you seen what she and Obama did in the middle east? How is endless wars for foreign interests = stability?

You could have baited some anons if you didn't include Cracked in there, that just makes it too obvious

1/10 made me reply

They're using shit from his book "Thing Explainer" in textbooks. It will reach tens of thousands of people. What do you do besides fap into pasta?

Of course I do

I can't understand how the fate of native Americans is somehow justification for current events.

>A) Whites really did invade with little resistance, hence justifying preventive measures now
>B) They don't really believe this, and simply use it as a disingenuous clubbing weapon. Yet it nullifies their white guilt narrative

These people are scum.

He's a typical soft lefty cuck. That he's good with numbers and had a tech job doesn't mean he isn't filled to the brim with lefty moral platitudes.

dave syndrome is that joke from black books, waffle man.

Why does everyone say trump is violent

The only violence has been on trump supporters or rioters supported by hillary.

Liberals steal signs, liberals firebomb offices, liberals riot, liberals have rushed trump 3 times

I fee like I'm living in crazy town

No fucking clue. Never once have I heard anything about 3 being a taboo number in terms of programming.

Its quirk for quirks sake. His comic is filled with shit like this where its not even marginally funny. Most of the time I'm just left confused by how anyone can publish this shit let alone consume it and praise it.

Holy shit xkcd is still around? It's like I'm in a time warp and we're back in the Bush era.

>Implying I should have to learn the language of the people I conquered
And spics think exactly the same lmfao

he's old and rich as sin though. it hardly matters what he says in terms of his career etc.

given that he lives in the bay area I'm sure he's been almost completely socially ostracized over it though. that's gotta suck.

I wish this guy still lived around CNU...


What the fuck is going on in that pic?

he's one of those cucks who wants to be an intellectual really hard. He'd probably pick a position just because it's the "intellectual" thing to do.

it sure as hell isn't science

Absolutely disgraceful, siding with a corrupt war monger. If he wanted to cause more death and misery, he should have worked for one of the American weapons companies, not NASA.

That cartoon just proves the point that assimilation of newcomers is essential to the survival of the current populace. I don't want to end up like the wampumniggers.

do you consider any profession or group of people to tend towards being intelligent, other than aussie shitposters?

I would agree with that.
But really smart engineers would move up in the industry towards bigger projects. I assume designing or managing aircraft production requires a lot of intelligence.


>giving a shit about comics
>giving a shit about WEBcomics

Peer pressure, cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias.