
Simpsons already talked about this in one of their own damn episodes where a nephew voiced by Asif Mandvi confronts Apu about what a fucking stereotype is

IIRC Apu points out that at least he's a businessman and a positive rolemodel and that Mandvi should stop being a little bitch but I haven't watched the episode

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That guy looks like a sex offender.

Remember when being a giant fucking crybaby wasn't something we praised and celebrated quite so much? And on The Simpsons of all things. The show that blew up in the 90s for it's rude, crude counter culture style. Whatta mess.

And now all the rude, crude, counter culture style people are getting shut down for showing their penis's to women

Can confirm. He sexually harassed me.

He looks like an even bigger stereotype than Apu.

Not if you use common courtesy. If you're going to take a poo, put the fan on after or crack a window open, and, this should go without saying, but do it in the loo.

Not Aasif Mandvi, but actor Utkarsh Ambudkar: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Much_Apu_About_Something

>social media makes communicating easier
>people voice complaints and concerns
>people get upset about political correctness because they suddenly have people asking for people to be respectful on the internet

No but outrage, even the manufactured kind, gets clicks.

He looks like the kind of person that pathetically holds a grudge against a character that stereotypes his people in a show that stereotypes everyone. Oh wait.

>Wanting the internet to be anything but a Wild West.
Cyber bullying isn't real.

Indians, apparently

They shouldn't. He isn't even running a casino.

It's not as far as I'm concerned. Then again I don't put all my personal info up for all to see like a fucking drooling retard.

Who knows, maybe he will in an upcoming season.

As long as he doesn't start collecting scalps. That would be taking things too far.

He told me to open bob and vagene.

>post video
>gets views.
>jewtube promotes it because of shitty algorithm.
Good job OP.

Well, he told me that he worked at Microsoft and that I had a virus on my computer before asking for my credit card information.

>people get upset about political correctness because they suddenly have people asking for people to be respectful on the internet

Here's the problem:
"Being respectful" means many things to many different people.

He called me a bitch lasagna.


He told me he understood my frustration.

>caring about jewtube

More like poople am I right lmao up top bro

He told me to do milk.

>not opening bob

I actually liked post-season 10 preHD-switch Simpsons

I'm pretty sure Hari Kondibolu is racist against white people, generally. Like, it's pretty much his entire comedy act.

>one of the episodes with that stupid "Things fall out for a long time" gags
Christ those were fucking obnoxious.

The problem with Sneed

Hey it could be worse
Chinese had to deal with being drawn like yellow goblins for decades before anything slightly decent came along

That I didn’t like

Yeah but they got over that.

And they're way more racist to Indians than Americans have ever been.

That trailer was complete eye cancer.

Has he ever been to a convenience store? It would be racist to ignore how many indian business owners there are.

>Do people actually get offended by Apu?
People on Sup Forums certainly do. Or at least triggered.

I get offended that he will never have sex with me.

People get offended by everything.

At the rate we're going, just wait a week or so

>modify your behavior 100% of the time in case 0.001% of the population is exposed to it
>shout "it's called being a decent person" because no other explanation is required

>actually posts Apu

>getting fired because you question gay marriage on your personal social media during non work hours


I'd be pretty pissed if everyone started calling me Apu.

I'm honestly surprised he could stomach enough Slam Bradley to make a meaningful reference, it's a terrible comic even putting the racism aside. Siegel did better on Radio Squad, Star Spangled, and other obvious titles.

I'll be offended at whatever you want for a break.

The person who coined that is a comedian with an idiot persona.

>literally who attacks a cartoon character for attention
>this causes him to become the anita foreskin for poo lood

Part of that Wild West freedom are those pesky SJW sheriffs reminding you that people get upset. Oh no.

Right. Some teachers want to be called Mr.____ or Mrs/Ms.____ and get all offended when Mexican students only call them "mister" or "miss". It's disrespectful to address someone in a way they do not want to be addressed, even if "miss" and "mister" are respectful in your culture.

>100% of the time
Hyperbole. Out of respect to people who don't know you well enough, you should be on your best behavior in public, if not just to remain professional. In more casual environments, depending on the company, there's less consequences to joking in edgy ways with people who know you better. This isn't some new SJW rule, this is the way the world has always been.

Companies need to protect their brands. The Duck Dynasty people are "controversial" with their outspoken Christian beliefs, but the show didn't get cancelled because of it. Paula Dean said "nigger" and she's fine. As they should, people view sexual misconduct as much worse than not being PC.

>questioning gay marriage

Stick to jokers and carbonaro magic
Give or take on adam

People get offended at everything.

Do you want to add something constructive or do you just want to anonymously flex your edge?

Apu inthaloo

Fuck off retard and sniff my farts. People have been saying that long before Tyler and it's 100% true.

>Call yourself a comedian
>Be offended by fucking Apu

prove him wrong

Of course, because whining about something is the best way to get that 15 seconds of fame everyone seems to constantly crave.

He's not actually offended, he's just looking for attention.


Isn't Apu voiced by an Indian guy, so how is that offensive?

>Part of that Wild West freedom are those pesky SJW sheriffs reminding you that people get upset. Oh no.
Please, the SJWs are those church girls trying to ban liquor from their town. Also, sherrifs held no real power in the Wild West. Sure, maybe over their small jurisdiction, but venture a few miles out of that and you were in the lawless no man's land.

Fucking hell I want Tumblr/Neogaf to get the fuck out.

He told me to not presume there was a problem with my Verizon internet.

Stop feeding outrage culture and it'll fade for the next idiotic fad. Most of these People don't give as much a shit about what they're complaining as much as the attention and good feels

Hank Azaria is not Indian.

Actually the Wild West wasn't all that wild

Um, unless you're afraid that'll ruin your career, that is.

They never made a joke about Apu smelling like shit, the poos got off lucky for that because if more people acknowledged it they'd have to take a shower

Apu has literally never done anything wrong or embarrassing in the history of the show, what the fuck more do they want?


>the Wild West wasn't all that wild

Hey, man, just because he's Indian doesn't mean he's part of a rape gang looking for someone on a bus or train to gang rape.

For racist assholes to stop doing their impression of Apu at them, presumably.

Which, let's be fair, is probably both common and incredibly annoying.

is this the motu patlu thread

>I've been silent for 28 years
You should have kept it that way you gargantuan pussy. Pick the sand out of your vagina and grow up.

It's not. Someone can bully you through any means of communication.

I'm not offended by your misuse of spoilers.

I've been here for over a decade. I wish I could quit you.

I mean half the convenience stores in my town are owned by apus

it's an art form

It's a fucking indian accent. They're just arguing for the erasure of Indian people from media at this point.

You're fucking joking, right? Just block the fucker you dense retard. Remember when we use to teach kids about sticks and stones. Christ, grow up.

Well, of the kind who aren't Americanized to the point of having a local accent.

>sherrifs had no real power
Just like SJW. They aren't a big deal. Just keep doing what you're doing and don't get on the rage bandwagon.

You don't have to be respectful to everyone!

Just to people with more victim points than you.

Apu in himself is fine, but calling every brown person Apu is a shitty thing to do.

His career plan is to get everyone funnier than him banned for wrongthing.

>post vapid shit
>get called out
>cry neogaf


>I wasn't the original user.
>That user wasn't being vapid
>Still doesn't change the fact that they're Neogaf for being so easily triggered.
Nice Reddit spacing.

That's not reddit spacing you fucking newfag.

That's not even reddit spacing genuis.

>le reddit spacing

Wow you really will get mad at whatever dumb bogeyman that the dumbest people on Sup Forums thrust thrust in front of you.

that's not what reddit spacing is supposed to be, unless you know what reddit is actually like.
it's always been pointed out as

typing every

sentence on a new

line with a space so that

you think you're paragraphing

to make it more readable

but you aren't actually breaking up

major ideas and you're just making

a mess

Yes it is. Now back to which ever subreddit you crawled out of.

Aw, the MTV for out of touch old white people

Or western

Isn't MTV MTV for out of touch old people?

Skinner is a harmful stereotype of upstate New Yorkers. I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone call hamburgers Steamed Hams.

>"people get offended by everything"