Why are Trump supporter so rude and disrespectful? Is it because they are mostly uneducated?

Why are Trump supporter so rude and disrespectful? Is it because they are mostly uneducated?

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Trump normalizes hateful behavior under the guise of "anti-PC" and "Trump being Trump".

A liberal arts degree in African studies is not an education.

>cranberry Sprite

I wouldn't want help from such a pleb either


You filthy hypocrites, you liberal pigs are the ones starting riots at Trump rallies, assaulting Trump supporters, calling for their genocide. You're so violent that you're morphing into the very muslims you cocksuck.

Nuh uh

stop feeding them

well anyone in america is more educated than rapefugees from third world shitholes with no running water.
so are you calling most of the world rude and disrespectful?

It actually is an education.

Meanwhile Trump supporters are stupid working blue collar people


Look at his motorized little cart filled to the brim with sugary fizzy pop!



God bless freedoms!

Red or Blue is the hard chocies!

>things that never happened


>stupid working blue collar people

This is why lefties will never win. They hate the people they pretend to care about.

>reality a
She was short and just put something back

>reality b
OP had a delusion where they were the perfect Samaritan and wanted to help the "lower caste", but they were violent/stupid in some way (trump supporter) and sperged out at him for no fucking reason. All wrapped up nicely with saying she has an EBT card, proving she is a lower individual than him.

Jay Griff is a massive faggot.

filthy leftist liars.

Good. Morals > consumerism.

Not to mention fraternizing with the enemy

Things that never happened


It's not a *useful* education

Hey, what does Dr. Pepper taste like?
I've had Made in USA Coca-cola and it was inferior to local product.

>not wanting more handouts from shitty self uplifting liberals
you really cant blame her
what exactly is the point of that shitpost Jay Griff?

>joey salads

>things that never happened

Because Trump is what happens when you piss on somebody's leg for 40 years with a shit eating grin on your face and they finally wind up and sock you.

Educated liberals (I've become one more or less, and Trump disgusts me but I'm still voting for him because it is an incredibly satisfying feeling) cannot fathom how they come across to common people. Horrendously pretentious and authoritarian. They really don't understand how violently upset they have made everyone else with their pie-in-the-sky ideology.

I mean technically speaking, it is. But it's a fucking useless one.

>Story that never happened.

It's like cherry liquid candy.

>education somehow makes people less rude

and they outearn the idiots with 50k debt over a liberal arts degree

>sprite cranberry

where can i get me some of that?

They're fucking idiots.

ITT shit that didn't happen

They sell it here around Thanksgiving. Maybe look around online, it's decent.

In Idaho we get imported Mexican Coca Cola in glass bottles with real sugar and it is about 120% to 200% more expensive per ounce depending on what type of store you're in, But it's fucking top shelf compared to the swill we produce in america.

Also UK Fanta is a sexual experience when all you've had is US Fanta and it's basically what a neon orange sign would taste like if you broke it open, rubbed it in sugar, and then stabbed yourself in the mouth with it.

"First world country"

there are retards and degenerates who want to be put down for the betterment of their country.

Same mexicoke is based

I haven't seen ways you can get it like in a 12 pack, but it's 99 cents like a regular bottle of coke.

>Loses job because progs fucked over the economy
>Forced to use food stamps to feed family
>Somehow this person is wrong to hate progs
Prog logic

>creepy liberal retards takes picture of random stranger in front them
>makes up fake story
>post iton facebook for le upboats

This is a CTR spam thread. Sage and hide.

Billy likes soda

Thank you for correcting the record for us :^)

No, this is why conservatives will never be lefties, but lefties can become conservatives.

weak bait



Holy Shit, I've been looking for Cranberry Sprite everywhere. Flavored Sprite is fucking God Tier.

>Meanwhile Trump supporters are stupid working blue collar people

Hopefully bait, but a common line of thinking among liberals

Costco (of course)

I'll take "Lying Niggers" for 500, please

Yuh huh

>drinking soda

You unhealthy plebians. Your dietary habits are a disgrace!

Things that never happened for 10 dollars





You lefty fuckers are trainable like dogs. Put on a Rage Against the Machine album, show you a couple of pictures that make you say "fuck having borders and laws and shit" and you'll vote Democrat your whole lives

>lying niggers
this man can be described with 2 letters and is synonymous for sucking big fat cocks all day long while masturbating to mlp

Seriously. On another note, I'm not sure which is worse, pol larpers or this shit where you make up a story for facebook.

>all those soft drinks
that nigger has diabetes

>all that soda
disgusting lardass, probably a numale

most are poor and stupid that think
some rich newyork real estate tycoon gives a shit about a bunch of hicks

Sorry but Trump supporters really are deplorable. How do we get rid of you hick retards?

>three boxes of soda
No wonder you guys are so fat


>Everyone wants to be a flip-flopper, I'm the only one GREAT enough to do so!
Fucking spineless faggot


I know it from the sound of crickets

ruby ridge faggot detected

How much does a 12 pack cost in Canada?
I wish people would be discouraged from buying that shit.

Have to keep the prices low for panem et circenses. I wonder why it is that we accept crappy food?

I'll take "things that never happened for 300 Alex"

>meanwhile in reality

>facebook anecdotes


Things that never happened for $500, Alex.

>Ill take things that never happened for $100

Haha yeah, you tell those hard working people what's what. You're smart, you've learned how to draw trees after all so that makes you more qualified to comment on politics.

Low IQs are correlated with aggressive behavior. It's also a known fact the conservifucks vote against their own economic interest.

That woman was a Patriot. America is worth more than $6.79