I prefer 100 of his kind than a single one of you!

I prefer 100 of his kind than a single one of you!

Here come dat crime!!!!

Why would you want blue people? ANY LAOS NOT WELCOME

of course

Indeed, Germany deserves to die

No Germany, they are mine!

why is he purple?

You must have a really big anus.


Have fun getting raped


kys cunt

Ouch India bringing the bantz!

We know why you want 100 of his kind user ;^)

That's a white guy doing black face LMAO



>German man cries out for 100 more big black cocks, more at 11.

good film


Do you know what brainwashed is?

Do you know what is generalise?

That's because your a cuck, Sage this garbage don't respond





Then move there

>a german crying out for more Nigger Schwanz

I would laugh if I didn't know one of my own could say the same

>Indeed, Germany deserves to die


I like Argentinians too, but you don't see me making a thread about it.

PLEASE!!!!!!!! NUKE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

antifa faggot

is this gucci from kik lmao

>1 post by this ID

Sometimes I don't even want to be saved anymore desu