The death of a nation?

Do you americans realize that your country has almost reached the end of its natural lifespan of 250 years like many countrys before it? I mean if hillary wins thats the final nail in the coffin.

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no dude hillary is the only person that can save america atm

If Trump wins it's a rebirth and they get another 200 years.

I honestly don't give a shit.

Go to bed, Angela.

China's been around for thousands of years, same for a few European countries

No. I still have records to correct

If Hillary wins I'm ready to accept the nuke.

>natural lifespan of 250 years

Spengler pls

pretty sure most european countries have history much longer than 250 years

Says the guy who would be living in North Haiti if Americans didn't travel there all the time.

Is that supposed to be a woman?

Kek, sehr gut.

its why i've started working out 6 days a week for the last 4 or so months. gotta make sure im super soldier status when our downfall happens.


kek, German humor is a lot more serious sounding than British humor

this and check as long as they dont change the 2 for 2 dollar meals at mcdonalds

I full expect the US will balkanize in some form within 100 years.

Its now the Bahamas turn to shine.
I for one welcome our deep tanned beach overlords.

May the Arizona republic reign supreme over the Colorado watershed

Vegas, Utah, New Mexico, sanora and the Coachella valley will fall to our glorious legions!

>I mean if hillary wins thats the final nail in the coffin

If we can elect someone so obviously corrupt, someone who has enriched them self so massively from "public service, then, yes, we have reached the banana republic stage. America is just feeding on its own corpse at this point.

And that means we are within our rights to take violent action.

As Jefferson said it is. It only our right but our duty to overthrow tyranny

Their self

Yeah, me too, especially since middle America is pretty much still a red area whereas the coasts are Democratic strongholds

It's a reference to the length of time a nation is dominant and prosperous before it's downfall, not how long they've been around. Nations may still be around after their collapse and rise up again later, but 250 years is the average time of being on top.

hillary or trump doesn't matter. this country is just now beginning it's empire phase. Get ready to kiss american ass for at least another 150 years.

Easily said.

But Americans have grown soft and fat. Demographics will eventually neutralize the threat.

you're fully wrong. American will always stay united, otherwise we lose our world hegemony. every state knows this. If we fragment we lose. Therefore we will never allow our world power to go away just cuz we don't like other states. The united states are the most united states in the world. Much more united than europe union.

America has only been on top for less than 100, lmao.

All those countries existed prior to the industrial revolution, globalization, and with the proliferation of capitalism. I think the US will live long past 250 years, but the power it has in global politics will decline.

>this country is just now beginning it's empire phase.

On what possible basis do you make this assertion on?

I wasn't agreeing with OP, just pointing out what he was trying to refer to.


I've never understood the >german humor meme, I've always thought they were pretty funny, like they were imitating a retard doing sarcasm.

Oh well certainly the us is such a dominant power like the British, romans, Spanish etc America and its successor states and influence will echo through history for centuries even millennia

Oh my who's that semen demon

America is completely polarized right now. Disunited.

German humor is terrible, and it's funny because they are such an easily joked about culture

not exactly, even the founding fathers were aware of what would ultimately happen in the future. That's why america isn't about a location, its about ideals.
It's about the people living free and not under a ruling elite...we are now at the crossroads where that is changing and we will either take it back or lose the fight, at which point america will be reborn somewhere else

Yeah. It was a pretty cool run though.

european empire ended in the 20th century. American empire began 21st century.

Not many people do care, as generally unless it's directly causing that person distress, people will not give a shit.

It doesn't help that the media is attacking Trump constantly.

>American will always stay united

top kek m8

>otherwise we lose our world hegemony.

We? Or you mean (((they))) lose their world hegemony?

still far more united than any other union on this planet. travel the world much? learn much?

Doesn't mater who wins. Demography can't be stopped without harsh methods and no President will start literal genocide. Game is over for white man.

Nah its real. German humour is pun-based. Like the worse the better.
Also almost everyone I know explains the jokes I make. I think its some sort of "haha i get your joke, are we friends now?" reaction.
The ones that visit Sup Forums have usually been exposed to better humour for longer.

Yep, but it won't be "America" as we know it today. It'll be transformed into a corporatist state - it'll be the sword of globalism.

youre' wrong as well. America is about location. Whoever control North American continent controls the oceans meaning controls the world. mexico will challange the US later this century.

Normally I'd take this as sarcasm, but seeing the flag.
Just fucking kill yourself, Hans.

>end of its natural lifespan of 250 years like many countrys before it?

You mean before nuclear weapons? Who cares about the past when you have bombs than can destroy nations, who will take down America fucking slavshits and chinks? HAHAHA if they get uppity and try to start shit they'll be nuked into oblivion.

a fucking kraut


By that logic Trump is the same way, Einstime,

if your'e american you're part of our hegemony. not recognizing that makes you ignorant. not wanting to stay top dog makes you a bitch sissy.

In 250 years we'll still be around and your country will still be nothing but a vacation spot for Floridians.

>"haha i get your joke, are we friends now?"

wait, so Germans are all 100% literally autistic?
>mfw I realize I am genetically inclined to be a Sup Forumsfag

>Whoever control North American continent controls the oceans meaning controls the world. mexico will challange the US later this century.
From strategic point of view Brazil has same location. But one country is irrelevant brown shithole and the other was a superpower.

Whatever you say, prole.

It'd be M.A.D.
Can you fucking idiots stop pretending like US is untouchable?

>American empire began 21st century.

Define it.

There is no american empire. And that book by Mr. Friedman, or whatever, is fucking retarded.

This. If Hillary wins some drastic shit will happen.

Doing our best to prevent that

American hegemony is already failing and it'll either continue to fail or a desperate world war started by people with your mindset will end it definitively. The buzzword in all the elite circles right now is "managed decline" and I'm pretty sure there are enough people in the country that don't like the idea of being forced into a race to the bottom to break off a chunk and go separate ways.

The us wasn't on top till like yhec1900s

>who will take down America
Brown womb.

>Being the Top dog for 250 years
Nigga we have been top dog for like 80

We will control the Stars

Maybe he means 9/11? Then your great recession and the two failed wars? Then the failed wars in Libya and Syria? Or maybe in a broaders sense than the failed colour revolutions? Or maybe watching Europe get flooded with rapefugees - that indeed hurt the EU as a possible competitor.

Kind of yeah. Communication is always very straightforward and you expect the other to give confirmation that what you said has been understood.
Its why germans are perceived as rude. Your "no" is just a flat "no" and thats fine. Your opinion.
We had a british girl live with us for a year and the first 2-3 nights she went to bed really hungry because she kept declining what we offered her out of politeness.

No American empire?
>3rd largest territory
>military basses worldwide
>hegemonic naval power that surpasses the entire world combined
>American companies and culture dominate most of the world
>literally occupy several countries with military force since 1945
>NATO and several allied nations are vassal states

How are we not an empire

the andes mountains make that impossible.

No matter how bleak things look, remember that we're one nation, under God, indivisible. If you dislike something, it is your duty and obligation to stay in the union and work tirelessly to make sure the rest of the union does not fall into decline.

>implying the dead of USA isn't something good
Also nice to see somebody else has read Spengler

>they´ll be nuked into oblivion.

And so will you too, as well as the rest of us.

Doesn´t even sound as bad. End it already!!!

naw man, but like literally speaking the country is about the documents in the bill of rights. America can be anywhere that follows those rules. There can even be more than one!

awesome shill bro

Impossible what?


genetics are really cool and I would like to observe the correlation between ancestry and cultural preference.

it would be very cool to study the differences between different subcultures and genetic lines in america and relate them to the cultures of their ancestors.

Mr friendman
a retard
the founder of STRATFOR
our government pays him for intelligence.
perhaps you're more intelligent than him so our gov should pay you for advice.

Fucking retard. I'll tell you all one last time. America, regardless of its stupid president, who has no real power, will remain top dog this century. and you'll all continue to whine like little faggots.

the andes, the different cultures, make a united south america impossible.
North america controls the world because north america is united coast to coast. we control all trade routes, on the 7 seas.

>year 2001
>SLBMs - 3616
you do know that US has 14 SSBN's,right?
it was never about the warheads count, it was always about the capacity to deliver

How many empires, dynasties, and civilizations ended with a woman leader?

>Cleopatra, Egypt's Last Pharaoh
>Last Chinese Dynasty ruled by a woman (emperor's mother)
>British Empire finally accepted they're no longer #1 super power during Elizabeth II's rule
>Queen Zenobia, last ruler of the Palmyrene Empire
>Hillary Clinton of USA

Because only nations at the tail end of cultural decline allow female leadership


allowing women into political office is a sign of a decadent culture where struggles are less of a concern, this makes weak men who are less able to fight for their culture and country.

Nigga haven't you watched future weapons on discovery? Usa been on that next level missile destroyer with lasers an shit.

You are grossly exaggerating. Military bases around the world are on a voluntary basis by the host countries from whom we exact no tribute. Naval dominance is theoretical and not demonstrated. Being "large" in land mass is not what defines an empire. Cultural influence does not define an empire. NATO is not a "vassal" (that's a retarded exaggeration).

At best, we're a sort of commonwealth with a few overseas tiny islands.

>north america is united coast to coast.
>Totally in North America, there are 23 officially recognized independent states. The largest of them is Canada

>we control all trade routes, on the 7 seas.
Fleets can't run across continents m8. Brasil had even better position to control oceans before Panama channel. Same position as USA after.

it is my duty and obligation to tell you to go fuck yourself, unioncuck

>paying taxes to support a system represented by people telling you how much you are racist and evil while handling your money to Juan and Shaneequa
>not just telling IRS you have anxiety and living off neetbux
Imagine if every middle class white american started doing this

>exact no tribute

Oh you poor little boy; the modern tribute is open access to their markets and garunteeing that they will use our dollars for their transactions.

Modern society has no need for carts of gold, what we need is markets, debt slaves and sweatshops

And our vassals provide those in droves

>not just telling IRS you have anxiety and living off neetbux

can I do this in america and still have a job?

Who cares? Turn off the power, initiate martial law and let's get to it.

Russia will collapse and fragment within 10 years.

>our government pays him for intelligence.

Our government dies a lot of stupid shit. So what?

>Do you americans realize that your country has almost reached the beginning of its natural lifespan of 250 years like no countrys before it? I mean if hillary wins thats the final nail in the coffin.

Access to markets does not define an empire. Those markets are open to the world anyway.

Only 3% of Americans supported the Revolution.

You idiot cunt
European Empire died in 1945.
American Empire started in 1945

Technically right

Hillary will just maintian the status quo, another 4-8 years of American interventionism and antagonizing regions which try and disrupt our economic hegemony, while trying to bring more states under our boot with trade agreements, liberal democratization, etc

Trump could actually bring change, either by political fervor morphing into a coup and undermining the checks and balances, inspiring a conspiratorial coup from rank and file career politicians to seize power away from him, or sparking a permanent political strategy shift in future campaigns leading to one of the former.

It could also just be nothing

can't wait. american hegemony is the cancer killing the west and to some extent the world.