So guys why are you voting for a coward?
So guys why are you voting for a coward?
masochist aren't you?
No shit, I will only vote for people who faced an assassination attempt and keep moving forward like hill.....oh wait
Autists love hillary
You have confused sadist with masochist. You are the masochist and I am the sadist. I inflict pain on you for your pleasure and mine. It really is a symbiosis.
malinchista is the right work
This is what balls of steel look like.
trump is going to make mexico great again too
he's a very pro mexican candidate actually. The mexican people have lost control of their government, and Trump is a man on the outside standing up to them. He has nothing bad to say about the mexican people, we LOVE the hispanics and latinos. But he has a lot of criticism for the corrupt mexican government and how it oppresses its people.
>not being a coward
His stare gives me a winston churchill vibe.
>expression that suggests he just shat himself
Yeah 'balls of steel'
Why are dumpfags so fucking delusional
Sup Forums BTFO
Saged and hidden. Do not respond to them. Trump is winning the critical segment of white voters who were turned off by Romney.
Actually he looks like he's assessing a threat level and calculating the likelyness of a clean shot with his concealed carry.
clearly coward
Honestly it looks like he froze
>tfw the secret service guys arm is in the way and you can't get a clean shot
thanks mexibro
Get fucked, Trump stared his ass down while the Secret Service were shittin brix.
like a bitch
Sup Forums BTFO
>a still image
>honestly it looks like he froze
haha fuckin shitskins man i tell ya
Shittiest shop I've ever seen mate.
Honestly, you are shill.
>he should've freaked the fuck out instead like a real nigga would
what would Hilary do if someone tried to kill her?
Truth detected. The shooter was spared for the day
Clinton would leave a big line of shit all the way to her van if she thought there was an assassination attempt on her life.
Self-preservation is a natural impulse. When your leaders don't care about self-preservation, they let in the rapefugees.
Shit her pants and faint
Ivanka is Jewish. Ben Garrison is really tunnel-visioned evidently...
Face it retards. Trump is just going to be a puppet to thrown under the bridge when America wants to do something big in the M.E.
>We warned you about him, he had no manners and mostly screamed ad hom throughout his campaign... Are you REALLY surprised he nuked Iran to suck Israel's dick? We warned you.
>-Goldbergsen Ivanka
She ran like a bitch when people threw stuff on stage, she's shit herself.
looks like a fucking draft dodger to me...