Tfw no matter who wins CTR shills will be unemployed after tomorrow

>tfw no matter who wins CTR shills will be unemployed after tomorrow

will you paranoid tards go back to calling everyone "cuck" instead of "shill?"

And half the Russian MAGA spam bot servers will be taken offline.

Maybe Sup Forums will finally be profitable again.


CTR shills are niggers who will go straight back to their wellfare lives.

>lot of loyalty for a bunch of paid fags.
How much would it cost to fug your wife?

Yes we will cuck.

This CTR has been inflating the employment number. Selling stocks before the crash

>we take our enemies down with us
Damn, I got shivers. Truly the best year of my time on the Inderneds :DDDD

Get the fuck off of our board you FSB fucks

>post-gamergate terms
fuck off jidf we never forgot about you

Not true! We will be pushing Amnesty immediately. We have a project tentatively called MABA for make America Brown again

At least I can post without relying on a Vietnamese sweatshop worked to fill out my captcha

That is a comforting thought

They will become the cyber elite of hilldawg. Because we need to be better at the cyber.

Will Ben Fischbein need a job?

Hillary will prob keep them going if she wins and pay them with tax$

We should keep an eye on their LinkedIns to see if they get fired or keep going


Seems I hit a nerve. I ain't no Russian. but here have a squating Putin.
