Why are christians such smug pricks? Do I come knocking on your door to tell you how to live your life? No I don't...

Why are christians such smug pricks? Do I come knocking on your door to tell you how to live your life? No I don't. Fuck off.

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because what you are doing is harmful to yourself and society. The liberal stance of "people should be able do whatever they want" is a very selfish stance.


>Do I come knocking on your door to tell you how to live your life?
things that totally happened

Atheism is essentially smugness the religion.

>liberal stance of "people should be able do whatever they want" is a very selfish stance
>liberty is something bad
What about you get fucked in the ear you disgusting cuckold.

>Why are christians such smug pricks
If anyone is smug its liberal atheist faggots.


Solidarity is important for any group to function efficiently and peacefully. Whether it be on a small scale, like a neighborhood, or on a large scale at the national level.

>Do I come knocking on your door to tell you how to live your life
No, but the government does by legislating laws. But somehow you have no problem with that group of people telling you how to live. In complete honesty, you just sound like a selfish, miserable cunt.

>mfw I grew up in the bible belt and am 30yo and not religious and all my friends and family know this and no one has ever pushed their religion on me

Because they worship a Jewish kike on a stick who couldn't even save himself

Are you fucking kidding me? Christians come to my door regularly. This is not unusual.

True dat. But I don't see them unless I seek them out.

Cool. Now leave me alone.

But that's literally backwards. It christfags always pushing laws on the rest of us. Nobody is trying to legislate away whatever nonsense you people do for your kicks.

I don't know what to tell you. I'm in Arizona and between the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses I don't even answer my door anymore.


He's not wrong you worthless faggot.

He's something I typed up in haste just to get the idea down.

A society being morally bankrupt may not necessarily be the cause of failure, but rather a symptom.
When civilization is getting its start, deviation from acceptable norms is not tolerated, but as a society grows safe and comfortable, punishments are relaxed as things are no longer done out of necessity for survival, but rather for luxuries in life.
For example, in an early society if a man slaughtered his neighbor's cow before winter, retribution may be taken in the form of the man's life as his neighbor no longer has the means to feed his family through the winter.
Homosexuality, transgenderism, petty crime, etc. are all tolerated much better today.
In early civilization it was crucial to pass on one's genes, because everyone in the community depended on it. You would depend on those around you and eventually the next generation as well. As a result, people who's attractions did not bear offspring were greatly frowned upon.

It's not important today, but no society lasts forever, so it's naive to think that we could not experience a great movement back to traditional morals in the event of a collapse.

Fuck your naturalistic fallacy. That has nothing to do with whether it's right or wrong. Liberty is awesome, authoritarians go home.

> pushing laws on the rest of us

Christians are losing their jobs and having their businesses shut down because they won't cater faggot weddings, you dumb cunt.

>But I don't see them unless I seek them out.

Atheists can literally not shut the fuck up about it.

Here's some good pasta about this:

Ever heard of the warning, "Be careful what you wish for, you might actually get it?" Well, this is the result of humans wishing for peace and stability. Wars being at an all time low and humans becoming more comfortable and civilized means that we are now getting rid of all those enforced gender, social and class roles that we needed to have a strong population FOR war and against a hostile environment. Now that we don't need strong men to guide us, we'll see the rise in women. Now that we don't need strict sexual codes, we'll see the rise of formerly "deviant" sexual behavior. Better fire safety measures means we can now hire women, who are physically weaker than men. Better weapons means we can hire women in combat roles. With peace homosexuality can now be acceptable, because homophobia was/is a function of making sure that the population would reproduce itself, but with peace, our planet is now at a risk of overpopulation than the opposite, so you don't need to enforce homophobia. Transgendered people are now becoming more acceptable, because gender roles don't need to be enforced, because we don't have an imminent threat to keep the population in line.

Comfort, peace and civilization has made all those things that were needed for a strong population obsolete, because we don't need a strong population anymore.

Your wish has come true, humanity.

Enjoy your peace.

Prove it's falsehood first before you post buzzwords.
I concur with this. When the west finally falls it will be a very rude awakening.
It will be worse than anything we've ever experienced because we've never had this many people on the planet before.

Communism is all about selflessness, how did that work out?

Neck yourself you dumb submissive whinning government cuck wishing cuckold.
Degeneracy is not an excuse to take away all the liberties.
You are always free to move to best korea and have communism.

>Do I come knocking on your door to tell you how to live your life? No I don't.
why not?

Communism didn't fail because of selflessness.

I think that's only Jehovah's Witnesses. They think they're doing you a favor. They won't come back if you refuse them.

i like how this is the same as the morality slide threads that happen from time to time.

>athiests dont have moral values because they arent afraid and dont believe in some divine punishment that is certain to befall upon them becuase they are certain to commit sin because reasons
>but we christians fear the gad allmity we fear him and do as he says, who would know what horrors i would commit if i didnt read about the hellish punishments written in some old gook book.

stupid people do stupid things i guess the gook book helps them not do stupid things but we dont really live in the dark ages anymore most people are educated and most of them are actually educated, so i dont really see a reason to be shilling religion so much

Alright I'll give you that one. That shit is retarded.

It's not a buzzword moron. It has a simple and clear meaning: just because something is naturally occurring does not make it correct or useful. Just because we came from shitty authoritarianism doesn't mean we should settle for it.

>Drug fueled interracial orgies aren't bad

Just because you are free to do something, doesn't mean you should do it.

This. I'm not a Christian, but most Christians I know are good, wholesome people, if a bit preachy at times. It's hard seeing them shutdown by the faggot menace.

Nobody said atheists don't have morals, just that their basis for Morality is unreliable and inconsistent.

Religion is necessary for social stability.

>dark ages

There were no dark ages, if anything, the Church bolstered scientific progress.

>leave near Jehobas Martyrs church
>not having waterpistol filled with urine by the door

>doesn't make it correct or useful
>I proved that it was useful to, and observable in, society in the fucking post. Even going as far as to say that moral degredation is not the cause of failure, but a symptom.

You're using the fallacy fallacy. You're assuming that something that borrows from fallacy is inherently incorrect.

If you're going to continue arguing the meaning of words then my work is done here.
Not an argument, not surprised this bullshit is being spewed by a shit tier country.

>people believe the "dark ages" follows the meme chart here

>I proved that it was useful to, and observable in, society in the fucking post.

Nope. You claimed that it used to be, and that it could be again in the future.

>comparing Roman empire to middle ages feudal shitholes
>we didnt go backwards

>dat pic
>who's Mary Magdalena?

But we didn't. Real progress was made in Medieval times, you dumb faggot.


So your argument hinges on the current society lasting forever, something that has never happened in all of history.
I also stated at the end of the post, today it doesn't matter, people can have the right to fuck someone in the ass, but don't pretend that the situations I described can't happen again.

You're naive, foolish, and reason like a child. One day, you'll grow out of it.

>having a life
>not being the smuggest pricks ever


>who's Mary Magdalena?

A possessed women that everyone thinks is a prostitute because they lack reading comprehension.

Heretical LARPers who pretend to be Christian. They aren't.

dumb lolberg

>that pic
Forgive me father for I have sinned

not bashing religion, but as a pure mathfag I can safely say were it not for the greeks and towelheads recycling their work, there would've not been much scientific evolution possible minus incoherent collections of observations

The obsession with loosely throwing the words "freedom" and "liberty" around is why we have pregnant women smoking and drinking because "my body my rules" and the state ends up having to pay for their malfunctioned child. Said child's quality of life is ruined because it's mother threw out all self control over her deliberate misuse of "freedom" for her immediate self pleasure.

If selfish people only indulged and injured themselves no one would care as much, but too often these selfish people hurt others and just hide under "my freedom" as an umbrella. Yes there comes a point where going ball on walls insane with liberty damages lives instead of liberating society, and thanks to these slopes getting so slippery the amount of damage is amassing frighteningly. We're already in discussion of allowing women to abort children after the age of 3 and fagmilies adopting children and deciding sex operations for these children with no regard for what that child's orientation might be.

At this rate it will be allowable to drive intoxicated out of your mind and record creeper videos without consent because "public space is free space for everything". Some people just cannot exercise self-control and are a danger to others, which is why protecting people from themselves becomes a thing. If you want to drink yourself into a dead liver go right ahead but you shouldn't drag your son/daughter into a crippled state for life where they'll forever wish they could functions properly without a nurse because "w/e I had fun, I'm free :^)"

Stop invading my computer and sperging, your religion.

>So your argument hinges on the current society lasting forever

Ok pal. I don't know who you're arguing with, but it clearly ain't me because I said nothing like that.

>You're naive, foolish, and reason like a child.

Pot, kettle, so on.

Scientific progress was made independant of the so-called "Islamic" contributions (which are grossly overstated). Isodore of Seville was using Greek manuscripts, as were the Byzantines.

*smashes roman statue*
*destroys greek temple*
*burns down library*
*stones philosopher to death*

>More than ninety nine percent Arabic translations of works of Greek philosophers were done by either Christian or Jewish scholars. It is interesting to note that Islamic astronomy, based on Ptolemy’s system was geocentric. Algebra was originally a Greek discipline and ‘Arabic’ numbers were actually Indian.


this comes from people conflating that if it's not illegal it's totally ok to do,

and then further proceeding with "and even if it is illegal it makes me feel good and I don't care what happens to others."

without something teaching people morals a state as large as america will fail to degeneracy every time.

that's why the kikes attacked religion during the cold war and communist era and why the motto changed to "in god we trust."

The Greek "philosophers" at the time were neo-platonists obsessed with occultic nonsense. The Library o Alexandria had been destroyed by Julius Caeser long before the Christian Era. And Byzantine and Gothic art and architecture preserved the aesthetics of antiquity.

So are you agreeing with me then?
My first post addressed all your concerns and I referred you back to that post each time.

I stated that X was useful for early society. That society once strong can allow Y, because X was no longer as useful. Once society fails, X will be useful and Y will have to be outlawed for the continuation of humanity until such a time that it's strong once again.

Having shit morals and lax punishments isn't a problem right now. It will be again when society collapses in order to preserve life.


how the fuck does this make sense?

so you own a restaurant and someone orders and eats there. he leaves a nice tip and just before he leaves he tells you and all your workers that he's gay.

do you then force him to puke out all the food he ate? how does that matter at all? you're still a servant and he is a customer.

Yeah i agree the church helped further science quite alot but what i meant by dark ages was that most people didnt get education of any sort, maybe they were taught how to read and write so they could handle the holy book but thats it.

And a book that was started 3500~~ years ago and was compiled for some 1500~~ years of that by various people with various beliefs and desires, various mentailites and boy 1500 years is a fuck ton of time to constantly change and add to a book not by one but by hundreds if not thousands of different people is somehow reliable and consistent? Its only necessary for social stability because its always been part of society, sure you can say that for USA looking how degenerate things have gotten there but here where the average man has nothing to do with religion everything is well, its a matter of will and the people to uphold social stability not fearmongering of a evil god.

>Someone going to a restaurant is the same as catering their wedding.

You dumb faggot.

We have enough Biblical manuscripts to know that there have been no alterations. People who make this accusation don't know much about archaeology.

>its a matter of will and the people to uphold social stability

Which never works. If people don't believe in something greater than themselves, the whole thing falls apart.

>I'm not a Christian, but most Christians I know are good, wholesome people, if a bit preachy at times.
Its all nice and fun because they have Messiah complexes and think they will convert you eventually since you are such a nice guy and you obviously have lost his way a bit
Until they get bored trying and then you become literally Satan for them
They legitimately get mad at you for not "getting saved" by them

>Things that never happened.

I'm not sure how things are in Greece, but that has never happened to me in America.

Looking at the problems appearing in 1st world societies, I think more Christianity would be beneficial. Most people are "educated" but that does not correlate with acting like a good person.

An athiest's stated purpose in life is to pass on their DNA.
Ironically they're really bad at it as their replacement rate is less than 1.0.
Many of them don't have children.
Religious families on the other hand have more children(especially Muslims unfortunately).
It doesn't inherently prove that religion is useful in the athiest's plight, because Islam kills so many, but an argument could be made that Christianity has been extremely beneficial to the west by birthrates alone.

>things that only happened because you're a hedonistic piece of shit and continually tempt them with things they believe will ruin their lives or send them to hell

wow gee, maybe stop being Satan then.

Eh I guess Orthodoxs are more uptight than Protestants
But I have learned that if anyone starts to get even a bit preachy (especially since I dont really bring up religous beliefs myself) I just steer clear

i live in the bible belt and that kind of shit has happened to me a few times

its pretty rare though

>(especially since I dont really bring up religous beliefs myself)

I can tell from your posts that that's a lie.

As a Christian I have never gone door to door or told anyone how to live.

But I am almost endlessly harassed by libshits to be sexually liberated or smoke weed or engage in lifestyles and party behavior that I am morally opposed to.

They bombard me with it in person and online nearly every day.

If I try to explain why I don't want to take my kid to a pride parade then they literally scream at me for trying to shove religion down their throat.

This meme needs to end, I have been very tolorant of people that downright harass me for not being degenerate scum and I am fucking sick of it.

1CORINTHIANS 7:36 But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry.

ISAIAH 4:1 AND in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

Because I think you taking in a dick up your ass concerns society as a whole. Do you expect me to applaud you for it? Or do you want me to not care at all? Then what the fuck are you doing in my country, if I'm not supposed to care for my fellow countrymen?

>providing a service is the same as providing a service

No damage can be done in an anonymus butterfly-catching Timor Lesten board pham
Isnt this why we come here?

Fucking this. The "open-minded" and "non-judgemental" someone claims to be, the bigger the cunt they are.


If someone walks into your restaurant, they aren't asking you to endorse your lifestyle like they are when you cater their wedding.

The Bible says she was possessed.

I wouldn't care about it if Christians actually followed the bible and didn't use annoying platitudes about loving the sinner, not the sin, in order to justify their left wing agenda. If you're Christian and you're not right wing don't knock my door. Otherwise I'll at least hear you out.


>cut your hair short and dont masturbate
>also send money
>your Heaven™ membership card will soonly be sent to you
>also you will recieve monthly passages from my book "Why you should get mad at things that Jesus never even mentioned"

If it wasnt for this insufferable edgy idiot Christianity would be much better

Jehovah witnesses are not Christians. They don't even believe that Jesus is god.

Who is this wangle sorceress

>because what you are doing is harmful to yourself and society.

Literally kill yourself. Christianity is a meme and forcefully displaced real European culture and naturalism/"paganism".

Fuck off to Judea and take Islam with you.

her name is photoshop dominatrix 3.

This. No one is more smug than some faggot redditor atheist.

>you didn't fall for the Christkike psyop meme

Feels fucking great to be atheist, lads.

Communism took the moral principle of selflessness and ignored or refused all other moral principles, causing it to fail.

so what? you're still providing a service.

how do you think doctors and nurses at hospitals feel? do you think they will not do their job because they don't like that person?

I live down the street from a bloody Jehovah's Witness church and I don't get people knocking on my door. If you think going door-to-door and trying to convert people is practiced by a majority of Christians, you just are looking for an excuse to shit talk about Christians.

By the way, Jesus is the light and you should accept his love.

bakers don't sign a hypocratic oath to bake for people they don't agree with.



Fuck off you jewcuck.

Degenerate faggot detected

>nothing came from nothing and then became something psyop meme


How many christian niggers do you have committing crime throughout the week and then hit up church on sunday?

Quite a few.

Feels good indeed lad

No Christian should be telling you how to live your life. Only God can judge man

Pick one

Another fucking mentally retarded reddit atheist. Lurk more cunt

>Do I come knocking on your door to tell you how to live your life? No I don't.
actually you do. keep your faggotry to yourself.

Fucking trinity and tobacco talking shit.

Christian don't knock to anyone's door you fucking mongoloid. Why should the first religion in the world looking for accolities by go to people houses. You're probably mistaken or just wanting them (You)s