Am I still homophobic if I don't mind gays as long as they don't act super flamboyant and girly?
Am I still homophobic if I don't mind gays as long as they don't act super flamboyant and girly?
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No, you aren't.
>as long as they don't act super flamboyant
You're bothered by this because it's obnoxious, annoying, and pathetic beaviour. Even normal gays agree on this
Yes you are. It's ok.
seems like you just don't like obnoxious people
You are normal, congratulations.
consider this- you'd hate it if a girl acted super flamboyant too.
No, you just love rigid gender roles which suggests you're probably insecure.
No, you just dislike annoying people.
That's true
so much this
The problem is gays acting super faggoty and trying to force them upon us.
If you just let them be while sticking their penises into each other's asses and don't give a fuck you're fine.
>he doesn't like girly boys
until you accept the pozload you're homophobic
"Homophobia" isn't a thing. It's a pejorative term used to keep people from having the "wrong" opinions.
Am I heterophobic if I don't want people going into graphic detail about their sex lives and "dude bro dude"ing around me?
Some things are just annoying.
Bi here.
Flamers are obnoxious as fuck.
Unless you do not discriminate your love interests by gender and see yourself potentially falling in love with a man you are still homophobic.
this reads like a westboro pamphlet
Dude what about everyone using "phobia" about every little thing we're sick and tired of?
It's always "phobia". I'm not afraid of anything, yet the left always tries to make us think that we're just """afraid"" and can't """accept""" it.
If I'm against transgenders in Germany I'm not "transphobic', I'm just fucking against the concept of transfuckers in general. I'm not afraid of them in the least.
Phobia means fear. If you're afraid of faggots, you're a huge faggot yourself.
Then I guess Westboro was pretty informed.
I'm a fag myself and even I hate gays that are flamboyant and girly, there are plenty other fags I have talked to that think the same. I like guys and don't really like girls so why the fuck would I want a guy who thinks he's a girl? They are even more annoying than actual girls. Also they fuck their faces up with stupid eye brows and lip fillers, then you get the super fags that put make up on and it just looks so wrong.
>straight couple holding hands
cute. how nice for them.
>gay couple holding hands.
I'd still want to assrape her.
So if I'm ready to use deadly force against islamic immigrants because I think that they're ruining the country, I'm actually just afraid of them?
Also, getting you upset is literally the point of that. For decades these people had to hide and cower who they were in fear of being ridiculed, beaten, or even killed. Now they can act how they please and you can get upset all you want but you wont do shit haha
That depends. If a guy acts flamboyant and girly, does the thought of having sex with him creep into your mind?
>homosexuals are 100 times more likely to be murdered(usually by another homosexual)
>usually by another homosexual
even your 'fact' pamphlet thinks homophobes are fags
>straight couple
natural human interaction
>gay couple
two mentally ill perverts
that's how it is, regardless if you find it offensive or not you fucking faggot.
Fags don't kill each other because of homophobia, they do it because of related psychological issue.
did you do the thing gays do where your voice changes as soon as you come out of the closet? like for some reason you have to end all of your words with a flamboyant inflection because you like cocks now
underrated post
also checked
Yes. don't bother to appease them. They will be only truly happy if you aknowledge fucking boys is sexier than girls.
Not at all. I get annoyed at giant douches and whores in public either, and most people don't like public displays of affection. Flamboyant gays are just a protected class in this upside down world the libs are forcing on us.
Yas. Kys shitlord.
t. Sassy Faggot
I'm gay and hate flamboyant men.
i dont know bro. i think the "phobia" part can be true. if im in prison i think i would rightfully be afraid of the gays in there. or around my kids. i could legitimately be afraid of them being raped or taught to be a fag
If you talk to a reasonable homosexual man they will tell you that they dislike flamboyant fruitcakes too.
you're homophobic if you wouldn't take a dick in the ass
True, but if her tits are big enough I'll overlook it typically
I seriously don't think of gays. If I see a gay man I don't get pissed, or go up and say congrats on being gay. I'm just neutral who cares..
>I'm gay and hate flamboyant men.
its because you have a fetish for corrupting straight men. u want to destroy lives and society. its not your fault you were molested bro but dont hurt other people and continue the cycle of abuse
I know some cool gays. They are like women with their own opinions though OP, and we all know how rare those are. They are the exception, not the rule.
You what?
I have a bf who is very much gay thanks.
No you're a massive fagget
They try to say you hate them because they're different and you don't understand them, so you actually fear what you don't understand. They don't realise there are those of us who have had an open mind and attempted to understand them, and still don't support promoting the mental illness of gender identify disorders. These people need medical help, not a fucking parade cheering them on. If we had movements and parades encouraging the delusions of schizophrenics, it would be considered irresponsible, but we do it for these people because some bleeding hearts felt it was the right thing to do, which is retarded.
Also, checked.
Personally I believe that gays do themselves a major disservice by buying into the media and believing that its alright to have "gay" as their only personality trait.
were ether of u molested as children? be honest no one knows who u are
No. That's transphobia.
No we weren't, this is armchair psychology.
If your position towards gays is anything but disdain, you are gay.
Shut the fuck up Milo - you are a retard and poster child for hairy feminists.
Not at all, I'm pretty much a straight guy that likes other guys. I like football, talk like a normal guy and all that stuff, if you met me you wouldn't guess I was a fag.
Also another thing you should know about these super gays, they are so unbelievably stuck up their own ass it's un true. I spend a bit of time on Grindr and they give a list of rules on who can and can't talk to them etc and go on about how bitchy they are and how they 'tell it how it is'.
They think they are better than you, me and everyone else, mainly the younger ones. Maybe it's some kind of defence mechanism from being bullied at school I don't know. But you are absolutely right to dislike them, they are just male versions of sluts who think they are 'it' but ironically they are blind to how fucked up they are. Make the mistake of pointing out that their lips look stupid and they just explode in anger and insecurity. Beneath it all they are mentally unstable vaginas and just not the type of person you'd want to be around for any longer than 5 seconds
its ok bro. just keep to yourselves and stay away from children
I don't mind them being girly as long as they aren't loud. I've spent some time with a guy who was a bit feminine but pretty quiet, not in-your-face at all.
If they look good and are nice otherwise femininity wouldn't bother me. I just don't like loud and/or obnoxious people, no matter what their sexuality is.
I want nothing to do with children you mongoloid.
thats all we ask. Sup Forums is a board of peace
Don't forget the rhetoric that if you don't like gays, then you're secretly gay yourself.
I have no problem with camp faggots so long as they recognize that they're circus freaks and not normal people. There's nothing wrong with being a circus freak, they bring contrast and beauty to this world.
Just don't try to convince me that bearded ladies are normal beautiful women and I should be shunned for not being attracted to them, or that I'm wrong for not wanting my kids to be left unattended with the circus geek who bites the heads off live chickens.
They take old age the roughest though, like the beginning of their end. I think it might be those guys who end up becoming the older, single, creepy Grindr users, bitter about their lost youthfulness.
My twin brother is gay. Him and I agree that it can be annoying but sometimes it's funny. Don't make the mistake of over generalizing.
I like them when they're super flamboyant and girly but still right wing as fuck
(cough, cough) catholic church
nah, you're just a moderate muslim
He's a parasitical ego maniac.
Trips of truth.
There's nothing wrong with being a weirdo in your private life, just so long as you know how to dress like an adult and function in normal society when you need to.
I agree with you
even alot of gays agree
I support gay and trans rights just dont be a faggot
The word for folks like you and me is "heteronormative"
Some people think it's a great modern sin I think it's part of our genetic programming and critical to survival of the species.
its because their life is pointless. society doesn't have a place for older childless men. like barren women, they have no value
That one is true though.
I'm arachnophobic and I absolutely want to fuck spiders.
yes, if you dont want to be any "phobic" or "ist" you need to kneel and build a monumet to them
Same here.
I had a gay friend throughout the better part of my high school years.
He was a bit fruity but mostly kept a lid on it when around dudes.
He would answer my questions about dudes but never volunteered this information.
He'd go full fag-mode when he's surrounded by his girlfriends tho.
I support them if they are girly and let me fuck them
Lol all gays THINK they aren't flamoboyant, but that's only because they can't see themselves from the outside.
Stop choosing to be a faggot. You're going to hell. You can also choose suicide, faggot.
Jesus Christ, you're a faggot AND a pedophile???
>Stop choosing to be a faggot. You're going to hell. You can also choose suicide, faggot.
christard logic everyone
>french reading comprehension
But the ones calling you homophobic are also homophobic by poiting that the flamboyant and girly behaviour is a clear indicator of homosexual sexuality on males
>sucking dick
Faggot logic everyone
Maybe there's something to that, I think you need kids at older ages for stability. Idk if I would be able to put a kid through having 2 dads though, he'd get bullied so much.
It's not hard to be self-aware and realize the mannerisms of flamboyant faggots and catch-and-stop yourself from portraying them around people.
>Idk if I would be able to put a kid through having 2 dads though, he'd get bullied so much
u mean raped right? but in all seriousness that why fags in there 30's start to work out. they want to be valuable in the "worker" role in society. once the body goes a man moves into the "teacher, or leader" role. without children your just raising small dogs until the AIDS takes you
You are homophobic if you don't bake them a cake while offering them your ass,
I'm amused and impressed, and equally disgusted...
I know for a fact I'm not 'flamboyant', I don't make being gay my main thing like these fags do.
Plus it's not something you choose you thick fuck, I generally don't like it but there's nothing I can do about it I just have zero attraction to females.
You flamboyophobe...
come here lemme tickle you !
If people are obtuse don't waste time convincing.
thats a trap
Watch this. Then make your judgement
There is NO scientific basis that homosexuality is genetical, meanwhile there is plenty of evidence people can change their sexuality, including research done by Robert Spitzer, psychiatrist at Colombia University.
You have a mental disorder. Seek help.
i prefer this one. he brakes down the numbers at the end. basically 50% of gay men are child molesters
Who said it was genetical?
Even if it is a mental disorder, which I've never denied, no real research is being conducted into treatments beyond the socio-religious shit.
There's no harm to other people so real reason to treat if it it is not wanted.
yeah dude me to.