Is Sex Criminals as great as it sounds...

Is Sex Criminals as great as it sounds? Found out about it in the YouTube comments of a video of George Takei going "Oh my."

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It's OK. I really enjoyed it at the start but it's kind of dragged as it's gone on.


It's a meme book tailor made for tumblr and reddit.

Shut the fuck up.

George Takei is a Sex Criminal

What did user mean by this?

He raped a dude in the 80s or something. #metoo

>finds video after seeing sexual predator moaning
Why would you tell us that?

>Two dumbass teenagers get Za Warudo!
>It only works when they have sex.
>Sex is boring and completely safe most of the time.
>Their crimes are backdrops to CW-tier teenage melodrama.

Yeah no thanks. I'd rather read Time Stripper Reika or other time stop hentai doujins. Even a 10 page fapfest has a better plot and can make you laugh over this dumpster fire.

If I were a Metool I would be very confused by all this.

Whoa, I didn't know time stop was a thing in hentai doujins. Any other recommendations?


Western porn comics are never gonna come close to the innate weirdness of hentai. Yamatogawa, Yukimi, Yonekura Kengo. How can the West even compete?

You get that this isn't supposed to be porn, right?

What's it supposed to be?

It would be better if it was.

What is it supposed to be though?

Absolutely; there isn't another comic in the world right now that deals with sexuality so frankly, openly and honestly and makes you laugh so hard you almost die at the same time. It won an Eisner for a reason.

It's one of the best comics in the world by far.

The worst example I've ever seen of an Image comic that's all premise and no actual story.

You could maybe make a fun movie out of this idea, but that's it. After the first arc it totally disintegrates because the high-concept premise has nowhere to go.

It's not porn. At worse you see the main character sweating and the girl commenting about how the guys penis glows like ET.

No, it's pretty bad. I read the first issue and it sucked.

I don't see why they have a power like that and all they can think of is robbing a bank. You know what I'd do? I'd kick Donald Trump in the balls.

>I'd kick Donald Trump in the balls

The comic started in 2014 dingus.

And Donald Trump was an idiot back in 2014 too. Shit, maybe a good kick in the balls would have stopped him from running for president.

>And Donald Trump was an idiot back in 2014 too

He was just another punchline in 2014. They might as well have made a Charlie Sheen tiger blood joke too.

He, like the rest of Hollywood, has been accused of sexual assault and/or harassment.

What's it like living in a constant state of asshurt?


It only stays a sex heist story for one arc then it gets up it's own ass with normie shit. Fairly disappointing really.

Gay men sexually assault young men at alarming rates.

Hell, try to convince a forum of gays that groping men without their consent at a club or something is wrong and they'll start screeching about how you don't understand and are trying to ruin "gay culture".

Hit it right on the head.

Like most image books, the first arc is pretty good, but it just goes downhill from there.

He's still a joke, he's just a joke that certain idiots take too seriously and get weirdly offended about when people criticize him, as if he's their best friend or something.

Sunstone deals with sex better. So does Dave McKeans Celluloid

The main male character fucks a dude for no reason. It's out of place and makes no sense. So no it's not good.

Does having sex with the dude also stop time, or is it just when he does it with the girl?

it stops when either MC cums

so if they're fucking each other they're both active in a frozen world

Hang on, so they have to hold it in? That sounds tough.

Yeah they both have impeccable timing, there's like on incidence of them not going off at the same time and one of them is alone, not at a plot pertinent moment or anything, just them hanging at home

Does anyone look at this cover and think (at first) that it looks like she's sucking on a boob?

No, but I can see why you might have made that mistake.

Just buy Dave McKeans Celluloid instead. It's more erotic and a better story

Blue board duder.

Oh right. Christians are afraid of sex

No, I just hate dicks. As a Christian, the only sex I want to see is between a woman and a woman.

Kek. I do share your visual preference. Celluloid has her having sex with a 28 breasted woman, does that work?


They're not teenagers.
A story can be about sex without being pornographic.

And the first arc is good but it goes downhill fast past chapter 5 or 6.

a hero we deserve

>A story can be about sex without being pornographic
Very true. But too many authors avoid the pornographic nature of sex and make a mediocre story when something better is there. Nothing wrong with nudity and explicit sex and if it is important to the story it shouldn't be censored but completely explored.

Sex is an important part of life

Did Fraction ever develop the female lead into a real character and not just " I want to save my used bookstore"?

Because from reading the first trade she's not a character, she's just a goal that's so safe and bland that no one could possibly dislike her while the lead male is wracked with neurosis.

Anyone else feel like Fraction is putting way too much of himself into the main character and there’s no degree of separation?

>Did Fraction ever develop
Nope. He has always sucked

It's awful. It's another 'comics aren't for kids anymore!' book for teenage girls like Saga but worse.

Started off pretty strong but it only got worse as it went on. Dropped it around issue 10.

What is Saga?

>she's just a goal that's so safe and bland that no one could possibly dislike her
That's why the phrase "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" was able to catch on. Writers love to rely on that trope. Of course, it wasn't long before sexists started misusing it, but that's a different matter.

A great comic for the first three trades. Not so good after. Sup Forums now hates it and says it was never good, but read the first 18 issues, they are great

It’s Heidi Turner syndrome.

What does that mean?

Yuri is a shit tier fetish desu.

Shut your dirty fucking mouth, pleb.

>I really enjoyed it at the start but it's kind of dragged as it's gone on.
This. It's a neat concept and it starts off fun, but it loses steam rather quickly.