How is a country that has significantly less whites keep demolishing the rest of the world when it comes to inventions, achievements, technology, culture, art and military capability? America has less population that Europe period let alone whites? Is America just so unbelievably superior that accompishments just flock to us? Are the Mormons right and Eden was in Missouri and them knowledge tree seeds just seeped into the soil?
How is a country that has significantly less whites keep demolishing the rest of the world when it comes to inventions...
we steal all the smartest people in the world with promises of shekels and white women to ficki ficki
... who designed the rockets? The Nazis!
The european economy is one trillion bigger than yours and we have the greece handicap. America has some good things going on, but don't act like it is superior.
Also, checked.
American citizens user
Sure he WAS German but we wasn't after we got him
You realize NASA uses the metric system right?
In America you can use whatever measuring system you want
In yuropoor land metric is mandatory
Sad that America is neither of them
Poland cannot into space
Because using other system is completely retarded.
>Huur durrh Freedom, Now one feet is 15 nails and 15 nails are 7.5 fish heads.
That's how stupid other systems are.
I'll be masturbating with the newsletter celebrating Hillary's victory tomorrow.
There must be something in the Big Mac
At least we're not making stuff up
>retard post
good goy
If they were retarded people would stop using them on their own you would not need to ban them
We could too, if we wanted. It's just that nobody wants to.
>implying there's a ban on it
Wernher von Braun didn't use stinking feet.
It is because the people that settled America were middle class
90% of yurpoors are diseased peasants
No it doest
Our country primarily used imperial measurements
Our country went to the moon
Both of these statements are true
Tell that to the Mars climate orbiter.
Actually he did because he was begging to suck American cock throughout his entire life in the states while serving his superiors
>implying that moon landing was not a hoax
This post is very true, look up wernher von braun, operation paperclip...
Also, we used both metric and imperial to get to the moon. We had an advantage along with Russia, simply because the great world wars cost Europe to lose nearly everything.
What the fuck did USA invent?