Post your local mosque
Post your local mosque
ahhh lovely Reading
truly a jewel in the crown
Do people in Reading all work in London?
It seems like one of those Southern non-towns which basically allow middle-aged ex-Londoners to live with their family
Although a lot of people do work in London, there are fucking huge amounts of jobs in Reading.
Loads of multinational corporations have headquarters here.
IIRC we have the fastest growing economy outside of London
This is just fucking sad, bong. Delet this.
don't have one, I live in buttfuck wheat land
they were building something in my town and we all feared it was gonna be a mosque
turned out it was actually a buddhist temple
Wow racist islamophobic Drumpf supporting bigot
>tfw no mosque in north wales because everyone is white
feels good man
Wow, my place has dozens of them, so Idk which one to post. Posting the most famous one would be cliche, so I'll post the one that is the closest to my whereabouts.
Pic related.
I also like to gauge our success on the fact that we have an Ikea
The closest one is in germany....Im not in the mood to travel that far today
Berlin, Columbiadamm
Its an old Dutch farm
I think they want to build a new one there but they can´t get a permit
what a shitty little building
What the fuck these r fking huge i thought the muslim community was poor but there leaders rich
What a shit mosque.
>Wow, my place has dozens of them
Of course it does.
Their leaders fund the construction of mosques from Saudi Arabia
Not in my actual town but still too close
unironically my local mosque, according to google
they're all shit
But, saudi is the most hated place by all muslims
This is contradictory
I'd say this one is comfy and niceBased Tatars.
We have one.
We used to have ~300 of them, but we removed all but this one.
There's also one halal shop in the whole city, located just across the street.
we only have like one in my whole state and it's not it's own building
"We won't remove the Shield of David" they said
I don't have one. 96% white /comfytownUSA/
that's a good thing
"Stone em to death"
Well, that particular one was paid for by Saudi and other arabian princes.
The city hall is destroying a couple other building's next to my girlfriend's house in order to build a new bigger one though. Should I be scared?
Reminds me of this
They made the dome hidden from the road. I have tried to find where the damn place is but they do not have a sign indicating it is there and you can not see the damn dome from the road (they made it that way)
Why is your red light orange?
Northeast ohio here, never driven past a mosque, dont even know where one would be. I would assume Cleveland probably has something that would qualify. But in my 31 years Ive only ever lived by 1 and thats when I was living in california for a little bit. Now that i think about it I dunno if it was a mosque or some spanish or asian church.
It could be worse tbvqh. Raleigh btw.
Closest thing i have here. I think there's only one mosque in the whole country, the one in Lisbon.
Actually heres my two cent to actually "profit" from it;
after doing their religious stuff they give out free food to everyone there, so like try to show up 5 minutes before it ends, eat as much as u want, leave, repeat
soon, kuffar
Pretty cool architecture. Looks like how people imagined the future back in 1950
Think they have enough stones on "stone mountain"?
The garage port says mosque
guess where
It's just weird lighting
This mosque is housed in a former hot dog stand in Chicago.
>implying I'd want to eat shitty kebab food
>19.6% of Skien´s population are either first or second generation immigrants.
>The number is expected to rise to around 37% by 2030. African Norwegians make up the single largest ethnic minority.
>In 2013, 40% of Skien's primary school pupils were registered as having another first language than Norwegian.
Holy fuck
local what?
Too protected to be burned or bombed sadly
This is the BEST we can offer. Sorry guise.
I don't have shit like this in my city lad.
>tfw never seen a mosque in my life
>half the flags in here are UK
Hmm, really makes you think.
They stuck this shit that looks like it belongs in Saudi Arabia right downtown in a very visible area. Really makes you ponder.
>tfw the closest mosk is in the next state over
it's one big one, 600 feet tall. but there's an old quarry there
arab food is delicious lol
Here's the closest to where I live. There aren't many mosque in Paris. Tons of tiny prayer halls though.
I'm actually okay with this one. It was built between the world wars as thanks for Muslim colonial troops and you can drink tea and eat North African pastries in a nice garden there.
Guess wh...
Never mind, Can't be arsed to change the file name.
I will bet you that you have a Mosque in your town.
but you are just too frightened to admit it.
Where do you live user?
yeah, I hate this shitty city
I'm going into the military soon, and I'm sure as fuck gonna move from here once I get a steady job
I will add, its one of the ones that was hit with a dollop of arson though.
Which states? I just googled and NC has 33. JUST
That would be easy to set alight..just saying
sorry meant for
> There aren't many mosque in Paris
>mfw living in cozy rural town where everyone is white desu
Dont have one
Damn that looks nice actually. And its just big enough enough to stone the average American women with.
>I'm actually okay with this one.
Moscow Memorial mosque. It build in honor of muslims servicemen who died in WWII.
most one in canada r just places they rent for a day or two
Your state is full of shitskins though.
Doesn't mean where I live is
says the next Africa country