If trump loses, you must fucking start a civil war, we cant have an imperialist , saudi governed whore at the head of the united states of america.
A message from an italian interested about the well being of the world
without a doubt
Don't get your hopes too high
i lived through two terms of bush 43, i can probably live through trump without shooting my neighbors.
I know. But I live here. If Hillary wins that's the end of that. Americans are too content to start war, we haven't seen war on our soil since, I think the Mexican American war.
WWII if you count Pearl Harbor.
goddamit lock the witch up already
Go back to >>>/l7UI/
Let's hope that the majority of Americans have taken everything that's been revealed about the Democrats seriously.
The people who will benefit the most from a Hillary Clinton presidency are people who will just mercilessly assfuck the whole planet.
if hillary wins i'm moving to mexicooo (echoes) oooooooooooo
Hey Italy, in the case of WW3, could you do us a favor and start on the Russian side? We would probably like to have your help come the end of the war.
it's cool once we elect Trump you guys will have all the political ammo you need to deport muzzies
common sense, you must be from northern italy
We have the right. It will be done.
You handle the guns, we handle the spaghetti
Al dente, senpai
ITT YFW it starts happening
Vote NO on December 4
So Renzi sailor nigger captain come back to home this fckn race traitor
Or the American israeli war?
You know... SS Liberty.
And defy the Dragon Queen?
No fucking thanks. It's now or never. Trump or submission. I can't have gibs zombies hunting me down to steal my plasma.
Aren't you that poo in loo fag from the other thread? The way you punctuate gave you out. Please die in a poo avalanche.
This, please. Do it for your ancestors.
At least one time, I want to be proud of the european refugees who managed to create a superpower
We need racewar anyways regardless of the situation. Whites who like non-whites will hang first.
Always do the opposite of what an Italian tells you to do.
Fuck that,
If a war actually happens, you better believe I will be with the Russians
>Vote NO
>Renzi goes home
I wish it was this simple ... he'll never give up.
Ruining Italy.
if Trump wins we have an isolationist, Putin governed cuck at the head of the united states of america.
Whoever wins America loses
I mean, Europeans might enjoy not having American influence over therm, but it's going to be shit for Americans as our standard of living crashes and burns.
>we cant have an imperialist , saudi governed whore at the head of the united states of America
So for our ancestors, you ask that we replace an imperialist?
Also what is the threat in Saudi Arabia?
0,5 deposited
Don't let us down
did you get the part about considering Hillary winning to be a lose for us too?
Not liking trump != liking clinton
Tell you what, if parliament overturns brexit, you revolt.
It's not so fcking easy when it's a first world country. Revolution can happen in shithole country because those people hate their lives and have nothing to lose.
She's far worse than just that.
The US government is currently a criminal organization. They are child traffickers, drug dealers, corrupt bribe takers, and of course child rapists and murderers.
Sorry, ya doowop dego, but this is how it'll play out.
The day after
>Fuck, I can't believe we lost! Fuck this gay country! I AM ANGRY WITH RAGE!
A week later
>Man, did you see Kaepernick's performance last night? THAT GUY'S A BEAST, DUDE!
You are not alone. Clinton isn't going to win, and if she steals it, she will never get to start her war with the Russians.
Do you mean that, or do you mean that you're going to switch sides like you always do?
>Putin governed cuck
Yes, yes, it's those evil Russians again...
Shill harder.
For what purpose did someone photoshop hair, a beard, and whatever that circle is into that picture?
Thats why you are a faggot
I am just one man if Hillary takes over we're totally screwed too, our government follows the US like a little lost puppy.
WW3 is coming boys I fucking hope those liberals are satisfied with themselves because : OMG WE ELECTUD VIGINA!
This has been a retarded election year.
let's put things into perspective:
>Amerifriends manage to royally fuck everything over around the globe by enabling Hilloly
>Bitch of course goes to war
>Expect people me and other people to fight for her side
meant to reply to
>he thinks Russia isn't trying to replace the US as most influential and powerful country in the world
Uk doesnt have guns that they are so proud about
That's a funny way of spelling jew
Without a doubt, will not loose.
I would help you guys as long as you give me gun when I get there
Russia aint shit compared to China
Don't worry user. Emotions haven't run higher in living history.
Yes. Please start civil war. It will fun to watch. All those veterans with recent experience should make for a really good match but the gov may have the edge wrt. equipment. Still it'll be great with all the live feeds and shit. Go for it!
China cares less about Global influence than Russia. China is exploiting Africa yes, but they aren't making permanent satellite states/spheres of influence. China is more concerned about securing what they already have. If it comes to it, China will just let Russia have what it wants.
>What is the Civil War?
Only way hillary can loose is if the russian hackers steal the election for trump.
I want to move to Italy and help purge the country of non-whites.
>implying life was as cushy in 1860s America
>implying the rebels weren't told to revolt by a bunch of rich slave owners
I'll tell you this. If they try to confiscate our guns, there will be revolution. Otherwise it would take something more than a corrupt politician being elected.
>imperialist , saudi governed whore at the head of the united states of america.
Don't forget she's also a high priestess in the church of satan.
>I want to move to Italy and help purge the country of non-whites.
Odds are you have a negro or two in your recent family line.
>Otherwise it would take something more than a corrupt politician being elected
nothing is gonna happen revolution wise
Even if that crock of shit was true I think the majority of the world would prefer what Putin has in mind compared to Saudi Arabia or the Israel.
America wants Hegemony. Russia wants Empire. Think about that.
What does that have to do with anything?
Progressives actually believe they will survive an apocalypse
At least if Hilary is elected we'll have happenings foreign and domestic.
Everything. Why do you think Russia's been testing us so much over the last few years? He perceives Obama as weak so he can push him around. Trump won't even stand up to him and will just roll over to him in the name of "cooperating with Russia".
Russia's ready to start expanding. Ukraine is just the first step (well actually South Ossentia was but everyone would just consider that a "where? Russia never invaded Atlanta!"), but the prodigy of Andropov wants that Soviet clay back. Starting with the Baltics.