>order pizza
>be on Sup Forums
>drink beer
>pray to lord kek
How are you spending Election Day?
>order pizza
>be on Sup Forums
>drink beer
>pray to lord kek
How are you spending Election Day?
Other urls found in this thread:
got a couple pre-rolls from the dispensary will be blazin it up while praying to kek that trump destroys the bitch.
> finish cass
> head to the beer store
> go to a qt trap's house
> drink and get my dick wet
Drinking. Shit posting. Getting an ulcer.
laughing all the way
Christmas came early
Listening to this on repeat:
Working at my job then getting absolutely shitfaced
after everything...come on...(kids)
>go to work
>go home
>spend time with my children
>put them to bed
>listen to my fat disgusting wife complain about her day and everyone who made her mad until she goes to sleep
>go jerk off in my office
>go to sleep
Rinse and repeat.
with you user!
>How are you spending Election Day?
Voting and working, like a real American.
Going to a party, probably set up a betting pool and get drunk.
You know what, I don't give a shit. If you're both consenting adults then do whatever you want.
Working, unfortunately. Tried to get the day off but no luck.
>Wake up
>go to class
>get chickfila
>cry into my pillow as Trump loses
It'll be horrible
Watching NH, PA, NC and FL like hawk.
Staying sober so I don't smash anything.
Not eating so I don't puke.
>Go to a friends place with 7-8 other people
>Eat pizza, drink beer etc.
>Celebrate Trump's victory
>(possible) Get my dick wet
Since i never manage to wrap my head around the whole timezone-shit:
Is it T minus 24 hours before voting begins. Ends?
Also how long does it take to count the votes and going public with the final results?
Valget varer til langt på natt, er bare de som får fritak fra skole/spesielt interesserte/fri fra jobben som kommer til å se på herfra
First results are 8pm EST Tuesday
This is 1 AM GMT Wed for those watching around the world. Adjust for your locale.
>you're waiting for elections
>this girl sits next to you
>"hey user! did you vote yet? please tell me you didn't vote for Trump, don't make me lose hope in men... you look like an interesting, thoughtful person, you wouldn't vote for a bigot, would you?"
wat do
I don't really feel like eating pizza on Election Day after what I've been seeing on Sup Forums the past few days, yknow?
Doesn't seem right.
I have Econ at 6pm central tomorrow and it doesn't let out until 9. So probably taking notes for the first bit.
Spit some fat rhymes
>Say nothing and give her a cheeky wink.
Even for a nation with a significant colonial past like mine I never ever fucking saw a nigress like the one of your pic. They just dont exist lol.
Nervous as fuck.
I'll be in the Capitol stocking printers and making coffee runs most likely.. it won't be comfy
Spending it with my girlfriend and father in front of the TV. Usually, they don't watch US elections, but this one is different. I'll also have a whiteboard to make them analysis! Popcorn all night long with green tea!
Getting high and shitposting on Sup Forums
Should be fun
I requested tomorrow off from work about 2 months ago just for this occasion. I'm going to be drinking and fapping to traps
Results will roll in between 1 and 5 AM. Got an exam at 1 PM but will probably set an alarm at 1:30 and 5 to check in. Probably won't sleep much as a result of the hype/depression
Will get shitfaced in the evening with some buddies tho. Also
>Born in the US and lived there for 3 months but still voted in my constituency (South Florida)
when do we get to know who won? tomorrow night?
>Make homemade pizza
>Drink beer
Bowl, taco bell, vote for trump, go to class, get drunk, witness trump win
Legally changing my name to Tyrone Jackson so I can get all dem Hillary benefits.
God I wish it would rain here tomorrow.
>go vote
>spend all day on Sup Forums
>be nervous all day
>get my dick wet
You got a bj?
You ordered "pizza"???
You sick mother fucker.
10\10 would impregnate and make single mother to be supported by Hillary's government. Tyrone Jackson would agree.
my trips are a sign from kek to not be nervous. trump wil lwin
Ready to laugh at Sup Forums.
>Wake up
>Don't have to go to school
>Get a haircut
>Do homework
>Play video games rest of the day
>Make a pizza
>Watch the red sweep through the map
>See Cuck Blitzer cry and Anderson Cunter bang his head on the table
>We can n-now predict t-that D-Donald J T-Trump will be the n-next president of the U-United States.
"I have a girlfriend."
I'll pray for you, anonob
Thanks for doing your part user. Every vote counts to drown out the liberal shithole know as Miami.
>get my dick wet
Not everything you put into your mouth belongs to you. It's still attached to her.
>go to class
>cram a bit
>get my suit and MAGA cap
>get wasted watching the elections in a lokal bar with right wingers
>laugh at lefty scum two bars over
>teach lab
>go vote
>go back to work
>write my novel at work
>go home
>win competitive matches as junkrat while having Sup Forums refresh every minute
I hope you're doing all this after voting
>finishing my weekdays on Wednesday
>free to browse the internet for the rest of the week
>absorb everything, the tears, the rage, the joy
>memories, memes
It's going to be a good week.
>is it election day in USA now?
>pizza in oven
>be on Sup Forums
>drink beer
Somehow trying to stay awake. 11pm est will be 5am in germany
lol praising kek
old enough to drink beer
pick one.
>order pizza
reported to interpol
Go to sleep early, find out the results, then go to the gym before you get to your forklift job.
8ball of cocaine and a 6 pack.
So it is written...
So shall it be done...
Fuck drumpf and fuck your digits
Good taste my man ;^)
You forgot the part where you go vote.
Packing my bug out van.
Trump will lose.
Hill will have her revenge.
shitposting on Sup Forums
same as usual
>Last song is "You Can't Always Get What You Want"
Drinking root beer and buying a bunch of BBQ from an obese black family with great hospitality. Really can't wait.
>get off work
>buy Jameson
>play civ 6 and watch epicness
this picture really made my penis think
if kek wills it, so it shall be done
[spoiler]but i want to read all the shitposts ;_;![/spoiler]
Going to watch Anthony Weiner documentary and watch the Alex Jones livestream with dad, going to have a lot of beer.
Havin' a wank and a rabbit pie
getting trashed from vodka
Laughing as 2012 repeats itself.
Why would you waste such a get? This is literally a proof that kek is a hoax. Fuck you and fuck your frog.
going to an election party of course, because I'm not a fucking loser.
>order pizza
>get v&
good lord, you are pure evil
K3K, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
K3K I ask you to channel your power through our emperor.
Cry. We have accomplished so much in such a small period of time.
>What did we do to deserve Him?
Not that I would even touch that jigaboo, but what is lying (you know, that thing Hillary is so good at and serves as a role model) for $600 Alex?
>praise kek that my 9:30am is cancelled cuz the prof wants people to go vote
>giggle to myself because I already sent in my absentee ballot
>go to other classes like normal
>do coursework
>go to club
>come home and shitpost with Sup Forums for a bit
>maybe drink a bit if things are going well
>go to sleep and hope Trump wins
pretty standard
Kek confirmed for /fit/
>wake up
>day off anyway so no work
>come home
>put ribs on smoker
>clean guns, shitpost, vidya
>wait for Trump victory
>eat ribs to celebrate
>Going to cook a nice homecook meal with the family. Might do something old school. Beans and Cornbread.
>Ive got a half oz of some fire fucking weed and Im going to be smoking like this molfuckah
>get on pol
>shit post
>praise kek
>have lulz
desu it's going to be a pretty good day.
>Get up early.
>Go to American Legion.
>Eat food with vets, grumble about election.
>Go home and go to sleep around 3pm
>Wake up at 11pm. See what developments there are.
>Head into work.
>Monitor the news all night since I work at a data center and we are now in a 2 month moratorium.
>Praise kek and hold onto my butt.
Tomorrow night is a work night, so I'm gonna essentially miss most of the drama.
Witnessed with both of my eyeballs.
Mind your own business
Working at a pizza delivery place. Gonna have the TV on all night, cause were open till 3am and there's almost no one in there after normie dinner time.
>now you have to eat all the eggs
Better get your trowel polished
Working. But the first results start coming out at 2-3am here, and I can sleep until the afternoon from 8 to 9, so I'm comfy.