You are at the club and this billionaire grabs your gf by the pussy

>you are at the club and this billionaire grabs your gf by the pussy

What do you do?

Vote in Gary Johnson


Thank you for gracing my gfs pussy President Trump

Prep the Trumpü

Let him

I'd grab my woman's hand and shove it in his face and explain that the engagement ring on her finger means I own her

slap my girlfriend for getting her pussy in the way of donald trumps hand.
also i didn't know trump likes fat girls.


Realistically? Laugh my ass off while the GF freaks out and shake his hand. Then grab Melania by the pussy if she's there.

High five and grab her by the pussy too.


Ask for a small loan of a million dollars and grab Melania's pussy

>Then grab Melania by the pussy if she's there.
but you don't have that privilege, trump would probably pull out his CCW pistol and shoot you dead.

take a picture and post on Sup Forums, becoming the cuck that every pol-tard envies

ITT literal cucks

Hey man, I'm just thankful I have a gf in this scenario

tell her to never wash her pussy again

I'd punch him.

nothing, I already drugged him and stole his car

the grab was just to keep him distracted

>not doing this already

>your gf


Id forbid her to ever wash that pussy again. Thats a blessed pussy.

Hope wife doesn't find out bout GF.


I would make a post on Twitter calling him a sexist pig.

Then I will call my mom and ask if she made any more tendies.

>implying I'd go to a club
>implying I have a gf

I'd wait 25 years to accuse him of harrassment on CNN.

I don't even care. I'd be full of angry adrenaline.

Say, " اللعنة من هنا قطعة من" and leave

"Fuck from here, piece of."
Leafs shitposting even in arabic now?

You at the club, and this guy at yo home
trying to steal yo kids, what do?