what side will the sjws pick now?
pick one
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He's right though
He is 100% right.
islam is the religion of peace so it can only say things that back up the left's agenda
>(Something from Islam is sexist)
Hah! Nice try, alt-right, but you can't trick me. THIS sexist thing that you point at is NOT ISLAM! Just like ISIS isn't Islam.
That's how they would answer you
t. achmed muhammed goat allah
That's at least approaching a sin in traditional Catholicism, technically the sin of scandal because you put the husband in danger of committing some form of mortal sin by refusing him his right to access to the goods of marriage. Both the wife and the husband have a debt to each other as far as access to the marital act is concerned.
You should be able to beat your wife if she doesn't fellat you on command.
You don't realize they teach double think I'm Canada's schools as soon as our children are old enough to read. You think common core is bad if you knew what goes on in Canada's schools currently it would disgust you
It's starting to get hilariously entertaining now, get comfy lads it's gonna be a wild ride
But if a white man asks to have sex with his wife, we like to call it rape.
alpha a f
Some canadian girl I know had a breakdown when she came over here to study.
>Canadian council of muslim women says comments are 'appalling' and 'really set us back'
No, it clearly says in your holy book that women are subject to men in all things. Can these sluts not read? Probably not actually..
Source for the skeptical liberals: en.cijnews.com
Random quote from the article:
>“Aisha, she was young [9-year-old girl]. So she didn’t really understand what marriage, what it took for a woman to be in a marriage. She didn’t really understand the maturity or the responsibility of being in a marriage.
>“So why is that important? Because what this should indicate that one party, so in this case it’s the husband [Mohammad]. The husband got to be somebody that’s very tolerant and he’s got to have wisdom.
Muslims are wonderful, aren't they? so tolerant.
Those fucktards are in denial about islam and will be until their faggotry loving asses end up with their heads on a pike for blasphemy.
My sister in her final years at school here recently, she was mentioning how they have "stress therapy dogs" now on universities to "help students cope" when it's finals time now...
The educational system is turning out barely functional, useful taxpayers, sheltered, feeble, & close minded.
Although i hate shitslam this guy is right, women should shut up and listen to their husbands and produce more babies.
Islam. Always Islam. Remember: you can always blame child marriage, rape, violence in marriage on the racism of white men and the host nation.
We know this to be true. #notyourwomen
This frog has got it right
obviously muslims are fucked up, however...why get married and suddenly turn into an oasis?
thats false advertising isnt it?
really made me think
>she was mentioning how they have "stress therapy dogs" now on universities to "help students cope" when it's finals time now
Then I saw this recent tweet from Justin Turdeau and realized how fucked this country is lel
Good point
you must be seriously embarrassed
>why get married and suddenly turn into an oasis?
What a quaint way of putting it lel
Who cares if it's logically inconsistent?
Color of your skin overrides any moral or philosophical beliefs.
Liberals are racists
Words fail to describe the sensation
Pic related, I made a collage too...
Just too bad that the proper Kek headdress is a Muslim's beard.
legalize rape
I don't care if it's a sin, but why should I get married if I can't have sex when I want to?
>implying sjw's wont use their version of logic to overcome this
ie. this isn't true islam, islam is tolerant and a religion of peace
>SJW cucks think they are doing good by supporting muslims
>Muslims start speaking out against cuckery, calling it degenerate
I guess you reap what you sow. If you support people who oppose what you are, this is inevitably what you get in the end.
> Currently taking Engineering at UBC
Don't insult the stress puppers. They're awesome.
holy shit.. did those women survive the sand nigger violence?
well i mean there was no rape in mariage until the 90s so maybe society is just self correcting.
Did they dies?
link to full vid pls
Maybe we can get a nice international suicide pact going if Trump loses
Converting to Islam is beginning to look more appealing every day!
Praise allah brother
If the Muzzies weren't so opposed to reason, and weren't brown, I would agree with you.
Holy fuck, I unironically understand why middle eastern guys go join ISIS. Wtf have you done to me Sup Forums?
Nah thats the bitch move reserved for the liberals when Trump wins
He's right you cucked poo.
I'm not a Muslim but I agree with him.
Exactly. You are blocking yourself from having sex with other women. Your wife has a monopoly on your cock. She denies you in order to manipulate you.
The way I feel about it, is that you should marry someone you want to have sex with. If you don't want to have sex with them, then don't waste their time and torture them by marrying them.
It's actually an anti muslim conspiracy since they hate dogs.
He's just pretending to be tolerant.
The only reason therapy dogs work is that these idiots never have to raise and train them
I love my pupper but he's 3 months old and he's a fucking asshole unless he's tired.
what he says is true though. a wife can not absolutely deny sex to her husband.