Which are you gonna vote on tomorrow?

Which are you gonna vote on tomorrow?

Neither, I'm not a citizen.
If I could I'd vote trump though.

Already voted

for hillary.

Hope you get cancer and fucking die.

Typical angsty Trump supporter.

If you vote for Hillary you should be shot

Already voted for Trump

Pic related

Typical racist globalist shill.

Voting Hillary just because of your comment. Why would anyone support of candidate who's voters have this much hate in their heart?

I already voted for Trump/Pence and Gary Swing.

Everyone is a little racist, even Trump. And what's wrong with globalism?

I might hate you for voting Hillary, but you'll burn in hell for supporting one who works for the saudis who starved an entire nation to death. Enjoy hellfire.


Voted for trump. Also voted for legalizing weed for recreation. Voted against pornstars wearing condoms though because who wants to see condoms in their porn?

isn't he gonna deport your rapist illegal Mexican ass tho?

I'm a permanent resident from an eastern european shithole near your eastern european shithole.

Too bad I'll be a citizen soon unlike you who gets to stay in your eastern european shithole.

The overlord of totobunny

I just wanted a thread full of happy boobs ;_;

Don't you mean I get to go anywhere in Europe since they have open borders and often they give me free money just to fuck out of their country but I can come back later anyway?

Too bad you'll be forever a fucking Romanian gyppo no matter where you go.

>a fucking gyppo

Hell doesn't exist, and our next president is female. Sorry, hun. Cishet white males are taking a step back for the next century. At least you still have Sup Forums, your hugbox where you can bawww your tears all over everyone.

Doesn't stop the spics from voting tho.
Tell them getting your ID is racist, illegal and that they are bigots for willing to see your documents. Try buying a fursuit and bark all the way, screaming that you identify as a dogkin. Don't forget to go all out - you need your asshole to be exposed since other dogkins may want to greet you by sniffing your butt. You get extra points if you are fat - this way when you approach anybody on your fours they will immideately check their privilege compared to yours and btfo. I don't think you will need to use dog feromones, however you may want to walk in the morning when all dogkeepers walk their pets. See places where male dogs mark their territory and roll around in that spot, if that was a lamp post - wipe the mark with your suit. Don't worry, it won't smell that bad once you get inside and mix it with your own sweat. Yes, you need to be naked inside - this way you can prove to anybody that your fursuit is in fact your dog hide.
That should convince the poll station that you are a liberal faggot here to bring your vote for Killary. That's when you can cheat them and give +1 for Trump!
If you get caught in the act - say that you are deplorable, urinate on the person who caught you and run away barking. They won't be able to sort out your vote once you cast it.

You can go back to tumblr to troll now.


>these are good things
You have never studied economics, otherwise you'd know that your fellow citizens are picking up the tab for this "free" shit and that it's clearly unsustainable, especially given the recent migrant crisis.

I voted for Evan McMullin


keep whining while I enjoy all these greens son

Would have voted Hillary if I lived in a swing state though

What game is this?

So "neither, I like dicks".

Yeah I actually care about what happens with this country, Clinton really was the only choice.

It is definitely gonna be fun to watch everyone melt down tomorrow.

You sound like a lover of democracy